East New Market



1926 - East New Market Items

The Daily Banner and Upper Dorchester News regularly dedicated a section of their newspapers to East New Market news items.  Most of the items are about trips that local people took, parties, illnesses, church functions, school meetings, and visitors in town.  The entries from 1926 and later are too numerous for me to fully transcribe.  Therefore I have only transcribed what I consider the non-routine items for 1926 and beyond.  For an example of a full transcription of the East New Market Items see the entries for 1923 to 1925 under Newspapers 1900-1925.

4 January 1926 – Upper Dorchester News - East New Market

The Baptist Sunday School held a Christmas party in the church basement Monday evening, which was well attended and much enjoyed.

The Christmas Social for the Episcopal Sunday School was held Saturday night at the Parish House, and the usual festivities accompanied it.

Those who attended the Methodist entertainment on Wednesday evening pronounce it as one of the best ever given here.  Prof. Arthur had assisted in preparing the music and was present and gave a helping hand Wednesday evening.  Those not present missed a real music treat.

Frozen water pipes were to be found in many homes Monday morning, but the lighted candle thawed most of them out without further damage, to appear with a streak of smut in your face was but to be in style.

We are glad to report that Charles Hampton Hicks is out of danger and improving, at our last writing he was very ill.

Mr. and Mrs. Twilley Merrick and daughters have recently moved into the house vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kimmey.

8 January 1926 - Upper Dorchester News - East New Market

The Parent-Teacher Association will meet Wednesday evening for their regular meeting at the High School.

The installation of officers for the Mizpah Chapter of the Eastern Star was held Monday evening in the Masonic Hall.

15 January 1926 – Upper Dorchester News - East New Market

Crescent Club is Entertained

The spacious parlors of the home of Mr. and Mrs. O.W. Hubbard were thrown open to the members of the Crescent Club on Wednesday evening, when as host and hostess nothing was left undone for the comfort and delight of their parents.  Those attending were:  Mr. and Mrs. O.R. Higgins, L.A. Bradley, Victor Neal, Fred. Willoughby, Prof. and Mrs. Laramor, of Hurlock, Col. and Mrs. Viola Brinsfield, or Cambridge, Mr. and Mrs. S.J.T. Smith, Mrs. Agnes Smith, and Mr. Mathew Smith, Mr. Fred Wright, Miss Elizabeth Wright, of East New Market , Mr. and Mrs. O.W. McWilliams and Miss Dorothy McWilliams, of Rhodesdale.

12 February 1926 – Daily Banner - East New Market Items

Ladies Aid Elects Officers

The ladies of the Baptist Church held their regular monthly meeting last Thursday in the church basement and had a splendid attendance.  After dinner the business meeting was called.    The annual election of officers was held.  The Baptist aid is at least 42 years old, and in that time has had two presidents, Mrs. George Albert Thompson was the first, and filled the office until the Baptist Church in Hurlock was built.  Upon her resignation, Miss Mary Millard was appointed to fill the vacancy, and was re-elected on Thursday.  Mrs. F.E. Loomis, who has been Secretary and Treasurer for the entire time, offered her resignation on Thursday, but it was not accepted, however, Mrs. L.C. Howard was appointed to assist Mrs. Loomis in her work.  Mrs. C.W. Myers has been the vice president since she moved here.  Following the business session supper was served and the weekly prayer service was held in the lecture room of the church.

19 February 1926 – Daily Banner - East New Market Items

Much credit is due Mr. William Collins for his thoughtfulness and kindness in cleaning away the snow on the sidewalks of those housed by sickness last week.

Don’t forget the Chautauqua here this week, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday program.

Mrs. Ellen Jefferson met with the misfortune of falling through the open cellar door to the cellar floor on Saturday.  She was fortunate in not breaking any bones, but was terribly shaken and bruised.  Her daughter, Miss Eva Jefferson, was called home from the Cambridge Hospital to take care of her.

Mrs. Lee Higgins and two sons are confined to their home with La Grippe.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Willis are spending this week in Philadelphia attending the Hardware Convention.  They were accompanied as far as Wilmington by Mrs. R.V. Layton and Billie R. Layton.

Mr. Airey Brannock is at his garage looking after business after being confined to the house with a severe cold.

While driving home from Hurlock on Thursday evening of last week Rev. Mr. Ledbetter had the misfortune of having his lights go bad, as he was trying to continue home as carefully as possible under the circumstances, he ran into a wagon with a pole extending from the rear, which carried no light.  Upon examination, he found his hood was missing.  His car would still go, so on overtaking the colored man with the wagon, he found his hood hung on the pole.  Mr. Ledbetter’s car was damaged beyond repair, but no personal results have been heard.

The friends of Mr. T.K. Wheatley are glad to know he is getting along nicely after his operation at the Cambridge Hospital.

Mr. William Collins and Miss Anna Camper spent Sunday with friends in Denton.

 Mrs. Sue Creighton entertained the Epworth League Cabinet on Friday evening and plans were made for the following month.

