Mr. Edwin Dashiell, of Cambridge, spent Wednesday of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T. Hubbard.
Mrs. H.F. Nicols has returned from Baltimore where she spent several days.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dawson, of Baltimore, spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Christopher.
Miss Ethel Oliver has returned after spending a month in Seaford, Del.
Mr. and Mrs. August Dethorn and two children have returned to Baltimore, after spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. A. Assmussen and Mr. and Mrs. Julian Richardson.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kimmey have returned from a trip to Baltimore.
Mrs. Laura Vincent was a visitor in Cambridge last Thursday.
Mrs. Nettie Oliver has returned from a trip to Baltimore and Philadelphia with a full line of Fall goods in fancy crepes and serges also staple colors.
Miss Elsie Boston, who has been sick for some time is able to be back at her place in Oliver's Store.
Work on the new garage being built by Mr. Airey Brannock, is progressing rapidly.
Miss Annabel Camper, and Mr. Enoch George, of Preston, attended the Fireman's Carnival at Denton last Thursday evening.
Miss Marjorie Willoughby, of Hurlock, spent last week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H.H. Willoughby.
Mrs. H.F. Nicols spent Thursday of last week as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Andrews and her mother, Mrs. D.J. Gore at Hurlock.
Mrs. Mary K. Willey was on the sick list last week.
Misses Maude Isenberg and Nellie Wheatley left Sunday for Hyattsville, where they have accepted positions as teachers.
Miss Emma Jane Layton, of Vienna, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Hampton Hicks.
A large number of people from town attended the oyster supper at Secretary on Thursday of last week.
Mr. Everett Nicols, of Atlantic City, spent the weekend at the home of Mrs. H.F. Nicols.
Miss Margaret Maurice, who was quite ill last week, is greatly improved.
Mr. Arvie Moore, of Cambridge, was a visitor a the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moore on Friday.
Miss Elizabeth Webster entertained on Thursday evening of last week Misses Marion Wright, Laura Vincent, and Maude Isenberg. Bridge was played and delicious refreshments were served.
We were shocked to learn of the sudden death of Mrs. Roland Wheatley. Funeral services were held on Saturday at her late home with interment in East New Market Cemetery.
Mr. Merrick Wheatley, of Oxford Valley, Pa., visited his grandparents last Tuesday, Mrs. Merrick Wheatley and two children, Merrick Jr., and Gloria, returned home with him after spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. George Wheatley.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Heinzroth and little daughter, Sarah Elizabeth, left Saturday morning for their home in Wilmington, after spending several weeks with Mrs. H. Lee Vickers.
Miss Hilda Kondla and Mr. Franklin Gambriel returned on Sunday to Norristown, Pa., after spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Gambriel and Master Thomas Gambriel.
Messrs. William T. Collins, Samuel Smith, and Archer Bramble have returned after attending the baseball games at Hagerstown.
The congregation of St. Stephen's Church met at the Parish House on
Friday night to discuss plans for the Annual Christmas Fair.
The date was set for Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of the first week
in December. The chairman of the different committees were
re-elected, being the same as last year.
Country Store
– Mr. Joseph Phelps
Candy Booth –
Mr. and Mrs. James McAllister
Fancy Booth –
Mrs. Wm. McClelland
Ice cream and
cake – Mrs. Frank Spence
Grab bag –
Misses Elizabeth Nicols and Mary W. Camper
The chairmen are to chose their own helpers.
Our baseball fans who could not make the trip to Hagerstown, followed the games via the electric scoreboard at the Grand Opera House, Cambridge.
Don't forget the new fall goods display at Mrs. Nettie Oliver's store.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Willis entertained Mr. and Mrs. John Heinzroth at supper on Thursday of last week and later took in "The Sea Hawk" at the Opera House, Cambridge.
Mrs. Annie Hurst, of Secretary, was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Gootee on Saturday.
Mrs. Varnes and daughter, Miss Edna, left last week for New York State where they will spend a month.
Mr. and Mrs. Hampton Hicks and grandson, Paul Willis Jr., took advantage of the excursion to Baltimore last Sunday.
Mrs. Fanny Stevens had as her guests on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Stevens and children, of Cambridge, Mrs. and Mrs. Willis Beard and children, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Twilley and children, Mr. and Mrs. Wm Seward, of James, and Mr. Ralph Carroll, of Salisbury.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Higgins has as their guest on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Higgins and two sons Leaslin and Sydney, Misses Mildred and Evelyn Higgins, Messrs. Kenneth Thomas, of Cambridge, and Garland Hooper, of Baltimore.
