East New Market


Daily Banner

November 5, 1925 - East New Market Items

Mr. and Mrs. H.B. Hicks and Master Paul Willis Jr., spent Sunday with relatives in Vienna.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Deane, of Federalsburg, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H.H. Willoughby on Sunday.

Rev. William McClelland left Monday for Philadelphia to attend the Centenary Celebration of St. Matthews Parish, 18 St. and Gerard Ave., where he was at one time the assistant curate.

Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Jones have returned to their home at Annapolis Junction after spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J.K. Nicholson.

Mr. and Mrs. George Kennerley, of Salisbury, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Webster on Sunday.

Miss Elizabeth Wright and Mr. Fred Wright entertained the Crescent Club at their home near town on Wednesday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Franklyn Isenberg are announcing the arrival of a little daughter, Miss Margaret Anne.

Miss Ruth Blake was called to Cambridge this week where she was needed in a professional call.

Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Patten are spending sometime at Gettysburg, Pa., where with a party of friends they are enjoying the attractions of the place.

Mrs. Clarence Dickie and daughter, Anna, of Wilmington, Del., spent the week end with Mrs. Paul Willis.

Mrs. Mary Varnes and daughter, Miss Edna Varnes, who are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hooper at their home, Chester, NY, have accepted their invitation to accompany them to Miami Beach for the winter.  They will sail next week, from New York.

The canned foods dinner and luncheon which was announced for Tuesday, November 10, was called off, as there was too much to be done, to be able to accomplish worthwhile results, in the few days left for preparations.

Mr. and Mrs. Ross Smith entertained a number of friends at a masquerade party on Saturday evening at their home near town.  Cider, cake and candy were served.  Games were played and at the midnight hour the guest departed for their home, expressing themselves as having had a most enjoyable time.

Mrs. Ethel Culver and daughter, Grace, of Salisbury, spent the weekend with Mrs. McAllen and Miss Iva Bounds.

Echoes from the Eastern Shore District of the Maryland Federation of Womens Clubs which met last Thursday in Snow Hill will be heard at the next meeting of the club.  A large delegation from every club was present.  The committee in charge of the luncheon, ordered plates for 175 and 300 were present.  Mr. Purnell, the proprietor of the hotel, managed the situation in a very commendable manner.  Every one was served abundantly, and the repast was very delectable.  Those from the local club who attended were:  Delegates, Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Bennett, Mrs. Leland Wright, Mrs. S.J.T. Smith and Mrs. O.W. Hubbard, as visitors, Miss Dorthy McWilliams, Mrs. A.V. Neal and Miss Louise Webster.

Mr. S.L. Webster is confined to his bed at this writing with a deep cold.

Miss Mary Millard, who has been on the sick list for some time, is still confined to her bed with an attack of Erysipelas.  Mrs. Hildenbrandt is taking care of her.

Mr. Hearne, of Salisbury, spent a few days of the first week with Mr. Paul Willis, and they enjoyed hunting, as to their luck were not informed.

Mr. J.M. Vincent and Mrs. Wooten, both near Oak Grove, were quietly married Thursday, October 15, 1925 at the Methodist Parsonage, East New Market, Rev. J.A. Hudson performing the ceremony.  Mr. and Mrs. Vincent will reside in Galestown.

The Parent-Teachers Association will meet the second Wednesday evening of the month.  A committee was appointed to arrange a program, and a full attendance is requested.