February 22nd is the date set for the Federation of Women’s Clubs, which will meet in Realty Hall and be the guests of the East New Market Woman’s Club.

26 February 1926 – Upper Dorchester News - East New Market

Don’t forget to see “Esmaralda” March 5 and get a good laugh.  A scream all the way through.

Mr. W.T. Collins is spending the week in Baltimore, where he went to attend the Game Wardens Banquet at the Hotel Emerson.

Don’t forget the date of “Esmaralda,” Friday, March 5th at Realty Hall given by our Senior High School pupils.  Come and enjoy a good laugh.  Tickets on sale at Helsby’s store.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Collins entertained a goose dinner Wednesday in honor of Mrs. Collins’ father’s 76th birthday.  Those present were:  Mr. W.F. McMahan, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McMahan, Mrs. Dennis Nichols, of Federalsburg, Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Sard, Miss Esther Sard, and Silva Sard, of Secretary.

5 March 1926 – Daily Banner - East New Market Items

Mr. S.L. Webster passed the 96th milestone of his life last Sunday.  On account of the illness in the home an din the family generally the annual family gathering was omitted.  Mr. Webster has recovered from his illness enough to be able to sit up in his room and receive callers.  Among those who called from out of town were:  Mrs. Etha DeVoe, Mr. and Mrs. William Howard and children, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fennimore, Mr. and Mrs. Sheppard Webster, Mr. Hurley Webster and friends in their party from Wilmington, Messrs. Noah and Floyd Webster, of Cambridge, and Mr. and Mrs. Roland Webster, of Federalsburg.

12 March 1926 – Upper Dorchester News - East New Market

The play Esmaralda given by the High School pupils last Friday night was a splendid success.  It was well presented to a crowded house.

Mr. Levin Bounds, Misses Elizabeth and Beaulah Bounds, and the children of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bounds have been quite ill with pneumonia, but are all improving at this writing.

Considerable excitement was aroused last Thursday night about 10 o’clock when the furnace pipe in the cellar of the home of Mr. S.L. Webster, and the pipe covering which was badly worn ignited, and smoldered, filling the house with thick smoke.  That afternoon some silver star coal had been placed in the cellar and no instructions for burning it were left, so the furnace was fixed as usual, but results were very unusual.  One of the nurses in the home was so alarmed for her patient that she called for Cambridge and Easton fire companies.  Easton was checked, but Cambridge was on the spot in a very short time.  Although they were not needed, they responded in a most friendly manner, assuring the men who apologized for calling them for nought, that they were only glad to come and glad that they were not needed.  Mr. S.L. Webster, Mrs. John Webster, and Miss Mary Webster were all sick in bed at the time, and are still confined to their beds, but improving.
Wednesday morning the furnace with some noise sprung a leak, the result of having been overheated several days before.  The pipes drained themselves, and it was necessary to have a plumber to adjust the damage.  The family at the home of Mr. Webster wishes to express sincere thanks and appreciation to all those who have so readily responded to the calls for help, especially those gentlemen who worked so hard in the blinding smoke and subdued the fire on Thursday.

19 March 1926 – Daily Banner - East New Market Items

Mrs. Hampton Hicks is sick at the Cambridge Hospital, but is expected to be able to return home in a few days.

Quite a few of our people have been to St. Michaels to hear Dr. Cooke and Mr. Vignuelle, who are assisting Rev. Tilghman Smith in revivals.

26 March 1926 - Upper Dorchester News - East New Market

Mr. F.H. Camper, who has been confined to his home a part of the winter, has improved to the extent of being able to walk up town, and is also planning his garden.

Little Miss Estelle Lankford met with a painful misfortune on Tuesday, when trying to climb on a drill on which her brother was sitting, just as the father who was working on it, not knowing the little girl was anywhere around, started the machine to moving.  Her leg was caught and severely cut, but no bones were broken which seems miraculous.

A carrier pigeon bearing the figures 22 B. A. 25320 came to East New Market Thursday.  The figures 22 are in a diamond inside of a square.  Mr. F.E. Loomis has the bird in his care.

A Mistake or a Trick

On Friday afternoon, March the 12th, somewhere in the neighborhood of three o’clock, as Miss Louise Webster was driving her Dodge car into Cambridge a truck approaching from her right as she was crossing Muir street, going to town on Race street, struck her car, doing some damage.

Miss Webster got out of her car and saw the tire had been hit and punctured, the truck had gone, but a gentleman stepped up to the auto as Miss Webster returned to it and asked “What is your damage?”  She replied “a flat tire, I am on my way to Brookes Garage, and we will see what further damage is done.”  Miss Webster also made the statement that the truck was approaching from her right hand side.  But Miss Webster had blown for the corner and was crossing the street as the truck blew and came up.  Miss Webster’s car was at a standstill when struck, and the truck driver had his full side of the street, and could have kept straight ahead, turned to his right instead of his left or stopped his truck, instead of hitting the auto.

