After the original Cambridge Chronicle ceased operations in 1855, the Cambridge Democrat continued, and other newspapers were established: American Eagle (1855-1864?), Cambridge Herald (1859-1866?), Cambridge Intelligencer (1863?), Intelligencer (1864?-1869?), Democrat & Herald (1866?-1870), and Dorchester News (1867-1870).
Since Samuel Green is an important local figure and so many local and national articles have been written about him during the period 1856 to 1877, I have created a special section with articles about Samuel Green, entitled Samuel Green in the News.
American Eagle - 14 May 1856 - A Card -
G.W. Carroll, would respectfully inform the public that he is prepared
to attend to the collection of all claims placed in his hands for
collection, either in the county or State. He will attend to all
collections promptly, and on reasonable terms. All orders directed
to him at East New Market, will meet with immediate attention.
American Eagle - 23 July 1856 – Marriage –
Married by Rev. R.E. Kemp, near New Market on Thursday the 10th inst. -
Ar?oe Gore of Talbot County to Mrs. Mary E. Alford of this county.
American Eagle - 24 September 1856 - Female Seminary -
East New Market, Dorchester County, MD. The next annual session of
this institution will commence on Monday, the 1st of September, under
the care of the Rev. A.T. Gould, M.A. - Located in the pleasant village
of East New Market, it it believed that superior advantages area
afforded for the thorough instruction of young ladies in the various
branches of a useful and polite education. The Department of Music
will be under the charge of an experienced Teacher. Terms -
Spelling, Reading, and Writing with Primary Geography, per quarter
$3.00; Geography, Grammar, Arithmetic, Algeron, and Geometry,
together with elementary drawing $5.00; Music on the Piano $5.00;
Use of the Piano $2.00; French $3.00; Latin $3.00.
American Eagle - 29 October 1856 – Agents –
G.W. Carroll, E. N. Market & John Brohawn, Vienna are authorized agents for the
"Eagle". All contracts made for them by work and receipts given
for monies by them will be considered good by us.
American Eagle - 12 November 1856 - Election Returns -
New Market - Fillmore 112, Buchanan 262; Buchanan's majority 150.
Bowie's majority 118. A strong effort was made by the opposition
in this district and all the doubtful votes secured.
American Eagle - 26 November 1856 – Marriage –
Married at 5:00 on 20 November in East New Market by Rev. Mr. McCarter
of Philadelphia - Dr. Andrew Stafford of Preston, Caroline County to
Miss Anne P. Greene of this county.
American Eagle - 3 December 1856 – Death Notice –
Died on 20 November at the residence of his son at "Rose Hill" in
81st year of age, Henry Byrn, Esq, oldest citizen on Cambridge.
American Eagle - 10 December 1856 – Married –
On Monday by Rev. Mr. Kemp - Mr. James M. Murphy of Queen Annes
County to Miss Mary E. Jacobs, only daughter of Kendall M. Jacobs of
this county.
American Eagle - 25 February 1857 – For Sale –
At John Dean's Hotel in East New Market - "Taylors Promise" & "Endeavor"
belonging to the heirs of Robert Medford which he purchased of William
Medford, and adjoining lands of Charles W. Carroll, James M. Carroll, &
Elisha Trice containing 160 acres.
American Eagle - 20 May 1857 - Mr. Editor:
I have been at a loss for some time past to give you any news from our
section, of any interest, as there seemed to be nothing transpiring to
direct our notice, nor interesting to your readers, and I have nothing
of importance to contribute this time, but as the gloomy aspect of
business affairs once more seems to be fading away, and assuming a more
active and encouraging appearance, I thought it to be a good notion to
inform you that such was the case here as well as elsewhere. It is
stimulating to the mind of any individual, I should think, to witness
this condition of business affairs, be his vocation what it may.
Such is the case in our vicinity and neighborhood, every branch of
business seems to be improving.
The Lyceum of this town, which was established but three months ago,
it now in a very flourishing condition; quite a respectable audience is
in attendance every evening of its session, to hear the various
discussions. This institution will be productive of good results
by improving the literacy taste and raising up orators for a "coming
day." I say to you gentlemen, it is a good thing; never weary in
doing so well, for you know that in order to reach the highest eminence
there is a commencement to be made, then press forward and the prize is
We have also a singing class, studying the science of vocal music,
under the careful supervision of Mr. Redhead, of your town. Mr. R.
has only given us some 6 or 8 lessons, and it is astonishing to see what
rapid improvement his pupils have made in so short a time, but this is
owing to the great care and interest manifested by the pupils, and the
full qualification of their instructor.