Mr. and Mrs. George Wheatley had as their guests on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wheatley and children, of Denton, Mr. Roland Wheatley and two children, of Philadelphia.
Mrs. Roberta Helsby, of Quantico, with friends was a visitor in town on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wheatley and little son, Jack, of Laurel, spent several days this week with Mrs. and Mrs. E.W. Wheatley.
Mr. Arvie Moore, of Cambridge, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Moore.
Misses Helen Windsor and Rebecca Willey, of Salisbury Normal, spent the week with their parents.
Those to leave town to take up their duties as teachers were: Miss Mary Gootee, Hudson; Miss Medora Moore, Eldorado; Miss Agnes Smith, Secretary; Miss Louise Boston, Vienna; Misses Nellie Wheatley and Maude Isenberg, Hyattsville; Miss Marguerite Clifton, East Cambridge; Miss Helen Clifton, Rhodesdale.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hackett, of Federalsburg, were visitors a the home of Mrs. Hackett's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.E. Loomis on Saturday.
The Epworth League of the M.E. Church presented to Mrs. Mary Webster a charmingly arranged basket of fruit with the hope that she will be soon recovered.
Mr. Rawlins Camper, of Hagerstown, spent several days this week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.H. Camper.
Prof. and Mrs. F.A. Stayer arrived Saturday and will make their home with Mrs. H. Lee Vickers during the school term. Miss Frances Merrick will make her home with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Helsby. Miss Eskridge, of Eldorado, Miss Short, of Hurlock, and Mr. Clayton, of Cambridge, will commute.
Miss Bessie Hackett was a visitor in town on Monday.
Mrs. Frank Webster left Tuesday for Baltimore, where she will spend some time.
Mrs. Jefferson Creighton spent several days this week at home.
Mr. Harry Travers, of Baltimore, spent several days this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Twilley.
Miss Hilda Hudson left Monday morning for Dover, Del., where she entered the Dover Academy.
Miss Bertha Seidler, of Washington, has returned to her home after being the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Collins for some time.
Mr. Joe Noel, of New York, has been spending some time at the home of Mrs. Margaret Maurice.
Mrs. E.W. Reid and Mr. Gilbert Melvin spent a few days last week in Wilmington and Philadelphia.
Miss Ruth Blake and Miss Harrison, of Cambridge Hospital, spent Monday with Mrs. Chas. Blake.
Mrs. D.J. Gore, of Hurlock, is spending several days with her daughter, Mrs. H.F. Nicols this week.
Mrs. Wm. Hickman, of Snow Hill, spent several days this week with Mr. Neavitt Spence.
Mrs. Margaret Maurice and daughter, Miss Margaret, and their guest Mr. Joe Noel, returned to New York this week.
Miss Marion Wright left Friday morning for Detroit, Mich., where she will spend some time.
Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Gootee had as their guests on Sunday,Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dunn and Mrs. Mary Seymour, of Cambridge, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dean and Mrs. Morris, of Secretary.
Mr. and Mrs. Leland Meyer have arrived safely in Georgetown, Ky., where Prof. Meyer has taken up his duties and Georgetown University.
Stereoptican pictures on Panama will be shown on Sunday evening, Sept. 20th at the M.E. Church.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Phillips, of Delmar, were the guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Boston.
Mrs. Gertie Rawlins spent Monday and Tuesday as the guests of Mrs. O.W. Hubbard.
Miss Evelyn Jefferson spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Ellen Jefferson.
Mr. Emil Hildenbrand and Mr. Ranklin spent a few days this week with Mrs. Hildenbrand.
Mr. Roland Wheatley and two children and Mrs. McMahan and Mrs. Annie Hurst left Tuesday morning for Darby, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Metz has as their guests on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Brown and Mr. and Mrs. White, all of Delmar.
Mrs. Edwin Bell and Mrs. C.L. Howard were visitors in Cambridge on Tuesday.
Miss Margaret Airey Brannock, of Hurlock, spent the week end with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. O.W. Hubbard.
Mr. and Mrs. T.K. Wheatley had as their guests on Sunday Mr. Edgar Wheatley, of Rhodesdale, Mr. Peton Wheatley and Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Wheatley.