Miss Webster instead of asking the man to ride with her to Brooke’s Garage accepted his honesty, and expected him to follow, as he had stated that it was his truck that has struck her automobile.

Miss Webster would like to know whether the man misunderstood that he was to follow or did he leave intentionally, and was it really his truck or not.

9 April 1926 – Upper Dorchester News - East New Market

The Federalsburg Minstrels are to bring a play here, Friday evening, April 16th.  Benefit of the new fire engine.  Come out to Realty Hall, and help a good cause, and be sure to remember the date.

Mr. and Mrs. Z.R. Collins, or Centreville, were visitors at the home of Mr. S.L. Webster on Sunday.

The Episcopal Church and Mrs. George Wheatley’s residence are being improved by a coat of paint.

Rev. and Mrs. W.D. Short and family moved into the Parsonage on Wednesday, and a hearty welcome was given to them.  A dinner was arranged by the ladies, and the regular meeting of the Ladies Aid Society was held there during the afternoon.

The Eastern Star held their regular meeting on Monday evening and a number of visitors were present from Cambridge and Vienna.

The Easter Egg Hunts were held by each Sunday School in the town.  the children played games, hunted eggs, and ice cream and cake were served in abundance.  The Episcopal School had the Vienna and Hurlock schools as their guests.

Levin Bounds

Levin Bounds, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bounds, died Wednesday morning at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. J.W. McAllen, aged 18 years.  Mr. Bounds had been sick for several weeks with double pneumonia, but was better when pleurisy developed.

Mrs. Louise Stevens Jenkins

When the announcement of the death of Mrs. Frank Plowden Jenkins, nee Miss Mary Louise Stevens, was received at East New Market, the home of her childhood days, there was a pause in respiration of each hearer, as the news spread.

Mrs. Jenkins died Friday morning at the Church Home and Infirmary Hospital in Baltimore from a complication of diseases.  Mrs. Jenkins was the youngest daughter of Mrs. Flora Stevens, of Baltimore, and the late Richard H. Stevens, of East New Market.  Besides her mother, Mrs. Jenkins is survived by her husband, Mr. Frank Plowden Jenkins, and two children, a little girl Margaret Pelfer Jenkins, three years old, and an infant son, Frank Plowden Jenkins Jr., a sister Mrs. S.H. Greenwood, of Baltimore and a brother, Mr. Webster Stevens, of North Carolina.

The funeral services were held at the home of her mother, Mrs. R.H. Stevens, Baltimore, Saturday afternoon at two o’clock and the remains were brought to Hurlock by train on Sunday.  Interment was made in the family plot in the East New Market Cemetery, Sunday, at one o’clock.  Mrs. Jenkins was laid to rest by six girlhood friends, Messrs. Watt Williams, Marion and Hamil Smith, Henry Wright, William Collins, and Charles Helsby.

Mrs. Jenkins was born at East New Market and was very popular as a child, and spent the summers here with her mother and the family after they moved to Washington and later Baltimore, coming here each summer and stopping with Mrs. E.W. Hooper at the Chesadel Hotel.

Mrs. Jenkins was connected with St. Michaels and All Angels Episcopal Church, Baltimore, where she leaves a host of friends as well as at East New Market.  After her marriage she resided in Wilmington, Delaware, until last October when her husband was transferred to Buffalo.

16 April 1926 – Daily Banner - East New Market Items

Mrs. John Collins is able to be out again after being confined to her home with a severe cold.

There will be a bake for the benefit of the piano fund Saturday afternoon in the vacant room at Realty Hall, in charge of Mrs. G.W. Isenberg, Mrs. T.S. Higgins, and Mrs. Edgar Twilley.

The Eastern Star is bringing an entertainment to Realty Hall on Wednesday evening, April 21st that will please the public.  Scotts Harmonius Four, with a splendid program, consisting of vocal and instrumental selections, negro camp meeting spirituals.  Southern plantation songs with enough jazz and popular numbers to meet the approval of all.  Tickets on sale at Mrs. Olivers’ Store, benefit of the Eastern Star.  This is the first time in two years they have come before the public to ask assistance in their work, and we hope success may crown their efforts.

23 April 1926 – Upper Dorchester News - East New Market

St. Stephen’s Sunday School, East New Market, will hold its annual cake and candy and ice cream sale in the Collins cottage on Saturday afternoon and evening, April 3rd.  The proceeds of the sale will be devoted to the mission offering of the school.

20 April 1926 – Upper Dorchester News or Daily Banner

Rev. and Mrs. W.D. Short and children motored to town on Tuesday, and left word that they would be in town for the Sunday services.  Mr. Short is the newly appointed pastor for the East New Market Charge and we trust that a genuine welcome and real co-operation on the part of the members of the church will be given these new workers as the come into our midst.

Mr. Henry Cooke left Tuesday for Ogedenton, Md., where he has accepted a position.  Mr. Cooke has been employed at the garages on the corner for several years, and his genial smile will be missed by the frequent passer-by.