The wheat crop in this immediate section looks fine, I believe I
never remember to have seen it look better at this season of the year,
farmers are making very great calculations on this valuable crop.
I believe I have not seen in the Eagle recently anything said
relative to our candidates next Fall; let me inquire who is to be our
Clerk? who is to be our Register? (provided there is one to
elect,) who is to be Sheriff? and last I suppose we are entitled to
three from the county. I know not of any one myself who has been
spoken of as a delegate, but I have thought proper, if you will allow me
the privilege, to recommend yourself for this distinguished position,
hoping that it will meet with your king approval. You have for
sometime past been placed in a very excellent position to learn the
wants and wishes of our people, and I am very anxious that you should
fill this very important post of honor and trust, for I think you have
fully merited this behest in the gift of the people, but suffice it is
to say will look to our Interest, and secure for us what is most
wholesome and practical of good.
A considerable degree of interest seems to be manifested through the
different newspapers of the country, and among the people, in relation
to the harry orbit which is to make its appearance on the 16th of June,
says a writer in the American, but be this as it may, whether this is to
be the period of the millennium or not, we cannot tell, the best plan
for us is to be quiet, for we know not the day nor the hour, although it
does seem that inequity abounds to a considerably extent, perhaps more
than usual, but we are not to run out and inquire after these things,
not after profits, even if they should come again; and take my word for
it the effects of it will not be visible to us; may, not screen the
smoke. Dynamis.
American Eagle - 20 May 1857 – Marriage –
Married near New Market on 13 May by Rev. J.B. Quigg - C.G. McGinnis of
Baltimore to Sarah E.U. Thompson of Dorchester County.
American Eagle - 3 June 1857 – Who Shall be our next Governor –
Thomas H. Hicks, Esq. for the American Party of Dorchester County to run
for governor of Maryland. The son of a poor, but honest & highly
respected parents. His father, a mechanic, with a large family of children,
nine in number, was taken from him when young, yet old enough to
appreciate the loss of a parent's advice and example, and importance of
parental counsel in rearing youth to manhood....
American Eagle - 3 June 1857 -
Mrs. Bramble, at East New Market, has a goose which as layed 45 eggs
this season, and is still laying regularly.
American Eagle - 3 June 1857 –
Temperance Hotel in East New Market -
The subscriber having rented the
premises formerly occupied by the late, Major A. Manning, is prepared to
accommodate his friends and the public generally. Boarders taken
by the year, month, day or meal on reasonable terms. Conveyance to
hire, and travelers taken to any part of the Peninsula at moderate
charge. George L. Stevens.
American Eagle - 15 July 1857 –
East New Market -
Some reference having been made in the public journals
to the fact that a disease of a contagious character had broken out in
this town, and understanding that exaggerated reports are in
circulation, the undersigned, on behalf of the citizens, have been
requested to make a plain and candid stated of the facts of the case.
While it is doubtless true that the malady in question may be
regarded as contagious, they feel themselves authorized to say (having
conversed with the physicians here on the subject) that it is not of
such a type as to excite any apprehension that it will extend beyond the
particular house in which the disease first appeared.
Whatever may be the classification of the disease, whether small-pox
in its severer, or in one of its more modified forms we have upon
careful enquiry, ascertained that there have been, in all, but eight
cases - two in the country and six in the town. The two in the
country are distinctly known to have been contracted by individuals who
remained for some considerable time at the house where the disease first
appeared. The six within the limits of the town are all the
inmates of the house to which the disease is confined, and beyond which
it has not made its appearance except the two cases named. It has
moreover been attended with no fatality and the patients are, in
general, doing well, and are for the most part convalescent.
Upon a careful consideration of the circumstances we think it proper
to express confidently the opinion that no danger need be apprehended by
our fellow citizens abroad, who may have occasion to visit East New
Market. The only precaution necessary (and for this we have the
opinion of the medical gentlemen of our community as well as the
experience of citizens) being simply to avoid entering the house at
present infected, until such time as it shall be distinctly understood
to be safe to enter it. As the location of this house is in a
retired part of the town it will be necessary only for a very few,
either to pass it, or approach it at all.
We therefore unhesitatingly express the belief that all may visit our
town without incurring any risk and without apprehension with regard to
their health and safety.
We may be allowed to add in closing, that Mrs. Dean is the principal
sufferer in the afflicted family, and is deserving of the sympathy of
her friends. She is likely to test the truth of the adage, 'a
friend in need is a friend indeed'. J.B. Quigg, A.T. Gould,
J.L. Willis, K.M. Jacobs, J.Q. Leckie, M.S. Fletcher, N. Newton, K.B.
Fletcher, George L. Stevens. Committee on behalf of the Citizens.
