Miss Agnes Smith is spending a week at home with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. S. J. T. Smith, to recuperate after having been ill at the State
Normal School.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Webster have returned after spending a month in
Jacksonville, Miami and St. Augustine, Florida.
Mr. J. E. Boston, our rural mailman is back on his job after having been
ill for several weeks. Mr. Wilbur Clifton the assistant came near having
an accident one day last week; during the very cold days he had the
curtains on his car, and he and the train reached the place where the
railroad crosses the Linkwood road just below the Methodist church, at
the same time. Mr. Clifton had the presence of mind to turn
quickly into the ditch and as the ditch was not deep all is well.
Miss Mary Gootee, of the State Normal School spent the week-end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Gootee.
Mrs. W. T. Merrick who has been sick at her home near town is improving.
Mr. Ralph Crowe, of Baltimore, spent the week-end with his parents Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Crowe.
Miss Messick, of the High School Faculty who has been confined to the
house with a cold, has resumed her duties.
Mr. and Mrs. Hampton Hicks, gave a birthday dinner for their grandson,
Paul LeCompte Willis, Jr., on his second birthday. The guests were
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Layton, little Miss Emma-Jane and Master Billy Reid
Layton, of Vienna. A birthday cake with two candles decorated the
dinner table.
Mr. Clarence Saxton, who has been quite sick, is again to be seen on our
Miss Blanche Lane, of Linkwood, is visiting her sister Mrs. Laura
Mrs. Margaret Maurice, of New York City, was called to town this week by
the illness of her father, Mr. Walter Sherman.
Mrs. W. H. Andrews and Mrs. Hampton Hicks are numbered on the sick list.
Mr. Chas. C. Chestnut, of Philadelphia was recently a visitor with Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Saxton.
''Promoting Romeo" the play so successfully given in Preston Last
Friday, will be repeated here in Realty Hall, by request; the date;
Wednesday, February 28th. If you have not seen this splendid
little play, be sure to remember the date. It is fine. Come
prepared to laugh, for you surely will.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Willis have returned from Philadelphia, where they
went to attend a Hardware Convention.
Mrs. Marion Palmer, who has been ill is able to be out, but her mother,
Mrs. J. B. Wright is still confined to the house.
Miss Elsie Boston, the pleasing saleslady in Mr. Oliver's store, is
confined to her home with an attack of influenza. Miss Katherine
Clifton, is very ably fullfilling her place.
Mrs. Wilson B. Swaine was called to Millsville, N. J., this week by the
death of her brother-in-law, Mr. William Tyson.
The very Rev. Francis J. Bohanan, Dean of Trinity Cathedral, of
Easton will give services in St. Stephens Protestant Episcopal Church
each Friday night during lent, at 8 p.m.
The following report has been received from the Sunday School Institute
held in Cambridge January 26. Out of fifty-nine schools in the
county, ten were represented at this meeting. Where were the other
forty-nine? The schools represented were
Grace Methodist Episcopal Church, South.- Ten registered delegates.
Vienna Methodist Protestant - 5 registered delegates.
St. Thomas - 4 registered delegates.
St. Paul's Methodist Protestant - 2 registered delegates.
Cambridge Baptist - 2 registered delegates.
Vienna Methodist Episcopal - 2 registered delegates.
Chateau and Madison (Pastor) - 1 registered delegate.
East New Market Baptist (Pastor ) - 1 registered delegate
Ebenezer - 1 registered delegate.
Beckwith - 1 registered delegate, j
A total of 29 registered delegates, which represented five districts.