Mr. and Mrs. William T. Hubbard were very much surprised a few mornings ago, on entering their living room to find that during the night, a spark had supposedly drawn from the stove and lodged in the wood box which had burned up with its contents.  A closet nearby where clothes were kept was damaged, all the clothes being charred so that they are useless, all the babies clothing, Mr. Hubbard’s best suit and Mrs. Hubbard’s coat were in the closet.  The fact that the room was closed and there was no draft, is supposed to be the reason for the fire smoldering itself out rather than spreading throughout the house.

Miss Melva Bell has resigned her position in the East New Market Eastern Shore Trust Company Bank, and accepted a position with the First National Bank in Cambridge.

Mr. Sentment, the Post Office Inspector, was in town on Wednesday, looking after the appointment of someone to complete the unexpired term of Mr. Meyers.

Mr. Harry Howard met with an accident when he slipped on an uneven board and sprained his ankle, with the result that he has been walking with a cane for the past week, and could not walk at all the week previous.

The bake held on Sunday was quite a success.  Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Baker were two of the ten persons to obligate to raise ten dollars each to complete the payments on the piano fund and they held the bake for this purpose, and had the finest lot of cakes, pies, candy, etc. that has been donated a bake for sometime, which proves the interest in getting this debt paid.

Much interest is being manifested in the appointment of a new Postmaster for the office here.  While it seems to be understood who will receive the appointment, there have been somewhere around seventeen applicants for the office.   Miss Iva Bounds the assistant is among the applicants and if it was up to the public Miss Bounds would undoubtedly receive the appointment as her even temperament and pleasing personality has won for her an esteem among those with whom she has come in contact.

In losing Charles W. Meyers, whose death took place on Monday afternoon March 22 at five o’clock, the town has lost one of its most progressive businessmen.  Mr. Meyers was born in Baltimore, Dec. 1, 1860 and was the son of Mr. and Mrs. August Meyers.  On Nov. 23, 1887, he was married to Miss Katie Lou Wright.  Of four children, Rosa Marie, Carl Orrick, Leland Winfield, and William Reginald he is survived by the last two, Prof. Leland Meyers, of Georgetown, Ky., and Mr. William Meyers, of Ocean City, N.J.

Mr. Meyers was one of the prominent manufacturers of the Eastern Shore for many years.  His first business was a hardware store on the corner where Mrs. Oliver is now located.  He had been in the Post Office service for six years.  Mr. Meyers was one of the charter members and a deacon of the East New Market Baptist Church.  Mr. and Mrs. Meyers built and for fourteen years held services in the Baptist Church at Springdale on a lot donated by Mr. John Page, of Springdale.

At the time of his death he was President of the Post Masters Association through which he was able to obtain for the postmasters many advantages.  Services were held at his late home, March 24th, 1926 by Rev. J.C. Ledbetter, pastor of the Baptist Church, after which he was taken to Baltimore.  Services were held at the home of his sister, Mrs. August Rietday, Broadway, by Rev. G.R. Brookes, a former pastor of the local church.  Interment was made in Louden Park Cemetery.  Besides his two sons, he is survived by his wife, his mother, Mrs. Mary Meyers, two brothers, Messrs. Henry and Alec Meyers, both of Baltimore, Mrs. Jennie Eisenberger, Mrs. C.B. Holstein, Mrs. August Rietday and Mrs. Parke Upp, all of Baltimore.

30 April 1926 – Daily Banner - East New Market Items

Don’t forget to see “The Minister’s Wife,” given by the Y.W.A. of the First Baptist Church of Cambridge at Realty Hall, Friday evening, April 30.  Two hours of solid fun.  Don’t miss it.  Benefit of the East New Market Baptist Church.  Admission, 15 and 35 cents.

Mr. J. Airey Brannock has placed in his garage an unique refrigerator, and is ready to serve cold drinks.  This refrigerator works automatically, press a button, and the bottle pops up, and then another one can be put in, on the ice.  Mr. Brannock has also had a pay station installed in his garage.  This will be a great accommodation to the people at large, for the town had been without a pay station for several months, and the telephone people have been severely criticized for their neglect.

Betty, the beautiful police dog pup, belonging to Mr. Julian Richardson, was rescued from the town sewerage pipes on Tuesday morning by Mr. Winfield Hicks, who was attracted to the manhole on the corner, where he saw the dog was trapped.  It is supposed that the dog followed a rat into the pipes at the drain of Mr. Gootee’s feed store.  Betty was delighted to be released, and hurried home, apparently none the worse for her experience, but badly in need of a bath.

Woman’s Club Holds Open Meeting

Following a very brief business session on Tuesday evening, the regular meeting gave way to an open meeting for men, women, and children, which was addressed by Mr. Beasley, State Forester, in a most pleasing and entertaining manner.  All of Mr. Beasley’s pictures were instructive and helped to impress his remarks on the minds of his hearers.  Mr. Beasley began his program with a reel of moving pictures, and gave one at the close, the pictures accompanying his lectures were very impressive and attractive.  He showed one reel which her stated was taken in Dorchester County.  The necessity of fire protection, the care in cutting trees and replanting were the three points being stressed by Mr. Beasley.

