East New Market


Daily Banner

22 May  1924 - East New Market Items

Mrs. Seymour, of Cambridge, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. W.T. Gootee.

The first strawberries from here were shipped on Tuesday, May 20th.  Mr. Gulick, of Springdale, and Mr. J.E. Boston were among the early shippers.

Mrs. George Kennerly, Mrs. Smith, and Miss Day, of Salisbury, were guests of Mrs. Chas. Webster on Sunday.

Rev. and Mrs. William McClelland and the baby left Monday for Philadelphia, where they will spend the week.

Miss Myrtle Andrews, of Centerville, spent the weekend with Miss Lollie Vincent.

Mr. and Mrs. Merrick Wheatley, of Trenton, N.J., spent a few days last week with Mr. Wheatley's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Wheatley.

Mr. and Mrs. Ruark, of Hurlock, spent Sunday in town.  Mrs. Ruark brought a beautiful Callow lily, which was placed within the alter rail at the Methodist Church, where Dr. Cooke chose as his theme, "The Lily."

Mrs. and Mrs. Reid, Mr. and Mrs. Zott, and Mr. Erasmus Hayman, of Bridgetown, Delaware, spent Sunday in town.  They motored down and attended  the three services at which Dr. Cooke spoke.

Mrs. Lawrence Tatman and Miss Cooper, of Greenwood, Dela., spent the weekend with Miss Eva Jefferson.  Mr. Tatman motored down on Sunday, and they all returned home together after the service Sunday evening.  Miss Cooper is a great great grand niece of Ezekial Cooper, who was a contemporary with John Wesley and Bishop Francis Asbury; and has in her possession a letter written by John Wesley to her uncle, who also came in direct contact with Bishop Asbury.

Miss Mildred Nichols has returned to Washington College, Chestertown, after spending the weekend at home.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wheatley and children, of Caroline County, spent Sunday with Mr. Wheatley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Wheatley.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wheatley, of Hurlock, were entertained by Mrs. Mary K. Willey on Sunday.

Mrs. S.J. Wilson has returned to her home at Providence, R.I., after a visit with Mrs. W.T. Gambriel.

Mrs. Walter Fearson, Mrs. Oscar Fearson and child, Mrs. Hattie Flatter and son, and Mr. Ashton Fearson, of Baltimore, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Bounds, at Rhodesdale, over Sunday.

Mrs. Edith Reed left Tuesday for her home in Westminster, after spending a few days at the home of her brother, Mr. Irving Tilghman.   Mrs. Reed was accompanied by her little niece, Alice Collins, of Reids Grove, who will spend several weeks with her.

Mr. Harold Vignelia left by train Monday morning for Wilmington, Del., for a few days of rest, before entering upon the series of meetings at Perryville, which began on Wednesday.

Dr. George W. Cooke left for Castile, N.Y., Monday in Mr. A.D. Spencer's automobile; as he was returning to his home in Baltimore, after having spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Isenberg.  Just where these friends separated is uncertain, but they visited several Delaware towns on their way up the shore.  Dr. Cooke will spend a few days with his family before joining Mr. Vignuelle at Perryville, for their next engagement.

Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Post, of Vienna, were guests at the home of Mr. Post's sister, Mrs. J.B. Webster on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. A.M. Craig and son, Arthur, Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Gregg motored down from Newport, Del., on Sunday and visited at the Methodist Parsonage.

Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Jester and daughter, Margaret, of Church Creek, were guests at supper Sunday of Rev. and Mrs. J.H. Whedbee.

Mr. and Mrs. Powell and Mr. and Mrs. Marriff, of Canterberry, Delaware, and Messrs. B.O. Murphy and James Todd, and their families of Bishops Head were among there who came from a distance on Sunday to attend the revival services, and brought their basket lunches.

The local delegates to the Dorchester County Federation, which was held in Hurlock on Thursday afternoon, were Mrs. Mary K. Willey, Mrs. O.W. Hubbard, Mrs. S.J.T. Smith, Mrs. Charles Webster, and Mrs. H.F. Nichols.  A large number of members were also in attendance.

Some have asked where the local correspondent has been.  It seems that about five or six weeks ago there was a fire in town, and the repairs have all been done, and still the correspondent failed to mention it in the social columns.   It happened that after cleaning the back yard and garden, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Blake they burned the trash, and in some unaccountable way the barn caught, and was considerably damaged.   It is all past now, for even those who were alarmed at the time, can sit quietly and tell of the experience.

We stated in last week's paper, that Mrs. Harry Blades had been called to Philadelphia by the death of a relative.   We were misinformed, it was Wilmington, and the relative was Miss Arsie Langford, who was a native of this town.  When a little girl Miss Langford was very stout, but the year of the Flu epidemic she was very sick, and has never been well since tuberculosis developed and culminated in her death last week.   Miss Langford was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Langford, and was a great favorite with her father, and very popular among her relatives and friends here.

Mrs. and Mrs. W.J. Seward, of James, spent Sunday with Mrs. Fanny Stevens.

Mr. McGee Insley, of Cambridge, was a visitor in town on Monday, and was a guest at dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hampton Hicks.

Miss Wright and Miss Elizabeth Corkran of the High School Faculty, spent the weekend at their respective homes, Easton and Rhodesdale.

In spite of the number of rainy days, progress is being made on the erection of the Baptist Church, the walls are run up and the rafters are being placed on the roof.

Mrs. K.B. Jones was called to town by the illness of her mother, Mrs. Nicholson who we are glad to say is much better.

Mrs. Clara Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Phillips, of Cambridge, spent Sunday at the home of Capt. and Mrs. W.E. Thomas.

We are glad to report that Mrs. Henry Wright, who has been on the sick list for sometime, is able to come down stairs to eat her meals.   We hope she will soon be fully recovered.

A number of dinner parties were given in the honor of Rev. G.W. Cooke, D.D. and Mr. Vignuelle, both in town and at Secretary.   A dinner on Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Crowe, a supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Isenberg on Sunday, and many others added much to the social side of their stay in town.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hurst and children, of Berlin, spent Saturday and Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Gambriel.