American Eagle - 15 July 1857 –
Trustee's Sale of Negro Boys -
By virtue of an order derived from the Hon. Thomas A.
Spence, judge of the Circuit Court for Dorchester County, the
undersigned trustee will sell at public sale in front of Conoway's Hotel in East
New Market between the hours of 12 and 4 o'clock on Saturday, 18th of
July, next, two negro boys aged about 12 years, slaves for life.
The terms of the sale as prescribed by the decree are cash. Upon
the ratification of the sale by the said court the trustees will give a
bill of sale to the purchaser or purchasers.
John L. Willis, Trustee.
American Eagle - 15 July 1857 – School Commissioners –
School commissioners for 1857 - District #2 - Dr. Henry W. Houston,
James M. Carroll, Mitchell Thompson, Samuel Higgins, and Charles W.
Baltimore Sun - 23 July 1857 - Small Pox -
The Easton Star states that the small-pox is prevailing at East New
Market, Dorchester county, Md., eight cases having occurred. The
disease, however, exists in a mollified form.
American Eagle - 12 August 1857 - Commissioners Sale of Real Estate -
at Conoway's Hotel, in East New Market, all the real estate of which
John Woolen died siezed, containing 20 acres on which there are several
dwelling houses comprising the town of Williamsburg in Dorchester
Cambridge Democrat - 26 August 1857 - Road Notice
To the Honorable, the County Commissioners for Dorchester County:
The undersigned citizens of Dorchester county, pray you Honorable Board
to open a new road a the expense of Dorchester county, and to be kept in
order and repair at the expense of said county, commencing at or near a
place called Cornish Town, on the New Market and Vienna road, and to run
through the lands of Wm. Hurst, James Hutchinson, Elijah B. Stevens,
John Fletcher and Wm. Newton, or as the Commissioners may direct, so as
to connect with the New Market and Hicksburg road. The distance
supposed to connect the two will not exceed one and a half miles.
John Edwin Hooper, James L. Colston, John B. Leckie, Thomas H. Hicks,
Lewis Ross Jr., James Higgins, W.V.M. Edmondson, Robert G. Rawleigh,
William J. Vane, Levin W. Stewart, John F.H. Vincent, C.F. Goldsborough,
Josiah Hooper, J.B. Nesbitt, John W. Brohawn, Josiah Carroll, William
Hurst, T.B. Sherman. July 29, 1857 5t
Cambridge Democrat - 16 September 1857 - Valuable Land For Sale
I will sell at private sale my farm, situated on the Chicknamacomico
river, immediately on the new road leading from Vienna to the Salem and
Drawbridge road, four miles from Vienna and two from Salem. The
farm contains 326 acres about 200 of which is cleared and the balance in
red and white oak timber. There is a large surplus of white oak
timber. Some $1500 or $2000 worth can be spared and leave a sufficiency
for the use of the farm. There is an inexhaustible supply of mud,
convenient for hauling out, and needing only lime to make the whole of
land permanently rich. The soil is naturally good, consisting of
clay loam, and is in fair condition. Should this farm not be
previously disposed of at private sale, it will be sold at public sale,
at Conoway's Hotel, in East New Market, on Saturday Sept. 19th, between
the hours of 1 and 4 o'clock, P.M. Terms accommodating.
For further particulars apply to H.W. Houston, E. New Market, Md.
Aug. 26 1857 4t
Cambridge Democrat - 30 September 1857 - To the Citizens of District
No. 2
You are hereby requested to assemble in E. New Market, on Saturday, Oct.
3rd, for the purpose of nominating Officers for the district -
Magistrates, Constables, and Road Supervisor. A general attendance
is desired. Sept 30, 1857 1t.
Cambridge Democrat - 21 October 1857 - New Advertisements
John D. Stevens, Esq., announces himself as an independent candidate for
Magistrate in New Market district.
Thomas G. Willoughby announces himself as an independent candidate for
Constable in New Market district.
Cambridge Democrat - 28 October 1857 - Died -
Near New Market, on the 14th instant, John Edwin, son of John and
Margaret Ann Baker, aged 11 mos. and 11 days. [Baltimore Sun
please copy]
Cambridge Herald - 7 November 1857 - New Market Hotel -
The undersigned respectfully informs his friends, and the public
generally, that he is now keeping the Hotel in East New Market, Md.,
formerly kept by Mr. Dean. He is prepared to accommodate travelers
with board and Horse Food at all times. Travelers taken by the
day, week, or month. His Bar is filled with good and choice
Liquors, and his Table will be furnished with the best the market can
afford. He will convey passengers to any part of the peninsula at
the shortest notice, and on reasonable terms. Give him a call.