Mrs. Frederick Kimmey gave several selections at the piano while the lecture machine was being adjusted.  Mrs. Mary K. Willey and Mrs. Charles Webster, hostesses for the evening.

13 May 1926 Upper Dorchester News - East New Market

The Parent Teacher Association will hold their closing meeting for the year on Wednesday, May 19, as Field Day fell on the regular time.

Memorial Day services May 31st at the East New Market Cemetery, at 2 o’clock.  Rev. Leonard White, of Delmar, will be the speaker.

11 June 1926 – Upper Dorchester News - East New Market

The Eastern Shore Trust Company Bank at East New Market is doing more business than any other bank in Dorchester County, just now, due to the large number of acres of strawberries which were grown and marketed in the locality this year.

18 June 1926 – Upper Dorchester News - East New Market

Miss Mary Millard met with the misfortune to fall on the cement walk last Thursday, spraining her wrist.

Several months ago – in February – we were told that the drug store had been purchased by Mr. Earl, who would open about June 10th.  As time slipped on, the report was forgotten, and the town received a very pleasant surprise last Friday, June 11th, when the doors of the drug store were thrown open for business.  Dr. Franklin W. Earl, of Trappe, is a registered pharmacist, and is very welcome in this vicinity, who wish him success.

It is understood that the East New Market School has led the county in marks on the examination and class standing.  Miss Lucy Parker, who completed her eighth grade work, has led her class for eight years.

The graduates this year were Donald Wheatley, Evelyn Moore, Mary Blazek, Eleanor Bell, Edith Sard, Ruth Demott, Hazel Tubman, and Theodore Boston.

2 July 1926 – Upper Dorchester News - East New Market

Rev. J.C. Ledbetter, Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Boston, Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Howard, Mrs. Earl DeMott, Miss Mary Millard, Mrs. John Collins, Mrs. Percy Henry, Messrs. Frank Loomis and Anton Hanson were among those attending the Baptist Eastern District Association, held in Salisbury last week.

Mr. Paul Willis has returned home from Washington, D.C., where he attended the Estate Heatrola Sales School.  Mr. Willis is now in position to give valuable information on these heating outfits, and having one installed in his own home last winter, he is now familiar both with the practical and scientific advantages of these heaters.  Mr. Willis will be glad to have any one call and interview him at his store along these lines.

Considerable amusement was felt at the pay station last Saturday evening when a party went in to use the telephone.  The first thing the party inquired if a party living at a given number on a certain street, Baltimore had a telephone.  Reply came in the affirmative.  The party asked the cost to talk to that number and was told 25c.  In a few minutes the lady in central came back and said it would cost 50c, after a few minutes hesitancy, the party said well give me the number if you can get some one to answer.  When central said “drop in 70c, we have your party,” the party at our pay station felt like dropping in the receiver, but after going to the desk and getting some extra change the 70c was dropped in and the party at each end found out who was on the other end, but no conversation could be carried on.  Seventy cents to let the other know you are on the line, they know you had something to say of importance, but -- What was it you wanted to say.  Is this service?  How long will the telephone company put such demands on the people?  Whose fault?  The people who pay.  When the public refuse to pay for such service and return to telegrams and letters, the telephone companies will give service and have fixed prices.

Mr. F.R. Camper and Mrs. Gilbert Gore Andrews, of Philadelphia, were called to town on Friday by the death of a father and grandfather on Friday night.

16 July 1926 – Upper Dorchester News - East New Market

Mrs. Maurice, Misses Margaret Maurice, and Margo Metcalf, of New York City, are spending the summer months at the Maurice summer home.

The Library Committee is trying to arrange to be on the job again, but before books can be loaned out, it is necessary to request that all books belonging to the library, be returned.  The library will be open on Friday afternoons, and will be managed as before.

Cabin Creek Church Re-Opens

One of the oldest churches in the county, especially this section, is located in the grove at Cabin Creek, at one time it belonged to the Baptist Denomination, but for a long time has been owned by the Methodists, and has been part of the East New Market Charge.

A more loyal crown of folks can not be found, always true to their church and pastor.  These people cling together, and do a work that many a larger congregation blush with shame at their own work.  These loyal workers have recently purchased and placed in their church a new carpet, new pulpit outfit, and new curtains, and on Sunday they had their reopening service.

The sermon was preached by Rev. W.F. Dawson, who gave a Law and Order sermon.  Rev. Mr. Bradley, of Secretary, was present and Rev. Mr. Reynolds, of Western University, Ohio, who also took and active part in the exercises.  Special music added to the success of the afternoon.

6 August 1926 – Upper Dorchester News - East New Market

Miss Laura Sidler, of Washington, D.C., and Miss Henrietta Sidler, of Hyattsville, Md., are spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. John Collins.

