Rev. and Mrs. Tilghman Smith, of St. Michaels, were visitors in town on Friday, being guests at dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Clifton.
Mr. Henry Smith, of St. Michaels, was the guest of Master Thomas Wheatley on Friday.
Messrs. Edward Johnson and Edward Parks, of Washington, D.C. started from their homes last Friday on a hike, intending to reach Mr. Johnson's grandparents home on Saturday. Due to the kindness of tourists, they arrived Friday in time to have supper with Capt. and Mrs. W. E. Johnson. The young men started on the return trip on Sunday afternoon, declaring their intention to camp for one night on the outing.
Mrs. Calvin Jefferson and little Miss Marguerite Jefferson, of Hebron, spent the Easter holidays with Mrs. Ellen Jefferson and Mrs. Sue Crieghton. Miss Eva Jefferson, of Cambridge, also was a visitor at her home.
Miss Maud Isenberg has returned to her home after spending the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Leach, at Wilmington.
Miss Nellie Wheatley, who spent the Easter holidays with relatives in Wilmington, returned home on Monday.
Miss Edna Francis Henry, of Philadelphia, spent several days during the past week with her aunt, Mrs. J. B. Wright.
Mr. Eugene Thayer, of Baltimore, has been the guest of his uncle, Mr. James Gulick, during the Eastertide.
Mrs. T.J. Taylor, who has been confined to the house for several weeks, has recovered sufficiently to be out.
Miss Ruth Blasé, of Cambridge, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Blake, and has as her guests, Miss Harrison, Messrs. Watkins Crowe and William Cottmann.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Wheatley has as their guests on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wheatley and baby, of Laurel, Mr. Sewell Reid and family, of Hurlock, Mrs. Nellie Marshall, of Washington, D.C., and Mr. and Mrs. Smoot and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Corkran, of Cambridge, and Mrs. Dail Gray, of Wilmington, Del.
Miss Mildred Nichols has returned from two weeks' visit with Misses Dorothy Woodall and Margaret Crowe at Chestertown.
Mr. Fred Wheatley and Mr. Milligan, of Wilmington, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Crowe on Sunday.
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Mullikin and son, Richard, Mrs. John Heinzeroth and little Miss Sarah Elizabeth, of Wilmington, and Miss Virginia Vincent of Philadelphia, spent the Easter holidays with Mrs. H. L. Vickers.
Little Miss Betty Mullikin has returned to her home in Wilmington, after spending five weeks with her grandmother, Mrs. H. L. Vickers.
Mr. William Johnson was taken very ill on Tuesday. It was necessary to call the doctor twice between six and nine o'clock.
Miss Madore Moore and her father, Mr. George Moore, motored to Wilmington on Friday, where they remained over the weekend.
Mrs. W.T. Gambriel spent last Wednesday in Cambridge visiting her daughter, Mrs. Grant U. Stiner.
Miss Ruth Taylor, of Cambridge, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Taylor.
Miss Blanche Vane, of Linkwood, came last week to spend some time with her sister, Mrs. Laura Vincent, who is numbered on the sick list.
Mr. Alonza Hackett has returned home after spending several months with his brother at Chilton, Texas.
Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Layton, Miss Emma Janes and Master Billy Reid, and little cousin, Jerusha Murphy, of Vienna, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Willis.
Mr. and Mrs. William Hubbard, Misses Mildred Nichols, Rebecca Willey and Mary Wrightson Camper, Messrs. Chas. Webster, William Willey, Franklyn Isenberg and Thomas Andrews attended the Easter dance given by the Dorchester Cotillion Club at the Armory Monday night.
Mrs. Lucy Dukes, of Cambridge, is the guest of Mrs. Fanny Stevens.
Mrs. N. P. Christopher and son, Phillip, spent Monday with Mrs. Christopher's parents at Williamsburg.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cox has returned to their home at Baltimore, after spending the weekend with Rev. and Mrs. G. R. Brookes.
Rev. R. E. F. Aler, prominent in Baptist circles, in State Sunday School work, and Secretary of the Baptist Young Peoples Union, spent several days this week with Rev. G. R. Brookes.
Each of the Sunday Schools of the town held an Easter Egg Hunt and Feast. The Episcopal school had as guests, the schools from Vienna and Hurlock.
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Wheatley, of Oak Grove, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Webster and little Miss Annabell Wheatley spent several days with Miss Josephine Webster.
Prof. And Mrs. W. C. Bowen returned on Monday after spending the weekend in Newark, Worcester County.
Mr. Franklyn Isenberg, who has been confined to the bed for several days, has recovered, and is again to be found in his accustomed place at the drug store.
Mrs. Joseph Knappe and baby and Mrs. W. C. Handley, of Jessup, spent a few days with their grandmother en route to visit their mother, Mrs. W. J. Seward at James.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Boley, of St. Michaels spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Crowe.
Dr. W. E. Gunby will hold the First Quarterly Conference here Thursday evening, April 30, and will preach the following Sunday.
Mrs. John Miller, of Washington, D.C. spent the Easter holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hackett. On Sunday they had a family reunion, when with the exception of Mr. Alton Hackett, of Philadelphia, the family circle was complete. Six daughters and a son being present as follows: Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Merrick, and two grandchildren, of Vienna, Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Bradshaw and two children, Mrs. Howard Hurst and four children, Mrs. John Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Blake and children, Mr. and Mrs. Luke Hackett and children and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Webster and two children.
Misses Rebecca Willey and Helen Windsor left Wednesday night for the State Normal School, after spending the vacation for Easter at home. Miss Helen Clifton left on Monday.
Pig pens or improper sewerage are an offense that no town has any excuse for tolerating. Prompt attention to such matters may prevent an epidemic of disease.
A new lunch room has been opened in the building commonly known as the Smith Brothers Office, by Mr. Winfield Hicks. Meals will be served at all hours, pies, cakes, and other homemade dishes should appeal to the appetite, and we hope this new undertaking will be successful.
Mrs. Annie E. Sellers, of Cabin Creek, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Knott.
Mrs. and Mrs. Robert Gambriel and baby, and Mr. Franklyn Gambriel and Vernon Brookes motored down from Norristown, to spend Sunday and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Gambriel; Mr. and Mrs. Grant U. Stiner and Grant Jr. were also there on Sunday. Mrs. Robert Gambriel remained for a longer visit.
Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Hudson and family arrived and were given a hearty welcome at the Parsonage on Wednesday evening of last week. A large number of the ladies of the church were present and had a supper prepared, and their husbands and other friends were there to greet the new pastor and family and join them in their first meal in out locality. After spending the holidays at home Master Joseph Hudson has returned to Wyoming, where he will complete the school year, spending the weekends at home. Mr. Gerald and Miss Hilda Hudson will enter the High School here.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wheatley and Mr. McCauley motored down from Wilmington Saturday night to spend Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Wheatley.