Master Billy McClelland left on Monday to spend this week at Camp Davenport. Rev. and Mrs. McClelland and little Billy drove over for the day.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Neal moved into their new home at Hurlock during the past week.
Mr. H.H. Willoughby is improving his undertaker's establishment with a coat of paint.
Mr. George Moore has returned home after spending two weeks in Wilmington, where he went for medical treatment. Miss Evelyn Moore, who is spending the summer with her sister in Wilmington, spent Saturday and Sunday at home.
Mr. L.C. Crowe, who is employed in Baltimore, returned home on Saturday night, accompanied by his brother, Mr. Ralph Crowe, and was carried to the Cambridge Hospital on Sunday, where he was operated on for appendicitis. Although a very critical case, he is getting along nicely.
Mrs. W.J. Crowe returned to her home on Saturday after spending a week with relatives at Royal Oak to recuperate from a nervous breakdown, but the news of her son's illness caused a relapse, and she has been confined to the bed this week.
Mrs. Rena Linthicum, of Church Creek, spent the weekend with Mrs. J.K. Nicholson.
Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Miller, of Washington, D.C., are spending some time with Mrs. Miller's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Hackett.
Mrs. Granville Harper, of Easton, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. H.F. Nicols. Mrs. D.J. Gore, of Hurlock, spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. H.F. Nicols.
Mrs. Harry Kimmey has returned to her home from the Cambridge Hospital, where she went for treatment.
Miss Anna Camper left Tuesday for Rhodesdale, where she will spent the balance of the week with Mrs. O.W. McWilliams.
Mrs. L.C. Howard has as her guests her sister, Mrs. S.B. Ironmonger and her nephew, Mr. Edward Vaughn, of Norfolk, Va.
Mrs. Ellen Jefferson, who has been numbered on the sick list for some time, is confined to her bed at the present writing. We hope to soon hear she is improving.
Mrs. H.E. Oliver spent a part of this week at Salisbury attending to business.
Mrs. F.E. Loomis met with the misfortune to miss her footing and fell from the porch down several steps, landing on the brick walk on Tuesday evening. It will be recalled that Mrs. Loomis lives in the Jacobs property, and the porch is quite high. Mrs. Loomis was indeed lucky after all, for she is up and around the house as usual, carrying some bruises and feeling very sore.
Mr. and Mrs. William Silcox and children, of Wilmington, motored down and spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moore. Master William Silcox remained for a visit with his grandparents.
Mrs. Frank Webster has returned from spending a week with her sister's in Baltimore.
Master Grant U. Stiner, of Cambridge, is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Gambriel.
Rev. and Mrs. J.A. Hudson, Miss Hilda Hudson, and Master Joseph Hudson left on Wednesday morning for an automobile trip through Western Maryland and Virginia. The terminal of their trip will be Bethel, North Carolina, where they will visit Mrs. Hudson's parents. The trip will be made via Baltimore, Frederick, down the Shenandoah Valley, Harper's Ferry, Staunton, and Roanoke, Virginia, Winston-Salem, Greensboro, Raleigh, and Bethel North Carolina. They carry a tent under which they will sleep at night, and an outfit for cooking their own meals. They will cover 800 miles, and will be away between three and four weeks.
Mr. Airey Brannock has purchased the house and lot occupied by Mrs. Jones and her son, Mr. Sam Jones, and will build a garage there, and he has purchased of Mr. Chas. Blake his residence, where he and Mrs. Brannock will reside.
Mr. Charles Webster, who has been critically ill since last Friday, is said to be improving very slowly.
Little Misses Athel and Jean Oliver have returned home after spending a week with their grandparents at Sharptown.
The outstanding feature at the Methodist Sunday School on Sunday morning was the reports given by Thomas Wheatley and Phillip Crowe who had been attending Camp Royal, and returned full of enthusiasm.
Rev. Mr. Layton will preach both Sunday morning and evening, July 26th, and Mr. Jester will preach each Sunday morning thereafter during the absence of Mr. Hudson. Sunday School each Sunday also.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schley, of Cambridge, were visitors in town on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Henry, of Elwood, and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stevens and children, of Williamsburg, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Boston.
Owing to an epidemic of stomach trouble at Dover Epworth League Institute, Miss Hilda Hudson was among those who returned home before the session was completed.
Mrs. Mary K. Willey and Miss Mary Bramble Willey have returned from Baltimore where they spent several days.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Vincent and little son, Victor, arrived Tuesday evening for a visit with relatives in town.
Mrs. Knappe and baby, of Baltimore, are guests of her grandmother, Mrs. Fanny Stevens.