Miss Priscilla Hurst has returned to her home at Berlin after spending two weeks with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Hackett.
Mrs. Weldon McAllen and children, Virginia, Vernon, Milton, and Mary, spent the weekend with relatives in Baltimore.
Rev. and Mrs. G.R. Brookes spent the greater part of last week at Vienna, where the three churches are holding union revival meetings.
Miss Gladys Adler has accepted a position as nurse in the Eastern Shore General Hospital. We wish her success.
Miss Sallie Varnes, of Cambridge, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Mary Varnes.
Mrs. T.S. Higgins has returned home after a visit with relatives in Seaford, Del.
Misses Mary Gootee and Rosalie Brinsfield attended the Epworth League Convention for the Dover District, which was held at Milford, Del., on Thursday and Friday, Nov. 6th and 7th.
Miss Ruth Blake, of Cambridge, spent Sunday at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Blake.
We are sorry to learn that Mrs. J.L. Merrick, of Cabin Creek, met with misfortune to fall from a stepladder and break her leg in two places. Mrs. Merrick has the sympathy of the community, and we hope she will soon be able to be about her usual activities.
Rev. and G.R. Brookes have as their guest, Rev. Mr. Adler, of Baltimore, who is holding a teacher class for East New Market and Hurlock Baptist Churches at Hurlock each night this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Richardson, of Church Creek, and Ms. Carrie Botham, of Cambridge, were visitors at the home of Mrs. Mary Reid on Sunday.
Mrs. H.E. Oliver was hostess for the Baptist Busy Bees on Tuesday evening. A good attendance was present and plans for a sale of fancy articles were discussed. These Busy Bees sew at every meeting and once a year hold a sale of the dainty things they make. This society had the first cash in hand for the new Baptist church, which has recently completed. The date will be given later.
Activities at the Methodist Church – Surely no one could call the Trinity Methodist Church a dead wire, for with all the organizations holding regular meetings and interest and cooperation at a high point, expectations for a revival of religion during the winter cannot fail to be realized. Religion is a love and obedience toward God, and a church full of love for their fellowmen is what we are writing about.
The Ladies Aid Society was entertained on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Hampton Hicks and Mrs. Paul Willis. About twenty members were present. The meeting was called to order by the President, Mrs. G.W. Isenberg, and after singing "Abide With Me," the reading of the 100th Psalm, and repeating of the Lords Prayer, the reports of committees were called for and the chairman of the last bake reported a successful afternoon. These bakes are held bi-monthly, and the committees for Saturday, Nov. 15, was appointed: Edgar Twilley, Mrs. W.J. Crowe, and Mrs. Paul Willis. The parsonage committee reported having placed a new wood heater in the parsonage, and this bill was ordered paid. The treasurer reported having paid several bills from the previous month. A discussion as to the rebuilding of the parsonage or buying a lot and erecting a new one filled in the rest of the afternoon, until a delicious fruit salad, crackers, cheese and coffee were served. The meeting adjourned to meet in December, with Mrs. J.E. Patten.
Wednesday evening at the usual hour of the Usher Union meeting the newly organized Orchestra met at the home of Miss Maud Isenberg, for their first instructions. A regular meeting of the Union was held on Wednesday of this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brown.
The attendance at the mid-week prayer service we not what it should or could have been, so each one there has been on the job of reminding those they meet that there is such a meeting on Thursday at 7:45 PM.
The Sunday School was in charge of Miss Nellie Wheatley's class
during the opening exercises last Sunday, special music and a recitation
by members of the class were given, next Sunday morning a member of the
Baraca Class will open the school, this active part by classes has a
tendency toward increase attendance, regularity, and promptness.
At the Epworth League service the report of the delegates to the
convention at Milford were given. Miss Brinsfield told in her offhand
way of the trip over, the hospitality of the people and the social side,
while Miss Gootee brought a splendid lot of echoes from the lectures.
With two good sermons and good music at the preaching services good gatherings are assured.
Mrs. J.A. Baker opened her spacious home to the Sunday School Board
for their monthly meeting on Monday evening. At this time the
superintendent gave a report on his day spent at the Institute held in
Cambridge recently. Reports were given and plans for the welfare of
the school were discussed.
Mrs. Mary Willis is at home after having been at the Cambridge Hospital for the past two weeks for treatment.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gambriel, of Norristown, Pa., are receiving congratulations upon the arrival of a little daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. John Tieder and family moved to Cambridge on Wednesday after having been residents of East New Market for the past five years. Mr. Tieder who is in the employ of the Pennsylvania Railroad, has been transferred, making the change necessary. It is with deep regret that we see this family leave our neighborhood. These good citizens will be missed from the church, school, and Master John and Robert, who have had charge of the evening papers will be much missed.
Master Robert Smith has been appointed to fill their place. Miss Rosalie Tieder, who is in the graduating class, will commute and complete her course. Best wishes of the fellow citizens follow them.
Mr. J.E. Patten spent several days in Baltimore this week, arriving at home on the train via the B.C. & A. at Hurlock.
Prof. and Mrs. W.E. Bowen will move Friday into the house vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Tieder.
Woman's Club Meeting - The regular meeting of the Women's Club which
fell on Tuesday afternoon was postponed until the evening, in order to
have Mr. W.C. Wright, of Baltimore, who with Mrs. Wright are guests of
Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Parker, present to sing. Mr. Wright has a tenor voice
and holds a position with one of the city churches, so the members of
the club
feel very grateful to their hostess of the evening for having presented
the program and to Mr. Wright for his willingness to render the program.
Miss Maud Isenberg was the pianist of the occasion. Mr. Wright was
accompanied by Mrs. H.E. Parker in some of the selections. A
business session was held prior to the social hour, at which time plans
for the club to attend the county meeting at Vienna on Wednesday were
made. Homemade cake, coffee, cocoa, and fruit were served in abundance.
Crescent Club Meets - Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Phelps entertained the
Crescent Club on Friday
evening at their home near town. Beside the Club members present, other
guests were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spence, Leroy Tufft, Henry Wright, Miss
Agnes Phelps, and Mr. McAllister, of Cambridge.