Wm. P. Conaway, East New Market, Dorchester County. Aug. 15, 1857.
Cambridge Democrat - 11 November 1857 - District Officers Elected -
New Market - Magistrates, D.O.P. Elliott, J.B. Corkran, T.E. Williams;
Constables, Samuel E. Collins, E. Lowe,
Supervisor, William Henry Sr.
Cambridge Democrat - 11 November 1857 - Official Election Returns for
Dorchester County -
[Summary - For Governor - Thomas H. Hicks received more votes than
Col. John C. Groome in 10 of the 11 districts in Dorchester County.
The only district where he received fewer votes was his home district
New Market. Twice as many votes were cast for Groome in New
Market. In fact New Market citizens voted overwhelmingly for the
losing candidate in all 11 contests. It appears New Market
supported the Democratic Party and the rest of the county supported the
Know-Nothing Party.]
Cambridge Herald - 21 November 1857 - Temperance Hotel -
Temperance Hotel in E. New Market, Dorchester County, Md. The
subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public generally,
that he had opened a Temperance Hotel in the above named town, in the
House formerly occupied by Mrs. A. Manning, where he is prepared to
accommodate persons with board, by the day, week, or month. His
table shall be well furnished. He is also prepared to feed and
take care of horses. Passengers will be conveyed to any part of
the Peninsula, at the shortest notice, and at moderate prices.
Geo. L. Stevens Oct. 3, 1857. 3m
Cambridge Democrat - 6 January 1858 - In Jail -
Samuel E. Collins, constable in New Market district, lodged in jail a
negro man, the property of Mrs. Green, on last Sunday, for stealing.
Cambridge Democrat - 12 May 1858 - Road Notice -
To the Honorable, the County Commissioners for Dorchester County:
Gentlemen - We, the undersigned, citizens of Dorchester county, pray
your Honorable Body to open a new Road at the expense of Dorchester
county, commencing near the town of East New Market, in said county, at
a point opposite Moore's Smith Shop, and between the lots of Kemper and
Hughes, thence along the line dividing the lots of Dr. Hooper and said
Hughes, in a direction North 4 degrees East to the lot of J.T. Houston,
thence through said lot North 18 1/2 degrees East to the Road leading to
Secretary Landing, the distance being one hundred perches, more or less,
and the width of the proposed road not less than forty feet.
John Edwin Hooper, William Willoughby, Edward K. Bramble, James W.
Rawlings, John T. Houston, F.H. Houston, John Q. Leckie, W.W. Ballard,
John B. Leckie, Joseph V. Davis, George L. Stevens, Thomas R. Stewart,
John L. Willis, John Dean, M.S. Fletcher, John Baker, W.R. Hooper,
William Hollard, Casada C. Rawlings. may 5 - 4t
Baltimore Sun - 8 October 1858 - Escape and Capture of a Prisoner in
Cambridge -
We learn that Hugh Hazlett, arrested in Caroline county, in August last,
on the charge of aiding and assisting slaves in Dorchester county to
abscond from their masters, and confined in the jail at Cambridge for
trial, escaped therefrom about four o'clock yesterday morning, by
removing, it is supposed, some planks from the side of his cell, in the
second story, picking a hole through the brick wall and swinging himself
down from that distance. As soon as his escape became known, the
board of county commissioners offered a reward of five hundred dollars
for his apprehension. To this sum the citizens at once added five
hundred dollars more. A vigorous pursuit was commenced, and he was
captured in East New Market, on yesterday (Thursday) morning, about
seven o'clock, after enjoying a short liberty of only three hours.
His capture was effected by Mr. Samuel Collins, who recognized him
walking boldly along the street. He was taken back to Cambridge,
where considerable excitement is said to prevail. At the time of
his escape there was a young man confined in the same cell, but he was
not disturbed during the night, notwithstanding his fellow prisoner was
ironed. Hazlett will be tried at the ensuing term of the court of
Cambridge Democrat - 9 February 1859 - Resignation
East New Market, Jan 1, 1859 - To. R.C. Holland, Esq - Dear Sir:
Yours of the 18th of December, tendering your resignation as Deputy
Sheriff, is received and accepted. Respectfully yours, William T.
Vickers, Sheriff jan19 3t
Cambridge Democrat - 24 October 1860 - Farms for Sale
The subscriber will sell on accommodating terms, either or both of his
farms on the Chickamacomico river. H.W. Houston, E. New Market,
Dor. Co., Md. oct24-3t
Easton Gazette - 27 October 1860 - Dreadful Accident and Surgical
Operation -
A youth about 16 years of age, in the employ of Henry Holmes, Esq., of
Caroline county, was thrown from a cart on Thursday morning last, by a
horse running away. He was thrown against a gate post with great
violence - shattering one arm and injuring him otherwise. Dr.
