East New Market


1870 Map based on the Census

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In August 1870 Francis Higgins enumerated East New Market for the 1870 Census.  The edited map shows East New Market structures and owners along with the dwelling number from the 1870 Census.  An analysis is provided below the map.

1870 Census East New Market

The Census Taker appears to have initially entered town from the southeast.  One this map there are two unlabelled structures on the road at the bottom left.  Looking at the 1877 map of the East New Market District there are approximately 9 structures that do not appear on the above map between the town and where Rt. 16 meets Rt. 392.  A green mobile home is at the site where the house labeled on the larger 1877 map as S.E. Collins once stood.  The house labeled as Jas. Deane still stands in front of a mobile home park. 

James Dean is dwelling #330 from the 1870 Census.  Arthur Saxton, dwelling #328 on the 1870 Census, had homes behind and across from the East New Market Cemetery and one near the top of Hicksburg Road.  Arthur Moore had a house across from Hicksburg Road on Rt. 16 and a house near the top of Hicksburg Road.  Samuel Green was a noted local resident.  Many have tried to find where he lived.  Based on the 1870 Census data and the 1877 maps, Samuel Green appears to have lived near the intersection of Hicksburg Road and Rt. 16 maybe in one of the homes owned by J. Arthur Saxton or Arthur Moore.

Harrison Johnson #331, James Camper #332, Richard Camper #333, and James Frazier #335, likely lived off of Rt. 16 between Heritage Road and the town. 

From the listing of East New Market the Census Taker made in 1870, you can see he made more than one pass through town and enumerated some people as he met them on the street or at another residence.  Because of this some of occupants of the non-owner occupied dwellings is a challenge to determine.  It appears the last dwelling he enumerated on August 4 was likely #342, #343, or #344.  He started on August with either #343, #344, or #345.

I haven't been able to definitively place the following 1870 Census families, #344 S. Traverse, #346 W. Saxton, #347 J. Rawlings, #352 J. Wilson, #354 C. Seymour, #355 H. Frazier (b),  #359 G. Jones, #362 M. Reid, #363 J. Johnson (b), and #364 F. Lee (b).