One of the ministers of the town came in contact with the “No Parking” sign and knocked it down.  When ministers set the example, it must be alright.

Mr. N.P. Christopher has recently sold his old furniture from his barber shop and equipped himself with more modern outfit.  Mr. Christopher was not contemplating selling, but he had such an ardent purchaser, that he finally set a price, which he thought was beyond what the man would pay, but to Mr. Christopher’s surprise, it was accepted.  Today Mr. Christopher has a small, but up-to-date barber shop, especially equipped to take care of the ladies, and give service to the men.

Burial Services of Edward Johnson Jr.

Sad news was received here Sunday afternoon, when a phone message came that Edward B. Johnson, age 17 years, son of Edward B. and Georgia Jones Johnson, of Washington, D.C., and grandson of Capt. and Mrs. W.E. Johnson, had died suddenly Saturday night.  The body was brought to East New Market by way of the Annapolis-Claiborne Ferry Monday afternoon for burial.  Rev. William McClelland had charge of the services at the grave, the pall bearers were:  Prof. Arlington Baker and Johnson Bonner, cousins, Hamill Smith, Charles Webster, Theodore Boston, and L.C. Crowe.

13 August 1926 – Upper Dorchester News - East New Market

Mr. Mathews, the drug clerk of Dr. Earl’s Drug Store, is away on a two weeks vacation.

Dr. Earle and family moved to town and are occupying the house vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ausmussen.

20 August 1926 – Upper Dorchester News - East New Market

Mrs. Elmer Lee and little daughter, Peppy, who have been spending the past ten days at Higgins Hotel, were joined by Mr. Lee for the past weekend, and all returned to their home in Sykesville on Monday.  Mrs. Lee was Miss Willa Stevens before her marriage.

Watermelon Party

Misses Marguerite and Helen Clifton entertained about twenty of their friends from East New Market and Hurlock at a watermelon party on Friday evening, on the lawn at their home.  The usual games were enjoyed, and all the guests agreed that these ladies are royal hostesses.

Mr. Alonza Hackett

For the third time within the past fifteen months, East New Market has been shocked by the sudden death of one of its prominent citizens.

Mr. Alonza Hackett died very suddenly on Tuesday morning, about six o’clock after an illness of less than an hour.  Monday afternoon Mr. Hackett was on the street, apparently in his usual health, which has not been the very best for several years, but nothing at all alarming.

Mr. Hackett has made his home with his brother, W.T. Hackett since he lost his wife, who was Miss Sallie Kelley.  Mr. Hackett leaves one sister, Mrs. George Wheatley, of East New Market, and two brothers, Mr. Frank Hackett, of Texas, and Mr. W.T. Hackett, of East New Market.  Mr. Hackett was 74 years of age, and leaves no children.  Funeral services are being arranged for 2 p.m. Thursday.

Aug 1926 – Upper Dorchester News - East New Market

Miss Henrietta Sidler returned to her home in Hyattsville, on Monday, after spending the month with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. John Collins.

Miss Bertha Sidler has returned to her home in Washington, D.C., after spending two weeks with her sister, Mrs. John Collins.

The members of the East New Market Baptist Church will hold and oyster supper on Shiloh Camp Ground next Thursday, Sept. 2.  These ladies know how to prepare and serve a good supper, so if you enjoy good eats, do not forget to attend.  Supper at 5 p.m.  Come early.

We are glad to learn that little Willis Smith is improving.  He has been confined to the bed for two weeks with typhoid fever, but the progress of the disease has been checked by careful nursing, and an attentive doctor.

Fusty the little black fox terrier, so well known by the friends of Miss Mary Bramble Willey, died last Wednesday at the age of 13 years.  Old age was the cause of death, although he has met with automobile accidents, had a broken leg, during his life time.  His death was apparently painless.  All lovers of animals know the feelings of those losing a favorite pet.

After ten days of rain we had a respite of two days, but Wednesday morning the showers returned in force.

Miss Elizabeth Wright and little niece, Mary Houston Wright, are spending some time with friends in Baltimore.

3 September 1926 – Upper Dorchester News - East New Market

About two weeks ago, Mr. Fred Kimmey’s truck caught fire, and after repairing, it was unusually hard to crank, and last Saturday, while trying to crank it, it kicked, and broke two fingers and a bone in his hand.  Mr. Kimmey, who is very energetic is not at all appreciative of his forced vacation.  Mrs. Kimmey feels that she has more than her share, for her little son, Donald Lee, is just recovering from a serious illness, caused by poisonous mosquito bite.

Mr. Edward Bramble, who has been numbered on the sick list, is to be seen again behind the counters at the store.  He hopes he will soon be in usual good health.

Capt. W.E. Johnson is reported very ill at this writing.

13 September 1926 – Upper Dorchester News - East New Market

We have had quite a number of visitors and tourists spending the Labor Day vacation here.  Mr. and Mrs. T.S. Higgins had 21 registered at the hotel.