Atkinson from Preston and Dr. Hooper from New Market, were sent for and
Dr. C.C. Cox was summoned after night to amputate the arm, so badly was
it fractured, which he did successfully at the shoulder. The boy
having been previously rendered insensible by chloroform.
Baltimore Sun - 12 November 1860 - Married -
On the 30th ultimo by Rev. M. Goheen. Daniel M. Spencer, of this
city to Miss Anne E. LeCompte, of E. New Market, Dorchester county, Md.
[Eastern Shore (Md.) and Urbana (Ohio) papers please copy]
Cambridge Democrat - 23 Jan 1861 - Public Sale -
By virtue of an order by the Orphan's Court for Dorchester county, I
will sell at Public Sale in the town of E. New Market on
Thursday, 24th Jan Inst, all the
personal estate of which Edward K Bramble, late of Dorchester count,
dec'd, died, seized and possessed, (goods in the store excepted)
consisting of 2 horses, one York Carriage, two cows, and other cattle,
one horse cart, some farming utensils, hogs, together with household and
kitchen furniture. Terms of Sale. - A credit of six months will be
given on all sums above five dollars, by purchaser giving note with
approved security for all sums of and under five dollars the Cash will
be required. John H. Bramble, Executor
Jan 14 1s
Cambridge Democrat - 8 May 1861 - Local and Personal -
In almost every part of our county we hear that our citizens are arming
and forming themselves into companies, so that they may be the better
prepared to meet any emergency that may arise in our county, calling for
police duties. In E. New Market, the citizens held a meeting
on Saturday last and organized a
company, with following as officers: Capt., John Q. Leckie; 1st
Lieutenant, Jos. E. McKnett; 2nd Lieutenant, Henry R. Ross; 3rd Lieut.,
James R. Hooper; Ensign, Wm. R. Hooper; Surgeon, Dr. Jas. T. Jacobs; 1st
Sergeant, Kilby B. Fletcher; 2nd, John T. Cornwell; 3rd, John A. Todd;
4th, Chas T. Willis. In the Neck District, and Town Point Neck,
companies have also been organized, and meet regularly for drill.
Cambridge Herald - 20 July 1861 -
School Commissioners: District No. 2 - Kilby B. Fletcher, Thomas Helsby,
Jabus Wright, John Dean, Nimrod Newton, William Willoughby.
Judges of Elections: District No. 2 - James R. Donoho, Thomas J. Hicks,
and Samuel Thomas.
Cambridge Herald -20 July 1861 -
$50 to Samuel E. Collins for arresting Hugh Haslett.
Cambridge Herald - 11 September 1861 -
Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry - Dr. Swayne & Son,
Philadelphia. "Sold at the office of the Cambridge Herald", also by W.M.
Thomas, Cambridge, J.B. Leckie & Son, New Market, W.J. Vane, Hicksburg,
and by dealers in medicine everywhere.
Cambridge Herald - 11 September 1861 - Married -
On the 21st ult., Samuel E. Collins & Miss Kate Beckwith, both of this
Cambridge Herald - 30 October 1861 - Married -
On the 22nd inst., at Trinity M.E. Church, Philadelphia, by Rev. J.F.
Chaplain, Dr. Henry W. Houston to Mrs. Euphemia C. Wingate, both of
Cambridge Herald - 30 October 1861 - Married -
On the 22nd inst., at Trinity M.E. Church, Philadelphia, by Rev. J.F.
Chaplain, Dr. Henry W. Houston to Mrs. Euphemia C. Wingate, both of
Cambridge Herald - 30 October 1861 -
Nimrod Newton, Postmaster at East New Market
Cambridge Herald - 13 November 1861 -
List of Local Officers Elected in Dorchester County: New Market -
Magistrates, Thomas J. Hicks, Josiah B. Nesbitt; Constable, Ennalls
Collins; Road Supervisor, Abel Lord.
Cambridge Herald - 20 November 1861 -
Died very suddenly at his residence near "Cedar Grove" near East New
Market, John T. Houston, aged 22 years.
Cambridge Herald - 27 November 1861 - Sale of Real Estate -
By virtue of Letter of Attorney to the duly executed, empowering me to
sell the real estate of Rachael Webster, late of Dorchester County,
deceased, I will offer at public sale, in the town of East New Market,
in said county, on Saturday, December 14, 1861, between the hours of 1
and 4 o'clock, P.M. to the highest bidder, the following lands to wit: A
farm lying on the road from East New Market to Crotchet's Ferry, and
adjoining the lands of James R. Donoho, containing 138 acres more or
less, reserving the family burying ground on said farm, containing 1/4
acre more or less, with a right of way thereto. Also two lots in the
town of E. New Market, with all the improvements thereon. Terms of sale
- one fourth cash, the balance in three equal installments of six,
twelve, and eighteen months, to be secured by the bonds of the purchaser
or purchasers, with sureties to be approved by the undersigned. Nov. 27,
1861 - John Webster.
