East New Market


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12 June 1924 - East New Market Items

Miss Rosalie Brinsfield has returned home from the State Normal School to spend the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Brinsfield.

Miss Helen Clifton, student at the State Normal School, is spending the summer vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.B. Clifton.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wheatley and baby, of Seaford, spent the weekend with Mr. Wheatley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Wheatley.

Miss Agnes Smith has returned from Vienna, where she was a member of the faculty of Vienna High School during the past school year.

Miss Mary Gootee will spend the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Gootee, after having been a teacher at Airey's school.

Mr. William Twilley, who has completed his second year's studies at Washington College, Chestertown is spending his vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Twilley at their home at Hawkeye.

The Ladies Aid Society held their meeting for the month of June last Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. George Hicks.  The attendance was small as the Ushers Union was meeting the same night at the home of Mr. F.B. Clifton, but the regular routine of business was gone over and was followed by the election of officers for this conference year.  All the officers were re-elected to continue in the same position. It was decided to hold a rummage sale of Saturday afternoon and evening, in Mr. Will Johnson's office.  Delicious refreshments were

The first shipment of peas was made from here on Saturday, May 31st, but peas did not reach their height until Tuesday, June 10th, when at least eight trucks loaded left besides those shipped by train for Philadelphia.  The strawberry crops have been short due to the
overabundance of rain.

Mr. Emil Hildenbrandt is spending the summer with his mother, after having so successfully completed second year's work at Washington College, Chestertown.

Miss Mary Eagon arrived in town on Wednesday to spend her vacation with her father, Mr. Chas. Eagon.

Miss Mildred Nichols has returned to spend the summer vacation with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. H.F. Nichols, after closing of the school year at Washington College, Chestertown.

Mrs. Mary Jane Smith has been having some improvements done around her house.  We notice the front porch has had new sleepers put in.

Miss Ruth Taylor, of Cambridge, spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. J.H. Whedbee.

Mr. Chas. Blake of Cheriton, Va., spent the weekend at home with his family.  Miss Ruth Blake, of Cambridge, was at home for Sunday, also.

Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Oliver have moved from their cozy apartments over the store, and are now occupying the house vacated by Mr. Wieland and family, who have moved back to their farm, near town.

Mr. Eugene Thayer, of Baltimore, was a visitor in town on Sunday.

Ladies!  Remember the rummage sale for Saturday afternoon.  Gather up the articles, and be on hand at Mr. Johnson's office at 2 o'clock.  Tell the prospective buyers about the sale.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Reid and Mr. Watkins Crowe, of Wilmington, Del., motored down on Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Wheatley.

Misses Maud Isenberg and Nellie Wheatley accompanied the dodge ball team of boys to the state meet in Baltimore last Friday, where they played four games, winning three of them.  Those who went were:  Robert Smith, John and Robert Tieder, Kermit Woodward, Lawton Jones, Phillip Crowe, Warren Demott, George Clarke Bell, Francis Coulbourne and Leolan Higgins.  Mr. John Tieder also accompanied them, and Mrs. Kenneth B. Jones, of Relay, joined them in Baltimore.  Misses Ruth and Sarah Demott, Elinor Bell, and Mary Bramble were of the party too.

Mrs. Weldon McAllen and children, Milton and Mary, returned on Monday after a brief visit with relatives in Baltimore.  Miss Mary Bramble returned with them.

Masters Lawton Jones, Leolan Higgins, Robert Smith, and Kermit Woodward returned home on Monday after spending Saturday and Sunday with Lawton's parents, Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Jones at Relay.

Misses Nellie Wheatley and Maud Isenberg attended the Alumna Banquet of the Wesley Collegiate Institute at Dover on Friday.

There were nine from here to go to Cambridge Friday evening to receive certificates from completing the Grammar grades successfully.  They were:  Helen Helsby, Frieda Hildebrandt, Sylvia Sard, Margaret Mitchell, Doris Brinsfield, Billy Holland, Phillip Crowe, George Dame Camper, and Thomas Bradshaw.  We hope to see this class all graduate in 1928.

The Mizpah Chapter of the Eastern Star held their regular meeting on the first Monday in June at which time Prof. and Mrs. Bowen, and Mr. and Mrs. Travers were initiated into membership.  There were visitors present from Federalsburg and St. Michaels.  Refreshments consisting of sponge-cake with strawberries and ice cream were served.