After leaving Denton Friday afternoon of last week the Democratic State candidates went to East New Market, in Dorchester, commonly thought to be the "enemy's country." But five hundred people gathered there to greet them.
Said Senator Gorman: "I promise to stand beside Senator Lee and see that the people are satisfied with our efforts. In regard to the alleged frauds in Baltimore, I say that Foreman Dobson, of the grand jury, has made it plain that he proposes to put all the blame on our party for this wrong doing. He thus showed his hand, and I say that we cannot afford to put too much faith in his words. He has thrown aside his sworn duty and decided to take the interests of the Republic party into the sacred precincts of the grand jury room. "I hope you will pass the suffrage amendment which will forever eliminate the black vote from our suffrage. It is essential that we do this in order to maintain the honor of our State....
(continues - also statements from Mr. Poe and Mr. Harrington)