Cambridge Herald - 29 January 1862 - Thanks -
J.Q. Leckie elected to the House of Delegates.
Cambridge Herald - 9 April 1862 – Constable –
George L. Stevens has been appointed Constable for District #2, East New
Cambridge Herald - 14 May 1862 – Marriage –
Married on the 6th last in St. Stephens P. E. Church East New Market,
Dorchester County, by the Rev Benjamin F Brown - Francie P. Phelps, Jr.,
M.D. of Cambridge to Phenie M., daughter of Henry W. Houston, M.D. of
Cambridge Herald - 11 June 1862 – Tax Collector –
The Commissioners of Dorchester County have made the following
appointments: For the Collectors of the State & County Tax -
East New Market, John Brohawn.
Cambridge Herald - 15 October 1862 – Marriage –
Married on the 24th September last, at the M. E. Parsonage in East New
Market, by the Rev. Mr. Hough, Richard A. Smith and Miss Marion
Littleton of this town.
Cambridge Herald - 22 October 1862 – Death Notice –
Died on the 1st instant, at the residence of her son, John M. Marshall,
near East New Market, Miss Sallie Marshall, widow of the late John B.
Marshall, in her 69th year of age.
Cambridge Herald - 12 November 1862 - The Draft in Dorchester -
According to the previous notice the draft took place in this county on
the 6th, commencing at 15 minutes of 10 o'clock, A.M. and was conducted
in a quiet and orderly manner by the Commissioner Mr. Martin. The
tickets were placed in a Box, and after shaken up, the drawing
commenced. Mr. John Bradshaw's little son, Charles, was selected to draw
out the tickets, after being blindfolded - After first ten names were
drawn out, the box was reshaken, throughout the drawing. The following
persons were drafted: New Market District - No. 2: Moses Aldridge, Brice
J. Beckwith, John Clarkson, Jacbo Colbourne, William Collins, Francis H.
Dean, George Dunn, Nathanial Gates, John Gootee, William H. Goslin,
James Gray, William H. Harris, Algernon Henry, Joseph A. Hicks, Wm.
James Hurlock, Willis Hurlock, L.W. Jackson, William P. Johnson, J.B.
King, Wm. Kinnaman, Geo. E.C. Lord, Woolford Merrick, Isaac Philips,
Matthew J. Smith, and John H. Stevens.
Cambridge Herald -26 November 1862 - For Rent for 1863 -
The well known Tavern Property in East New Market, now in the occupancy
of Col. John H. Hodson. To a good tenant, the property will be
Apply to James A. Byus, or John T. Jackson. Nov. 19, 1862.
Baltimore Sun - 13 December 1862 - Dorchester County Affairs -
We take the following from the Cambridge Intelligencer of Saturday of
last week. A Dorchester County Secesh in Dixie in Search of his
Rights - What he Saw there and how he made his escape - Mr. Frank Dean
of E. New Market, in this county, who, a few months since, in company
with one or two other deluded young men, took the underground railroad
to Richmond in search of his "rights," has returned home, absolutely
disgusted with matters and things in Rebeldom. Shortly after his
arrival in the land of Chivalry, he received notice that he must enlist
in the Rebel army within ten days, or go to work on fortifications.
A like notice was served on all the Maryland refugees in Richmond.
This was considerably more than he bargained for, and he determined to
make his exodus, no matter at what sacrifice. He succeeded in
making his escape to a point on the James river, a few miles above
Fortress Monroe, where he found a boat and set sail for a more congenial
clitue. Arriving at Fortress Monroe, his first demand was to be
shown into the presence of Gen. Dix, or any other officer who would
administer the oath of allegiance to him. His demand being
complied with, he took his departure to "My Maryland" and arrived home
in the steamer Champion on Wednesday last.
He says he knew he was drafted in the Union army before he
left Richmond - a Cambridge paper, containing the names of those
drafted, having been transmitted to him immediately after the draft
occurred. But this strengthened instead of lessening, his desire
to return home. So completely disgusted was he with what he saw of
the Rebel soldiers, that even being a conscript in the Union army was a
thousand times preferable to being a volunteer in the Rebel army.