A surprise party was given Miss Lucille Moore in honor of her eighteenth birthday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Mary Blades last Thursday evening.

17 September 1926 – Upper Dorchester News - East New Market

Mr. C.E. Sidler and son, Jr., have returned to Hyattsville, after spending the weekend with Mr. Sidler’s sister, Mrs. John Collins.

Dr. H.F. Nichols has sold his residence to Mr. James Nabb, of Baltimore.  Mr. Nabb, who is a retired business man, will come here to live in the spring.

Mr. Emil Metz has sold his bungalow and will move with his family to North Carolina.

Prof. and Mrs. Staver have rented Mrs. Hildenbrandt’s house for the winter.  Mrs. Hildenbrandt expects to be in Baltimore, where her son, Emil, and daughter, Freda, will attend school.

Interest in the primary election was unusually great this year.  It was a busy day, many of the country people coming to town to vote, stayed to shop and merchants were happy as well as the successful candidates.

24 September 1926 – Upper Dorchester News - East New Market

The bake sale held by the Junior Girls of the Baptist Church on Saturday, netted the young ladies $10.00 for their effort.  The amount proves the popularity of the bake, not so long ago, half that amount was considered a success.

Mrs. T.H. Collins and son, Douglass left Sunday for Philadelphia, where Mrs. Collins went to consult a throat specialist, which was followed by and operation on Tuesday.  Her many friends hope she may have a speedy recovery.

The home of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Beard was the scene of a happy gathering Monday evening when they entertained in honor of their little daughter, Miss Leah Frances Beard, on her sixth birthday.

Sport, the handsome carriage dog and family pet belonging to Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Baker died on Wednesday.  His symptoms indicated poison.

Rumors of reduced telephone rates after the first of October are very pleasing, and it is hoped that a pay station with one line only will soon follow, as a four party pay station line is very poor service, in a busy town.

8 October 1926 – Upper Dorchester News - East New Market

The ladies of Cabin Creek are getting ready for their oyster supper to be held Wednesday, Oct. 13 or if that day should be disagreeable it will be Oct. 14.

22 October 1926 – Upper Dorchester News - East New Market

Mr. and Mrs. Hampton Hicks have sold their home to Mr. James Nabb, of Baltimore.  Mr. and Mrs. Nabb will move here and make their home in the future.

Miss Iva Bounds is out after a slight attack of malaria.

The first Parents and Teachers meeting for this fall was held last Wednesday with a splendid attendance.  The ground on one side of the school building is being filled in and new trees planted which will add much to the appearance of the school grounds.

A new doctor is planning to settle in our town in the near future.

29 October 1926 – Upper Dorchester News - East New Market

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Nichols, Mr. Frank McMahon, Mrs. Lizzie Poole, of Federalsburg, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sard, Miss Hazel and Silva Sard, of Secretary, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Collins.

We are pleased to report the arrival of an additional doctor in East New Market, Dr. Tilghman Brice Marden.  Besides being a graduate of the medical department of the University of Maryland, he graduated from the college department of John Hopkins University, and have a devoted number of years to the practice of medicine and minor surgery in the city of Baltimore,  and to teaching at the Baltimore Medical College, and has given up his position as professor of Histology and Embryology in the medical department of the University of Maryland to respond to the call for practitioners throughout the rural districts, and has come to the Eastern Shore of Maryland in response to the innate call inherited from his mother, who was a direct descendant of the Tilghmans and the Brices; and also the colonial remains of the customs, buildings, and the people have been tugging at the heart for years, that now he feels as if returning to his real home.  We may add that Dr. Marden has taken post graduate courses at the New York Post Graduate School, and John Hopkins Summer School.

With these qualifications in addition to hospital training at the University Hospital, and at the Good Samaritan Hospital  of Baltimore as its resident physician, we feel confident that Dr. Marden is well prepared for the practice of his profession.  The Doctor has a wife of wonderful personality and is a real partner of her husband, and is as anxious to be a resident of the Eastern Shore as the Doctor, having been born in Somerset County, her father being John Stevens, cousin of the late Bates Stevens, and her mother Cornelia hall, sister of William Hall, mayor of Pokomoke.  Mrs. Marden has a sister, Mrs. John Turpin, of Hurlock.  Three children, all grown and departed from the home nest.  Now as we feel that we know the Doctor and his family, we extend to them the glad hand of welcome.

5 November 1926 – The Cambridge Record – East New Market

Mr. William Collins has returned home after spending several days in Baltimore.

Dr. W.E. Gunby was a caller at the Methodist Parsonage Monday, having learned of Rev. W.D. Short’s accident, to express sympathy and hear the details.

Miss Melva Bell assisted at the bank while Mr. Leon Bradshaw is away on his vacation.

The walk in front of the Episcopal Church has been greatly improved by having the grass cleaned off the bricks, which is much appreciated by those using the walk.

