Rev. and Mrs. Tilghman Smith, of St. Michaels, spent several days in town this week spending time with friends.
Miss Mildred Nichols, of Washington College, Chestertown, spent the Easter vacation with her parents, Dr. & Mrs. H.F. Nichols.
Miss Helen Clifton, student at the State Normal School, Towson, was a visitor for the Easter holiday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.B. Clifton.
Miss Grace Culver of Salisbury, spent Sunday with Miss Iva Bounds.
Mr. Charles Blake was home from Virginia to spend Sunday with his family.
The Baptist Missionary Society met on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. G.R. Brooks.
Mr. and Mrs. William Silcox and children, of Wilmington, motored down and spent Easter will Mrs. Silcox's parents Mr. and Mrs. George Moore.
Mr. Emil Hildenbrandt, student at the Chestertown College, spent the Eastertide with his mother, Mrs. Lena Hildenbrandt.
Miss Rosalie Brinsfield has returned to the State Normal School at Towson, after spending the Easter vacation with her parent, Mr. & Mrs Ira Brinsfield.
Miss Mildred Higgins and Mr. Kenneth Thomas, of Cambridge, and Mr. Garland Harper, of Philadelphia, were guests at the home of Mr. & Mrs. T.S. Higgins on Sunday. Miss Evelyn Higgins was also there.
Mr. Donald Stockley, of Baltimore, who is a frequent visitor in town, spent the weekend at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Frank Spence.
Mr. William Hickman, of Snow Hill, visited Neavett Spence as he was returning to Washington College, Chestertown, after spending the Easter vacation at his home.
Misses Mary and Louise Webster attended the miscellaneous shower which the friends of Miss Marian Post gave her on last Thursday afternoon at her home in Vienna.
Rev. and Mrs. G.R. Brooks, Mrs. J.B. Webster, and Miss Mary Webster motored to Vienna on Saturday to attend the marriage of Miss Marion Post and Mr. Grover Hackett, which took place at the Baptist Church at high noon, Rev. G.R. Brooks officiating.
Mrs. W. Robley Purnell, of Baltimore, spent the week-end with her sister, Mr. Frank Webster, Mrs. Purnell motored over with Mr. and Mrs. Matthews who were en route to Cambridge.
Messrs. Ralph Crowe, of Baltimore, and Watkins Crowe, of Wilmington were Easter visitors at their home.
Mrs. and Mrs. Greenwood, of Philadelphia, left Monday afternoon for their home after spending the week-end with Mrs. Greenwood's sister, Mrs. J.E. Patten.
The special Easter music which was rendered by the choir at the Methodist Church Sunday morning was very beautiful, and added much to the service, suitable sermons were preached at both services.
Rev. and Mrs. William McClelland and children were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Webster at supper on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. William Fletcher Williamson and baby and Mrs. Phillips, of Cambridge, were also visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Webster.
Dr. W.E. Gunby, District Superintendent, will occupy the pulpit at the Methodist church Sunday morning at 11 a.m.
Mr. William Twilley, student at Washington College, Chestertown, spent Easter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Twilley at their home near town.
Mr. and Mrs. Romey Page and children, of Philadelphia, spent the weekend with relatives in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gambriel, and Mr. Franklin Gambriel have returned to their home in Norristown, Pa., after spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Gambriel. Mr. and Mrs. Grant U. Stiner and Junior, of Cambridge, were also guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gambriel on Sunday.
Miss Margaret Crowe of Betterton was the guest of Miss Mildred Nichols during the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. A.M. Willey and children and Mr. Otis Bramble, of Preston, spent Easter Sunday at the home of Mrs. Mary K. Willey, Mr. Milton Willey, whose headquarters are in Pocomoke, met his wife Mrs. Willey from Glenolden, Pa., there, and also Master Monroe Henry were week-end guests.
Monday, May the 5th, the Baptist Junior Society will repeat their play, which was given on a very stormy night, a short time ago. Besides the play there will be a musical program. The date was chosen so as not to conflict with either the revival services that are being held in the hall over Mr. Charles Helsby's store or the Methodist services which will begin Wednesday, May 7th, and it is hoped the community will show their appreciation of this and give the youngsters a good house.
Miss Wright of the High School Faculty, spent the Easter holidays with her parents in Easton, and Miss Elizabeth Corkran spent the time with her parents in Rhodesdale.
Prof. and Mrs. W.C. Bowen have returned from a visit with Mrs. Bowen's relatives at Hampton, Va.
Master Jack Graffing of Wilmington spent the week-end with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Isenburg.
Among the visitors in town this week were Miss Louise Boston, of Hudson, Miss Mary Gootee, of Airey, and Miss Agnes Smith, of Vienna.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Thomas entertained a few friends at a duck dinner on Wednesday at noon, the table was loaded with all the goodies of the season, duck, chicken, country ham, vegetables, etc. with pie al a mode and coffee. Those present were: Rev. and Mrs. Beane, of Cambridge, and Evangelist Geo. B. Kulp, of North Carolina, Rev. and Mrs. J.H. Whedbee and children, Mrs. Ellen Jefferson, Miss Eva Jefferson, Mrs. Mollie Reid, Messrs. Tom Thomas and Will Vickers, of Cambridge.
The following officers were elected at the B.Y.P.O. Junior Society: President, Miss Rosalyn Tieder; Vice President, Henry Wheatley; Secretary and Treasurer, Robert Smith; Group Captains, Elinor Bell, Doris Brinsfield, and Helen Helsby; Organist, Miss Frieda Hildenbrandt; Leader, Mrs. L.C. Crowe.
The burial services of Mr. Harry Gambriel were held Saturday afternoon at the East New Market Cemetery by Rev. J.H. Whedbee. Mr. Gambriel died about ten days ago.