He says he saw several of his old friends and acquaintances, who, like
himself, had gone to Dixie in quest of their "rights," and he thinks
they have succeeding in getting them to their hearts' content.
They were all heartily sick of their folly and earnestly desired to be
again back in old Dorset. Brother Ballard, [former editor of the
defunct Cambridge Democrat,] in particular, was exceedingly penitent,
and told him if he was worth ten thousand dollars he would cheerfully
give it to be in Cambridge once more. - William C. Wrightson was also
very anxious to take his departure, and willing to sacrifice his last
garment for the sake of being home again.
Mr. Dean give a most deplorable account of affairs in and
around Richmond. He saw salt sell at auction as high as four
dollars a pound. Boots were sixty dollars a pair. Coffee is
a luxury the "Chivalry" have long since dispensed with. In fact,
there is a scarcity of everything except Confederate scrip and lice -
the latter especially can be had in the amplest profusion, and in
quantities and sizes to suit the most fastidious admirers of Secesh.
Truly, Dixie, like Jordan, is a hard road to travel, the opinions of
Secesh antideluvian women, romantic misses and beardless youths to the
contrary notwithstanding.
Cambridge Herald -7 January 1863 - Married -
In East New Market, at the Episcopal Church, on the 8th ult., by the
Rev. Theodore P. Barber, Mr. Geo. E. Staplefort, to Miss Lizzie H.
Houston, both of this county.
Cambridge Herald -14 January 1863 - Married -
In East New Market, December 11, by Rev. John Hough, Wm Thomas to Sina
Pert, all of this county. In East New Market, December 18, by Rev. Jno
Hough, Cornelius H. Murphy to Celia Bush, all of this county.
Cambridge Herald - 21 January 1863 - Married -
In this county on the 14th inst., by Rev. J.B. Merritt, Jos. K. Bramble
to Rebecca J. Smoot, both of this county.
Cambridge Herald - 1 April 1863 - Died -
In this county, on the 29th of March, 1863, Dr. W.V.M. Edmondson, in the
53rd year of age. "In the midst of life, we are in Death."
Cambridge Herald - 8 April 1863 - Died -
On the 5th ult., at East New Market, Henrietta Lavinia, youngest
daughter of Rev. Enoch and Isabella Bayley, aged 10 years and 11 months.
Cambridge Herald - 8 April 1863 - Proceedings of the Orphans Court -
Jane Atkinson, executrix of John Atkinson, ordered to give notice to
creditors. Letters of administration on estate of Dr. Wm. V.M.
Edmondson, deceased, granted to Eugenia Edmondson and Dr. James T.
Cambridge Herald - 22 April 1863 - Appointment of Surgeon in Colonel
Wallace's Regisment -
Dr. Granville B. Lecompte has been promoted to Surgeon. Dr.
Anthony L. Manning has been appointed Assistant Surgeon
Cambridge Herald - 29 April 1863 - Administrators of Dr. W.V.M. Edmondson, deceased - Ordered to sell all personal property, except negroes.
Cambridge Herald - 4 November 1863 -- Female Seminary -
East New Market Female Seminary, J. Kent Dukes, Principal, Mrs. Sue H.L.
Dukes, Teacher of Music. The Fall term of this Institution will
begin the second Monday in September (14th). The course of study
will embrace all branches usually taught in Schools for young Ladies,
and every effort will be made to give general satisfaction. Terms
per Quarter for eleven weeks: Board, Washing, and Lights $22.00;
Tuition in Common English $3.00; Tuition in Higher English, including
Common $3.00; Languages each $3.00; Music Lessons on Piano $7.00; Use of
Instrument $2.00. No deduction except in cases of protracted
illness. Books, Music, Stationary furnished at City prices.
September 9, 1963.
Cambridge Herald - 4 November 1863 -- Drug Store --
Having purchased the DRUG STORE formerly occupied by Dr. J. T. Jacobs,
in the town of East New Market, I take this opportunity of notifying the
public that I have opened a full assortment of DRUGS, MEDICINES, DYE
STUFFS, and many domestic articles, beside a completed and full
assortment of CONFECTIONARY, and all articles usually kept in a first
class Drug Store. I am prepared to sell at as low, or lower rates than
any other store on the shore. Dr. Jacobs takes this opportunity of
thanking the public for the liberal patronage extended to him, and begs
a continuance of the same to his successor. J. M. Murphey, East
New Market.
Cambridge Herald - 4 November 1863 - Death Notice -
Departed this life October 29th 1863, Miss L. P. W. Manning in the 17th
year of age, at the residence of Dr. J. T. Jacobs, East New Market, MD.