We note among the improvements at the Methodist Church, that the broken windows have been replaced, and we hope the boys will be more careful in the future which way they throw their balls, although some of these were broken during storms.

Election Day was a holiday for the school teachers and pupils, many of the teachers wishing to return to their homes to vote.

Baptist Young Folks Have Outing
Around seven o’clock last Monday evening Juniors and Intermediates of the Baptist Sunday School gathered at the church where they were greeted by Mr. Dan. LeCompte with his school bus, and Mr. Milton McAllen with his truck, who packed the young people away and carried them to Cambridge to join the Annual Mummers Parade.  All report a glorious time.

Rev. W.D. Short Meets With Accident
While driving on the road between Cabin Creek and town, Rev. Mr. Short was ditched with the result that he is now housed with two fractured ribs.  Mr. Short was blinded by the dazzling lights of two cars which he met on the turn by Mr. Harveys.  He pulled to his right and it will be remembered that the state road commission have placed a culvert at this turn, which is even with the road and is not seen easily, do that while driving in the ditch, Mr. Short struck the culvert.  Only the fact that he was driving very slowly, prevented a serious accident.  Mrs. Short and the children received minor injuries, but the force with which Mr. Short was jammed against the steering wheel broke his ribs.  It is not expected that the minister will make any kick, but it is hoped that the State Roads Commission will raise the culvert to a proper height before a more serious occurrence.

Messrs. William and John Collins have purchased the house formerly owned and occupied by Mrs. Bertie Helsby, and will open a meat market there.

A miscellaneous shower was given Miss Elizabeth Webster on Monday evening by the Eastern Star following their regular meeting.

A very attractive and beautiful wedding took place at one o’clock Wednesday, November the third, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Webster, when their only daughter, Miss Elizabeth Hubbard Webster became the bride of Mr. Donald A. Stockley, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Stockley, of Baltimore.  Promptly at the appointed time the strain of Mendelssohn’s wedding march, played by Miss Frances Merrick, pianist, the bride upon the arm of her father, proceeded to the alter of Evergreens, where she was met by the groom who with his attendant entered by another door.  Rev. J.C. Ledbetter, Pastor of the Baptist Church united the happy couple by the ring ceremony.  [more details]

12 November 1926 – Upper Dorchester News - East New Market

Mr. Leon Bradshaw is back at his accustomed place at the Eastern Shore Trust Company’s Bank, after spending his vacation at Wilmington and Philadelphia, where he attended the Sesqui-Centennial.

Mr. and Mrs. Emil Metz and family left on Tuesday for Charlotte, N.C., where they will make their home in the future.

Mr. Grover Tubman, who has been employed in Philadelphia, has returned here, and resumed farming.  His family has moved to the farm with him after living in town during his absence.

Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs have sold their home, familiarly known as the Scotten Home, to Mr. Henry Lloyd Tubman, of Cambridge, and have moved to Earlville, Cecil County.  We are informed that Mr. Tubman purchased the house as a speculation, but since buying, has been married, and likes his home so well that he has decided to make it his permanent home.

Masquerade Party
The Community Masquerade Party which was held Friday evening at the Parish House, was very successful, there being about 100 guests, most of them in disguise.  Prizes were awarded to the best dressed, the most comic, and the one hardest and the last to be recognized.  The decorations consisted of lighted pumpkins, autumn leaves, corn, etc.  Games suitable for the occasion were played, and ginger cakes, cider, apples and candy were served.  The costuming showed much preparation and forethought.

While returning from Wicomico County with a truck load of wood on Monday, Mr. Kimmey met with the misfortune to have a rear axle break.  Inconvenience and loss of time were the most serious results.

Mr. James Nabb and family, of Baltimore, are moving into their new home here, which they purchased from Mr. and Mrs. H.B. Hicks.

The Cemetery Committee have announced that no more tombstones will be allowed to be placed in the East New Market Cemetery after November 30th, 1926 until April 1st, 1927.  It is readily understood that is done because of the condition of the ground during winter months.

East New Market Grange
On Friday evening last, the East New Market Grange showed great signs of coming into its own.  A special meeting had been called for the purpose of admitting some fifteen candidates to membership.  Grangers from all over the county were present to see this great advance on the part of the grange.  Also a large group of the members of the Easton Grange were present.  These later were on hand for the purpose of initiating the new class.  The members of the Easton Grange put on a well carried out and beautiful drill.  This was received with much enthusiasm.  Also these same people conducted the work in pleasing and sincere manner.  We all know the ritual of the Grange is very beautiful, but its beauty can be greatly marred by careless presentation.  Such was not the case on Friday evening.  Those who were admitted members of the East New Market Grange could not help but take home some of the lessons of the initiation.

The master of the East New Market Grange welcomed the new members and thanked the friends from Easton for their good work.  He also reported that the local organization had grown in a month from fifteen to forty members.  There is a real place in the rural community for the Grange and it seems that we are to have a revival here.

The meeting was concluded by a social hour at which time ice cream and cake were served.