The following newspapers came into existence in the 1870s: Democrat & News (1870?-1966), Cambridge Chronicle (1870-1906?), and Dorchester Era (1878-1906?). They were joined in the 1890s by: The Item (1894-1901), Dorchester Standard (1895-190?), and the Daily Banner (1897-current). The Cambridge Chronicle that began in 1870 was not related to the first. Its original name for one year in 1870 was The Cambridge Telegraph.
The Denton Journal (1847-1965) also printed East New Market news that was either related to the towns in Caroline County or was somewhat notable in nature.
Since Samuel Green is an important local figure and so many local and national articles have been written about him during the period 1856 to 1877, I have created a special section with articles about Samuel Green, entitled Samuel Green in the News.
Baltimore Sun - 15 February 1870 - For Sale -
Half acre lot, with good storehouse and dwelling upon it, and all
necessary outbuildings, and is a very desirable business stand.
Address P.M., East New Market, Dorchester county, Md.
Cambridge Telegraph - 27 October 1870 - Married -
In East New Market on 13 October 1870, Isaac R. Wright and Miss Mary E.
Lecompte were married. Both are of Dorchester County.
Democrat & News - 20 January 1872 -
Fred T. Atkinson & father of Mass. building a home on "Holly Grove"
farm. Architect is Shadrach Carmine Esq. *
Democrat & News - 17 February 1872 - Appointment of Constables by County Commissioners 6 February 1872: District #2 - Samuel E. Collins
Democrat & News - 6 April 1872 -
E. New Market - J.N. Baird, D.D. has the pleasure of announcing that
owing to frequent solicitation he will on and after this date be in New
Market on Friday and Saturday of each alternate week for the purpose of
engaging in his dental profession. Cambridge March 30, '72
Baltimore Sun - 19 April 1872 -
A Physician can secure a good practice in a rich section by addressing
Physician, East New Market, Dorchester county, Md.
Democrat & News - 4 May 1872 - Justices of the Peace for Dorchester
County: District #2 - William J. Abdell, James R. Donoho
Register of Voters: District #2 - Thomas K. Smith
Democrat & News - 25 May 1872 - Orphans Court Proceedings:
John Baker, deceased by John W.M. Dean, executor
Democrat & News - 25 May 1872 - Married -
at Trinity Church, East New Market on the 19th of May 1872 by the Rev.
Mr. Haynes - Thomas E. Moore & Miss Mary M. Wayne, all of Dorchester
Democrat & News - 1 June 1872 - Died -
Miss Mollie Leckie died near East New Market on the 25th of May in the
20th year of age.
Democrat & News - 8 June 1872 - Collectors appointed:
District #2 - John W. Fletcher
Democrat & News - 15 June 1872 -
Frelinghuysen Helsby, deceased - Notice to creditors by William
Democrat & News - 6 July 1872 -
Ned Bentley, colored at Cabin Creek has been isolated with small pox.
Lost six other people including his wife. Mentions East New
Market. *
Democrat & News - 6 July 1872 -
Sarah Dilahay, a blind pensioner on Monday walked to East New Market to
receive the meager allowance allotted her, but was striken down by sun
stroke and died in fifteen minutes.
Democrat & News - 13 July 1872 -
A case of small pox reported in East New Market. (need to
transcribe longer story)
Democrat & News - 13 July 1872 - Trustees to the schools in Districts
2 & 3. -
East New Market - School #1 - Tilghman Andrews, William Saxton, Thomas
J. Hicks
East New Market - School #2 - William Holland, John H. Bramble, Ed. L.
Democrat & News - 17 August 1872 - Died -
John L. Willis, formerly of Caroline County died in Philadelphia on 3
August 1872 in his 66th year.
Democrat & News -21 December 1872 - Sale -
Sale of livestock and farm equipment of William E. Harrison, deceased at
the late residence of the deceased on Secretary Creek by Louisa N.
Harrison, admin.
Democrat & News -21 December 1872 - Died -
at home near East New Market on 14 December 1872, William E. Harrison in
82nd year of age*
Democrat & News - 11 January 1873 -Choptank Lodge #139 of F&A.M.
(East New Market)
J.A. Saxton - W.M.
J.M. Murphy - S.W.
S. Carmine - J.W.
M.S. Fletcher - Treasurer
J.A. Hicks - Secretary
Democrat & News - 22 February 1873 - Arrest -
Thomas Jackson and Emily Young arrested by Samuel E. Collins for
stealing and killing a hog belonging to Elihu Wheatley.
Democrat & News -22 February 1873 - Arrest -
George A. Wallace, negro who broke out of jail last week was arrested by
Samuel E. Collins at East New Market.
Democrat & News -22 February 1873 - Died -
suddenly at East New Market of congestive chill on the night of 13
February 1873, Nettie, daughter of John W.M. & Eliza Dean, aged 4
Philadelphia Inquirer - 9 January 1874 - The State and Vicinity -
The enterprising citizens of East New Market, Md. are getting up a fine
race course, and making arrangements to hold an agricultural fair there
next fall.
