The regular meeting of the Parent-Teachers' Association was held on the second Wednesday evening of the month, with Mr. S.J.T. Smith in the chair. The meeting was called to order and "America, the Beautiful" was sung by all. After the reading of the minutes, reports from the committee on the oyster supper was given, also other reports. Mrs. W.C. Bowen, Mrs. Joseph Webster, and Mrs. Lee Higgins were appointed to have charge of the program for the next meeting. A speaker is already assured, to be announced later. Mrs. Mary Willey, Mrs. Travers, Mrs. Wrightson Camper, Mrs. Hurley, and Miss Maud Isenberg were appointed a committee to select committees for each meeting for the year 1924-25 to be in charge of the programs, with Miss Isenberg at the piano, Mrs. Bowen, Mrs. Parker, Mr. Charles Meyers and Mr. E.C. Bell furnished the musical part of the program, and Miss Lucy Parker gave a very pleasing recitation. Several interesting announcements were made in regard to Patrons Week, the securing of a coach for Field Day, and the number of activities being thrust upon the schools of this day. Be up and doing. Come to the next Parent-Teacher Association meeting, the second Wednesday of every month.