Mr. Winfield Hicks left Sunday evening for Baltimore where he spent the first part of the week.
Mr. Paul Willis has purchased a new auto. This time it is a Chrysler.
Mrs. Oma Tilghman returned to her home in Cambridge after spending two weeks at the home of Mr. S.L. Webster, who was recuperating from a bad cold. Mrs. Tilghman is not only a fine nurse, her fingers are very clever in the use of a needle, and in the culinary art she is proficient, and her willingness will always win for her a host of friends wherever she is called.
Dr. E.L. Jones, Mr. Douglass Snyder, and a friend from Frostburg arrived in town the first part of the week to spend the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.L. Saxton and enjoy the gunning and hunting.
Moving seems to have been popular this week. Mr. and Mrs. J.K. Nicholson who have purchased the house formerly occupied by Mrs. Wheatley, moved on Tuesday.
Mrs. Wheatley and children have moved to Cambridge recently. The house was purchased from Mr. C.E. Bell, and renovated inside and out.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Blake purchased from Mr. and Mrs. J.K. Nicholson the house they vacated and have moved in, and Mr. and Mrs. Airey Brannock followed by moving in the house vacated by Mr. Blake and family, which they purchased sometime ago.
Mr. C.L. Saxton met with a misfortune on Monday while walking in his back yard, a young dog, which is very fond of Mr. Saxton jumped on him and knocked a heavy piece of wood so that it fell on Mr. Saxton's instep, which resulted in a very painful foot.
Mrs. Mary Wrightson Camper, our assistant correspondent, has accepted a position as saleslady with Mrs. H.E. Oliver. We are sure the readers of the local items appreciated the assistance rendered the two correspondents, when off duty by Mrs. Wrightson Camper, who came to their rescue, and kept our town on the map.
Mrs. John Baker is spending some time with relatives in Philadelphia.
Mrs. George Rooke is spending a week with friends in Philadelphia.
Mrs. Kenneth B. Jones has returned to her home at Annapolis Junction after spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.K. Nicholson.
Miss Ruth Blake has recovered significantly from her cold to be out again.
Miss Agnes McWilliams spent several days this week with her aunt, Mrs. Nettie Oliver.
Mr. William Wright, Mrs. White and daughter, Miss Elizabeth White, of Easton, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F.H. Camper on Sunday.
Miss Evelyn Jefferson has returned home after spending a week in New York.
Mrs. H.F. Nicols, Mrs. F.A. Isenberg, and little daughter, Anna, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Andrews, of Hurlock, on Sunday.
Master Philip Christopher spent the week end with relatives in Federalsburg, and saw Santa Claus at Long and Shorts Store on Saturday.
Mrs. John Heinzeroth and little daughter, Sara Elizabeth, have returned to their home in Wilmington, after spending three weeks with Mrs. H.L. Vickers.
Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Handley have returned to their home in Washington, after spending several days with friends and relatives here.
Miss Elizabeth Nicols is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. John Heinzeroth at their home in Wilmington.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reid, of Wilmington, were among the visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Reid on Sunday.
A large number of relatives of Levin Reid attended his funeral on Sunday at Preston. Interment was made in the East New Market Cemetery.
Mr. Gerald Hudson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Heinzeroth at their home in Wilmington.
Miss Mary Barton has returned to her home in Cambridge after spending the week at the Episcopal Fair with Mrs. C.L. Saxton.
Mr. Donald Stockley, of Baltimore, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spence.
Miss Elsie Boston has returned home after spending some time with friends in Delaware.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry McWilliams of Sharptown, spent the weekend with their daughter, Mrs. Nettie Oliver. Miss Jean Oliver returned home with them to spend some time.
Mr. Alton Hackett has returned to his home in Philadelphia, after spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Hackett.
Boxes for the Near East Benefit have been placed in each barber shop, Brannock's garage, Oliver's store, drug store, and Mrs. Willey's store. Miss Melva Bell is the chairman of this work and will appreciate hearty cooperation on the part of the public.
The Baptist Ladies Aid Society will meet in the church basement on Thursday. This will be an all day meeting, with dinner served at noon.
If you have not attended the Sunday evening services at the Methodist church recently, you are missing some good music. The Junior Choir, which is being trained by Mrs. Hudson, has charge of the singing, special solos during the league and preaching services, music by the orchestra, and a brief sermon, with a point that is reached without yards of talk is what awaits one. The congregation was a fine one last week, but there is room for more.
Messrs. Ralph and L.C. Crowe, of Baltimore, are spending a few days at home with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.J. Crowe.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hurst, of Annapolis, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Taylor.
Bruno, the pet dog of Mr. Edwin C. Bell's household, died last Sunday morning from old age. He was fourteen, the puppy became a member of the family when George Clarke Bell was a baby, and was especially devoted to him. All felt the loss of the pet very keenly.
Mr. Frank Webster is spending this week in Frederick, attending the Grange meeting.
Woman's Club Meets
The regular meeting of the Women's Club was held on Tuesday afternoon, in the clubroom, with Mrs. J.H. Underhill in the chair. Several members were absent because of killing hogs and being out of town, but a good attendance justified the transacting of considerable business. 17 members were reported to have been present at the Hurlock Club the afternoon they so delightfully entertained. Miss Dorothy Adams, Secretary of the League of Nations Non-Partisan Association, who spoke on Tuesday, Nov. 24th, was put on record as one of the outstanding occurrences of the winter. It may be said that the Masonic Lodge held a very brief session that evening and attended the club in a body, and all were charmed with the address. If she comes in the county again, she will have large audience, although the club room was filled to its capacity. Mrs. Bennett and Mrs. Harper were hostesses for the afternoon, and had a pleasing program followed by refreshments.
Ladies Aid Does Big Work
Since last March, the Ladies Aid Society of the Methodist Church has renovated the parsonage inside and out at a cost of $690.00 and at the regular monthly meeting which was held at the parsonage, the Secretary reported that the treasurer had paid all bills in full to date. The birthday party which was held recently, netted $58.48, which amount covered the last payment. It was decided to hold a bake on Saturday, December 12.