The laying of the corner store for the new Baptist Church of East New Market, which took place Sunday afternoon, Dec. 16th at 2:30 was a service that will long be remembered by those attending. The day was an ideal one for the season of the year, and Realty Hall was filled, extra chairs were brought in to accommodate the crowd. Brief addresses were made by Mr. J.B. Wright, Town Commissioner, and Mr. J.A. Baker, County Commissioner who both expressed themselves as feeling that the church is to be a moral and financial asset, and an asset for the general good, with a mission to lead people on to the Church Triumphant. Rev. James MacLeod, pastor of the Baptist Church of Cambridge, made the invocation and read the scripture lesson. Rev. G.R. Brooks, pastor of the new church, led in payer and there was congregational singing. A history of the Baptist Church in East New Market was read by Mr. F.E. Loomis, one of the original members. The principal address was by Dr. W.H. Baylor, of Baltimore, who spoke on "What the Baptist Church Stands For, and the Meaning of the Corner Stone." The children of Israel took a stone out of the River Jordan, and placed it in the Promised Land as a Memorial Stone; the corner-store stands for the standards of teachings of the Baptist Church, which Dr. Baylor named as: 1st Adherence to the Bible; 2nd Christ alone as the Savior; 3rd Regenerative Church Membership; 4th Individual and Voluntary approach to Christ; 5th Insistence on Spiritual ordinances; 6th Religious Liberty; 7th Ruling by the People; 8th Entire Separation of Church and State. The large congregation marched en'masse from the hall to the spot where the foundation had been laid for the new building, and the corner stone was placed in position. Many important paper were placed in the cornerstone, a copy of the county paper, a picture of the former church, a photograph of the Pastor, several paid checks, postage stamps of the style used today, and other interesting articles. The first mortar was put down to cement the corner stone in place of Mr. S.L. Webster, who is said to be the oldest Baptist in the State. It was a very impressive ceremony, and the people had come from different parts of the county to witness it. Among these from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Post, Mr. George W. Millard, and Mr. Murphy of Vienna, Mrs. B.G. Parker and Miss Marion Parker, of Mardella, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Willis, Mr. Robert Marshall, and Mrs. MaGee and others from Cambridge and many from Hurlock and other places.