Death to these who have filled the allotted period of man's existence
is a sad and tearful thing. But especially so to the young and ?
lovely. Miss Manning was one of the most pure-hearted and
exemplary young ladies it has ever our fortune to know. All who
knew her loved her for her many virtues, and respected her as the
embodiment of all that makes woman lovely. Her fair fame was
untarnished by any malign influences. Her life was as pure as the
sweetest breath from Heaven. To enumerate her virtues would be
impossible. Her every day life was truly christian, ? and
exemplary. Her friends mourn her ? that (?) as o ? without hope.
She has ?, and temptation, to one of unhallowing bliss and eternal
felicity. Our blessed Savior has added another Angel voice to the
choir that sing praises around her Throne. Does anyone wish her
back? Let us rather live in this world so that it may be our happy
lot to join her there. She has left a dear sister whose heart has been
twice widowed by the loss of Husband and now sister, during the short
period of several months, the hand of death has been laid with laden
weight on the dearest object of her heart. But she has the blessed
assurance that ? doeth all things well, and that he tempereth the wind
to the shorn lamb. Let us as we drop this mourning tear over the
coffined clay, praise him that she is at rest in his bosom and never
know suffering or sorrow more.
Baltimore Sun - 29 February 1864 - For Sale -
A third-class (George Page & Co.'s Patent) Saw Mill, 52 inch saw, 40
horse power engine, in good order. Boilers nearly new.
Inquire of Geo Page & Co., or T.B. Sherman, East New Market, Md.
Baltimore Sun - 7 September 1864 - Wanted -
In the East New Market Female Seminary, a young lady, to give
instructions on Piano and Guitar. A good vocalist preferred.
Address stating? terms J. Kent Dukes, Principal, East New Market,
Dorchester county.
Baltimore Sun - 16 March 1865 - The Funeral of Ex-Governor Hicks -
On Sunday last the final interment of the remains of the late Hon.
Thomas H. Hicks, took place in the family burying ground, a few miles
from East New Market, Dorchester county, Md. A large number of the
citizens of the surrounding country were in attendance. The
religious services were conducted by the Rev. Dr. Williams and the Rev.
Mr. Rink.
Baltimore Sun - 23 March 1865 - Wanted Immediately -
A Lady to Teach Music on Piano, and Drawing, &c. A good vocalist
preferred. Address for particulars, J. Kent Dukes, Principal East
New Market Female Seminary, Dorchester county, Md
Baltimore Sun - 14 September 1865 - Drug Store For Sale -
In the country. Apply to Burroughs Bros. or J.M. Murphy, E. New
Market, Dorchester county, Md. The stock and fixtures of the store will
be sold at a bargain.
Baltimore Sun - 14 October 1865 - For Rent or Sale -
The best business stand in Dorchester county, Md. in the town of East
New Market. The finest new Brick Store on the shore. Also
for rent of sale, an elegant new Dwelling and outhouses, in the same
beautiful and thriving town. Apply immediately to Dr. Manning, No.
90 Sharp street, at 8, 2, and 7 o'clock.
Easton Gazette - 13 July 1867 - Road Stock -
The celebrated trotting horse Dorchester will stand this spring at
Easton, Trappe, and Royal Oak... He was raised in Dorchester
county, Md., by Lewis Ross Jr., was sired by the celebrated Vermont
Morgan Black Hawk, (the fastest trotting stallion of his day.) His
dam, Lady Algiers, was sired by the well known race horse Uncle Sam.
She was a mare of uncommon bottom, fine size, and a fast trotter.
She was out of Lady Lightfoot, (who took the premium at the Cattle Show
in Cambridge in 1824) by Talleygrand; Lady Lightfoot was out of Culix,
by Highflyer, who took the purse at New Market in 1818, in four mile
heats. It therefore appears that Dorchester represents in his
pedigree the finest blooded and trotting stock in this country....
Baltimore Sun - 22 June 1868 - Killed by Lightening -
During a thunder storm last Thursday, Mr. Henry Webb, near East New
Market, Dorchester county, Md., whilst plowing his field, was struck and
killed by lightening. His clothing was entirely burned? ? ?.
Sources - Newspaper entries were verified by and/or transcribed by the web designer from original sources. The following sources were consulted: Newspaper Abstracts from the American Eagle & Cambridge Chronicle 1846-1857 by Debra S. Moxey; Eastern Shore Genealogical Abstracts from the Cambridge Herald, Cambridge, Maryland, July 20, 1861 - July 1, 1863 by Robert Edward Nichols Jr.; The Dorchester County Genealogical Magazine, various contributors; Issues of the "American Eagle" from 1856 and 1857 online at Paper of Record. Newspapers on microfilm at the Enoch Pratt Free Library and the Maryland State Archives.