East New Market


Daily Banner

August 6, 1925 - East New Market Items

We are told that the editor of the column headed "The Funny Things We See in Print" or a similar heading, of the Baltimore Sunday Sun, studies the columns of items sent to county newspapers for their data.   Very well.  It may be fair to criticize the local reporter.  But please remember when the name of the person appears in the criticism, it is a personal attack on an innocent person.   Surely this is an error in Newspaper Etiquette, that calls for an apology.

Mr. Everett Marks, of Atlantic City, spent the weekend with Dr. and Mrs. H.F. Nicols.

Mr. and Mrs. J.K. Nicholson and grandson, Lawton Jones, left Tuesday morning for Annapolis Junction, where they will spent some time with Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Jones.

Mrs. William McClelland and two sons, Bill and Jim, left the first part of the week for Philadelphia, where they will spend ten days or two weeks.

Miss Evelyn Stevens, of Baltimore, arrived in town Tuesday to spend several days with Mrs. Franklyn Isenberg.

Miss Ava Thompson, of Philadelphia, is spending some time with Miss Mary Bramble Willey.  They are spending this week at their tent at Shiloh Camp.

Mr. and Mrs. Lake Thomas and little daughter, Dorothy Emily, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Smith and two little daughters, Margaret and Betty, are spending two weeks at Shiloh Camp.

Misses Mary Gootee, Maude Isenberg, Nellie Wheatley, Medora Moore, Marguerite Clifton, and Mrs. Sue Creighton have returned to their homes from the Maryland State Summer School at College Park.

Mr. Brice Howard, of Baltimore, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Howard.

Rev. and Mrs. J.H. Whedbee and children, of Seaford, were guests at supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Taylor on Saturday.

Rev. and Mrs. G.R. Brookes, of Baltimore, are spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Howard.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Helsby and Mr. and Mrs. Hamil Smith spent the day on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lake Thomas and Mrs. Ross Smith, at Shiloh.

Misses Mildred and Evelyn Higgins, Messrs Kenny Thomas, of Cambridge, and Garland Harper, of Philadelphia were guests of Mr. and Mrs. T.S. Higgins on Sunday.

Miss Ruth Blake, of Cambridge, was in town several days this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kimmey are receiving congratulations upon the arrival of a young son.

Miss Evelyn Brannock, of Hurlock, spent the weekend with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. O.W. Hubbard.

Mr. C.D. Fleming of Onley, Virginia, was a weekend visitor in town.

Miss Marge Metcalf has returned to her home in New York after spending some time with Miss Margaret Maurice.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rooke, of Jersey City, N.J., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brown.

Miss Agnus Smith has returned home after visiting friends in Washington, D.C. for several weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. Victor Vincent returned to their home in Philadelphia on Friday after spending a week with relatives in and near town.   Their children, Virginia and Victor James, remained for two weeks longer.

Miss Emma Deane, of Washington, D.C., is spending her vacation with her sister, Mrs. George Hicks.

Shiloh Camp seems to be a great success this year.  There was a great demand for tents, a greater number of calls than there were tents available.   Those from East New Market holding tents are:  Mrs. Mary K. Willey; Mr. and Mrs. O.W. Hubbard, Lake Thomas, Ross Smith, Frank Webster, G.W. Isenberg, George Hicks, Twilley Merrick, and J.B. Wright.  Misses Mary Millard, Elizabeth Nicols, Mary Wrightson Camper and Mrs. Franklyn Isenberg.

Mrs. William Dill, of Philadelphia, is spending some time with her grandmother, Mrs. Laura Vincent.

Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Windley,, of Cape Charles, Va., Mr. L.C. Reid, of Preston, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wheatley and baby, of Laurel, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Wheatley on Sunday.

Miss Jessie Hackett, of Cambridge, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wright.  Mr. and Mrs. Grover Hackett, of Vienna, were callers there also.

Miss Anna Camper left Tuesday afternoon to spend the week with Mrs. A.M. Green, of Centreville.

Rev. and Mrs. G.R. Brookes spent a part of the week with Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Bell.

Miss Melva Bell has been numbered on the sick list this week.  Miss Elinor Bell has been assisting in the bank as substitute.

Miss Rebecca Willey is attending a house party at Rehoboth.  Mr. Talmage Goslin, of Hurlock, is also among the guests.

Rev. Mr. Jester, of Church Creek, preached Sunday morning at the Methodist Church.  Mr. Jester was accompanied by his wife and daughter.

Rev. and Mrs. O.G. Robinson, who have been spending a vacation with relatives in Sharptown, motored over on Thursday to spend sometime with Miss Nellie Wheatley.

Mr. Fred Greenlee, of Morrisville, Pa., spent the weekend with his wife who is visiting Mrs. W.T. Gambriel.

Miss Ruth Russell has returned to her home in Wilmington, after spending a month with Miss Helen Helsby, who accompanied her for a visit.

Mrs. India LeCompte, of Baltimore, and Mr. Harry Deane, of New York City, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Hicks.

Mr. Tilghman Andrews, of Baltimore, is spending his vacation with his brother, Mr. W.H. Andrews.

Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Post, of Vienna, were visitors in town Sunday afternoon.

Mr. L.C. Crowe has returned to his home after an operation for appendicitis at the Cambridge-Maryland Hospital.   Mr. Watkins Crowe, who was carried about a week later for the same cause, is expected home soon.  Both are doing nicely.

Rev. Herbert Loomis, of Daytona, Florida, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.E. Loomis.  Mr. Loomis is to preach at the Baptist Church Sunday morning.

Mrs. G.W. Isenberg and Miss Louise Webster spent Monday in Berlin.

Mrs. Degan, of Cambridge, is visiting Mrs. W.E. Hubbard.

Mrs. Mary Reid spent Sunday with Rev. and Mrs. Whedbee in Seaford, returning home on Monday.

Miss Maud Isenberg is visiting her sister, Mrs. Elmer Leach, of Wilmington, Del.