Mr. Thomas H. Collins is improving his office with a coat of paint.
Rev. R.A. Alers has returned to his home in Baltimore after spending a week at the home of Rev. G.R. Brookes and assisting him with a class in Teacher-Training at Hurlock. Quite a number from the church here were in the class.
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Layton and children, Emma Jane and Billy, of Vienna, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hampton Hicks.
Miss Anna Camper and Mr. W.T. Collins were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.M. Green of Centerville on Sunday.
The Choptank Lodge of the Masonic Order attended divine worship in a body Sunday morning at the Methodist Church. The new book of selections for the choir was used for the first time. The minister, Rev. J.H. Whedbee took as a text: "Be ye Burden bearers, on for Another," and spoke in a very pleasing way of the Lodge and its co-operation with church work.
Miss Nelly Wheatley spent the weekend with relatives in Wilmington, Del.
Rev. J.H. Whedbee and son Billy, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Wheatley for the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Wright and children have returned to their home in Baltimore after spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Parker.
The Feed Store managed by Mr. W.T. Gootee has been improved by a coat of paint.
Rev. and Mrs. G.R. Brookes who are spending the week at Mardella, where Mr. Brookes is assisting in revival services, spent Wednesday at home, and were guests of Miss Mary Millard for dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Oliver spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Oliver's parents at Sharptown. Little Miss Ethyl Oliver, who has been spending the past week at Sharptown, returned home with them.
The Baptist Busy Bees was entertained on Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. L.C. Howard.
Mr. S.L. Webster, Mrs. John B. Webster and Misses Mary and Louise Webster were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Webster, of Cambridge, on Sunday.
Misses Marjorie and Catherine, and Master Howard Willoughby, of Hurlock, spent the weekend with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H.H. Willoughby.
Mrs. H.L. Vickers has returned from a visit with Mrs. Dora Vickers at Hurlock.
Last Sunday was observed as Missionary Sunday throughout the State by the Baptists. Every Baptist minister exchanged pulpits with some nearby minister of the denomination. Rev. McLeod, of Cambridge, preached here and Rev. Brookes was at the Baptist Church, Cambridge.
Messrs. S.J.T. Smith and E.A. Bramble are among those from the local lodge who are attending the Grand Lodge of the Masons in Baltimore this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Willey, of Pocomoke, were visitors from the weekend at the home of Mr.s. Mary K. Willey.
Quite a delegation from the Women's Club attended the County Federation last Wednesday at Vienna, and they as well as the ones who were at home were very much pleased at winning the prize for the song contest. This song was to the tune of "America the Beautiful."
Rev. William McClelland was called to Philadelphia last Wednesday by the death of a relative.
Mr. Franklyn Isenberg spent last week at home, as he was stationed at East New Market station for the week.
We are sorry to learn that Mrs. J.L. Merrick, of Cabin Creek, who was reported last week to be suffering with a broken leg, has developed plural pneumonia, and is at this time in a very critical condition.
The Epworth League Service, which was lead by Mrs. J.E. Patten on Sunday evening, was one of the best. Workers among young people say the success of any meeting is judged by the number of people the leader can get on the job. Mr. Paul Willis accompanied the piano with his cornet. Misses Thelma Blake and Evelyn Moore sang a duet, and Mrs. Parker a solo, the subject for the evening: "Why do I Need to be a Christian" was discussed by Mrs.W.J. Crowe and Mr. F.B. Clifton.