Special Agent, I.N. Mills, ex-Superintendent of the P.W.&B. R.R., on Tuesday completed his take of compiling the annual peach estimate, making a report of the probable number of baskets that will be shipped over the Delaware Division and the branch lines this season. These figures are obtained by having the agent at each station visit the orchards in his vicinity and to ascertain from the grower the number of trees he owns. In the estimate the trees that bear are not given, nor is the list tabulated station by station, as many farmers take their peaches to other stations than their own, when buyers are offering better prices. Mr. Mills says the yellows, that dread disease which has played havoc with the peach orchards of some sections in upper Delaware, is dying out, and thousands of young trees are being planted. The June drop this year was very light. It is the special agent's opinion that many peaches will be packed by canners this year, as the market is nearly cleared of these goods, while there is a good demand for them. Mr. Mills has been making the annual estimate for the railroad authorities for many years and generally is very accurate... His estimate is as follows:... Cambridge & Seaford Railway, from Cambridge to Seaford -- peaches, 126,900; pears 1,582; principal shipping point, East New Market.