East New Market

Notable People and Families

Poetry by Dr. Anthony L. Manning

The East New Market History Team is searching for a copy of a poetry book mentioned in the Last Will and Testament of Dr. Anthony L. Manning.

Excerpt from the Will of Dr. A.L. Manning - 25 January 1878

Secondly, after my debts and funeral expenses are paid I desire that my poems and my prose life shall be published together, and suitably illustrated in book form, one copy to be made a present to each of the following libraries: the Peabody, the Mercantile, the Maryland Institute, and the Maryland University school of Medicine libraries; all of Baltimore City, Maryland, and the Smithsonian Institute library of Washington, D.C. and the remaining copies to be sold as deemed best, and the proceeds of any there from the five thousand copies, to go to my sister Miss Eugenia S. Thomas;

I hereby constitute and appoint my dearly beloved sister Mrs. Eugenia S. Thomas my sole executress of this my last will and testament, and entrust the revising and corrections of my poems to my brother in law Dr. James H. Thomas who is my sister's husband, and my respected old school mate, before they go to the press for publication.

Many of the institutions mentioned in his will are now part of other institutions (John Hopkins University, the Maryland Historical Society, the University of Maryland, etc.).  I was unsuccessful in finding the poetry book listed in the online catalogues from these institutions.  The poetry book may be in a rare book collection or rare document collection and not catalogued.  Many of these online catalogues specifically state that the entire collection is not online.  The most promising location where we may find a copy of the poetry book may be the "Peabody" which is now part of John Hopkins University.  The link is below.


If indeed 5,000 copies were printed, I would hope the East New Market History Team could find one.

Below is poetry written by Dr. A.L. Manning found from other sources.

A Tribute on the Memory of John F.H. Vincent

Fannie Vincent's Death
On the Death of a Friend, Mrs. Elizabeth Edmondson

On the Death of My much loved half Sister Mrs. Emily Levinia Vincent

Chambersburg by Moonlight

Thoust Has Been My Ruin (behind a photo of wife Sarah Mackey Manning)

Self Written Epitaph from his Last Will & Testament

Thoughts Suggested by the Death of Hon. Jerome Napoleon Bonaparte of Baltimore