Mrs. E. W. Whatley had as her guest for the week end Mrs. Frank Sligh, of Baltimore.
Mr. C. W. Meyers left Monday for Baltimore, where he will attend the semi-annual meeting of the State Postmasters Association.
Mrs. J. B. Wright has returned from a visit with relatives at Wilmington, Del., and Philadelphia, Pa.
Miss Grace. ,Lednum, of Cordova, a student nurse at the Salisbury Hospital, spent several days this week with relatives with Mrs. J.H. Whedbee.
Mr. Lester Wheatley and Edward Bonner, of Wilmington motored down
and spent Sunday with relatives in town.
Mrs. Paul Willis who was at the Cambridge Hospital for a few days this week has returned to her home and is doing nicely.
While driving between Federalsburg and Williamsburg on Sunday night
about midnight a traveling salesman was held up, robbed of $75, some
jewelry and his car, in which the bandits road away, leaving him by the
roadside. About half an hour later Mr. Donald Isenberg was coming
along the same piece of road when some one signaled him to stop.
Mr. lsenberg slowed up, but on looking around through his curtain saw
man had a club in his hand, and paid no heed to his command to open up,
but put his foot on the gas, pulled the car into second, and came down
the road, the last .he saw of the man, he was rolling into the ditch.
State road police are hunting for the gang or parties.
Owing to the interest in the meetings where Dr. George W. Cooke is now engaged, he will not be able to be with Rev. J. H. Whedbee until Sunday. Mr. Whedbee will start his series on Wednesday just the same, and has had a speaker for each evening.
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Gordy and little granddaughter, Margaret Jefferson, of Hebron, and Mr. and Mrs. Cull Mitchell, of Tyaskin were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Howard on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Silcox and children, of Wilmington, motored down to spend Sunday with Mrs. Silcox parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Moore.
A large number of the parents of the children of the High School attended the meet in Cambridge last Thursday, May 1st. A large number of parents from all parts of the county were present than usual, it is believed that this new interest has been aroused through the Parent-Teacher Association.
Rev. William McClelland was accompanied to the Taylors Island Church
Festival on Friday by Mrs. McClelland, who assisted with the music by
singing a special selection.
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