East New Market


Upper Dorchester News

December 3, 1925 - East New Market

Miss Fidelia Barber returned to her home in Hurlock on Friday, as her professional services as night nurse for Mrs. J.B. Webster were no longer necessary.  Miss Barber is a very capable nurse, and a delightful person to have in the home.

Miss Eva Jefferson left on Friday afternoon by train for New York City to spend a short time.

Rev. and Mrs. Tilghman Smith and son, Henry, of St. Michaels, spent Thanksgiving Day with Mr. and Mrs. S.J.T. Smith, and visited Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Wheatley, and were callers in many homes during the few days spent in town.

Mrs. Mary Reid spent Thanksgiving with Rev. and Mrs. J.H. Whedbee at their home in Seaford.

Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Post and Mr. and Mrs. Grover Hackett, of Vienna, spent the day Thanksgiving Day with relatives in and near town.

Miss Ruth Blake is numbered on the sick list, suffering with a deep cold and ulcerated tooth.  She found it necessary to leave her patient and return home on Sunday.  Mrs. W.T. Gambriel is now on duty with Mrs. J.B. Webster.

The funeral services for Mr. James Smith, brother of Mr. John Smith, who died recently from injuries received in an auto collision, were held Saturday morning at the Baptist Church, and were conducted by the Rev. Mr. Ledbetter.  Mr. Smith died at the home of his son, Mr. Ralph Smith in Hurlock.

Mrs. James Smith, of Hurlock, is spending some time with her son, Mr. John Smith at his home here.

Mrs. John D. Koch and daughters, Minnie and Fannie, have returned home after spending the Thanksgiving holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cooper, of Glen Burnie, near Baltimore.

Mrs. Weiland, of Wilmington, and Miss Alma Diskau, of Cambridge, spent Thanksgiving with their parents near town.

Mr. Airey Brannock has moved into his new garage, and is now ready to give first class services day and night to autoists.  Mr. Brannock has a pleasing manner, and is efficient, and we hope success will crown his efforts.

Mr. and Mrs. J.K. Nicholson and grandchildren have returned after spending Thanksgiving with Dr. and Mrs. K.B. Jones, at Annapolis Junction.

Mr. and Mrs. William C. Handley Jr., of Washington, D.C., are visiting relatives and friends in town.

Mrs. K.B. Jones, of Annapolis Junction, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.K. Nicholson.

Misses Rebecca Willey and Helen Winsor have returned to Salisbury to the State Normal School after visiting their parents over the holidays.

Messrs. Emil Hildenbrandt, William Twilley, and Lawrence Holland have returned to Washington College, Chestertown, after being at home for Thanksgiving.

Miss Myra Twilley is visiting in Baltimore.

Misses Maud Isenberg and Nellie Wheatley have returned to Hyattsville, after spending the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Isenberg, and Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Wheatley.

Miss Mary Gootee has returned from a visit to Baltimore, and has resumed her duties at the Hudson School.

Misses Margaret Crow and Katherine Kibler, of Washington College, were guests of Mrs. Franklyn Isenberg on Tuesday.

Mr. Harry Travers has returned to his home in Baltimore after spending some time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Twilley.

The Ushers Union met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B.F. Clifton on Wednesday of this week.

Miss Ruth Vincent has returned to her home at Linkwood after spending a week with Miss Laura Vincent.

Misses Mildred and Evelyn Higgins of Cambridge spent Tuesday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Higgins.

Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Jefferson and little Miss Marguarite have returned to New York after visiting Mrs. Ellen Jefferson and Mrs. Sue Crieghton.

Miss Dorothy Hicks has returned to her home after visiting relatives in Baltimore.

Mr. and Mrs. N.C. Christopher had as their guest for the weekend, Mrs. Christopher's mother of Federalsburg.

Mr. and Mrs. F.E. Loomis had the usual Family Reunion and Thanksgiving Dinner last Thursday.

Messrs. Donald Isenberg and Earl Brown spent a few days this week in Philadelphia.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McWilliams entertained the following guests on Thanksgiving Day, Mr. and Mrs. Henry McWilliams of Sharptown, Mrs. Nettie Oliver and two children, Ethyl and Jean.

Miss Evelyn Higgins of Cambridge spent Friday with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T.S. Higgins.

Mr. Gerald Hudson of Dover spent Thanksgiving with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. J.H.A. Hudson.

Mrs. Anthony Bove and baby have returned to their home in Wilmington after spending some time with her mother, Mrs. John Smith.

Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Twilley entertained on Thanksgiving Day at dinner and the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stevens and children, Mrs. Fanny Stevens, Mr. Harry Travers of Baltimore, and Mr. Wm. Twilley of Chestertown.