Easton Gazette - 15 April 1876 - Dorchester -
Mr. Nimrod Newton, postmaster at East New Market, died on Sunday night
last, aged 84 years
Cambridge Chronicle - 8 July 1876 - Lost -
On Wednesday, June 22nd, on th road from Howeth's store to E.N. Market,
a pocket-book containing about $30 and valuable papers. I will give a
reward of $5 for the return of book and papers, and no questions asked.
Joseph F. Webster, Constable Dist. No. 2
Cambridge Chronicle - 8 July 1876 - Notice to Creditors -
Notice is hereby given, that the subscriber hath obtained from the
Orphan's Court in Dorchester County, in Maryland, letters testamentary
on the personal estate of Nimrod Newton, late of Dorchester County,
deceased. All persons hereby having claims against the said deceased are
hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the
subscriber on or before December 6, 1876, otherwise they may by law be
excluded from all benefit of the said estate. All persons indebted to
said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Francis A. Newton,
executor of Nimrod Newton, deceased.
Baltimore Sun - 26 March 1877 - Highway Robbery -
It has been briefly stated in the Sun that a tax collector in Dorchester
co., Md., had been robbed of $1,700 by highwaymen last Monday. The
Federalsburg Courier gives the following account of the affair: On
Monday night last, as Mr. John H. Noble, collector for districts Nos. 2
and 12 of this county, was driving in an open buggy from East New Market
to Cabin Creek, he was assaulted and dragged from his buggy and robbed
of a sum of money amounting to $1,727. The occurrence took place
near a pine thicket, between Webster's branch and Mr. Isaac H. Wright's,
a little beyond the branch. Before reaching the branch Mr. Noble
observed a horse attached to a carriage standing near the road, and two
men farther on. The parties accosted him facoiliarly, and
approaching the buggy from the behind suddenly seized and snatched him
backward into the road and robbed him as before mentioned, leaving him
in a semi-unconscious and bruised condition. He managed however to
get into his buggy and drive to Cabin Creek, from which point he was
sent to his home, near this town, in a wagon. This outrageous
robbery has excited intense feeling and comment, and the more so because
such occurrences are unusual and indeed nearly unknown in this part of
the world. The county commissioners have offered a reward of $100
for the apprehension and conviction of the person or persons who
committed this assault and robbery."
The Washington Critic - 25 May 1877 - General News Notes
Dr. Henry W. Houston of East New Market, Dorchester County, Md., is
dead, aged 77.
The barn and stables on the farm of Mrs. Harriett Saxton, near East New
Market, Md., have been destroyed by fire.
Easton Gazette - 10 November 1877 - No Water No Pay -
Artesian Wells sunk to any required depth, also the far-famed Driven
Well, which is the cheapest and best way to obtain an inexhaustible
supply of pure water. They are indestructible, and can be put down
wherever it is desirable. Satisfaction guaranteed.
References: Major Fletcher, Tilman Andrew, Shadrack Comine, East
New Market; Grayson Smith, Williamsburg. Address C.H. Leach,
Agent, E. New Market, Dor. Co. Md.
Denton Journal - 15 December 1877 - Scraps -
The next meeting of the Choptank District Grange will be held at East
New Market, Dorchester county, on the first Wednesday in April next.
Baltimore Sun - 11 April 1878 -
The East New Market Navigation and Wharf Company will receive sealed
proposals for dredging a channel in Secretary Creek, up to April 23,
1878. Parties having dredging machines are invited to come and
look at the work and put in their proposals in time. Convenient
facilities for dumping mud. References as to route &c T.J. Dail &
Co., 27 Cheapside. Address East New Market Navigation and Wharf
Co., East New Market, Dorchester county, Md.
Easton Star - 16 April 1878 - Hicks / Jones -
At East New Market, on March 27th, by the Rev. Wm. H. Lane, Henry W.
Hicks, of Dorchester County, and Mrs. Susan A. Jones, of Talbot County.
Denton Journal - 29 June 1878 - Scraps -
The people of East New Market and vicinity made an excursion to this
place by Thursday's Steamer Kent. They had on board a band of
Easton Gazette - 27 July 1878 -
The steamer Highland Light made a trip up Secretary Creek and took an
excursion party to East New Market last week. It is the first time
a steamboat ever entered the creek; heretofore the shoal water
preventing its navigation, the shoals having been recently removed by
the enterprise of a company of spirited citizens. - American
Baltimore Sun - 3 April 1879 - For Rent -
A Store and Dwelling, in the town of East New Market, Dorchester county,
Md. A good stand for a Millinery, Variety, Confectionery or a
general Country Store. Railroad and Steamboats to the town.
Good Schools and churches. For further particulars address.
J.W. Buck, Pocomoke City, Md.
Maryland Courier - 29 November 1879 - Died -
Francis M. Hubbard, son of the late Jesse of Hunting Creek, Caroline
County, died at East New Market on 24 November 1879 at the age of 45.
Democrat & News - 17 January 1880 - Married -
Last Thursday S. Spry Andrews of East New Market married Miss Nellie
Paxton of Philadelphia by the Rev F. H. Purdy at Templeville, Caroline
Denton Journal - 28 February 1880 - Mr. J. Eddie, of East New Market, Dorchester County, is now the proprietor of the Brick Hotel at Easton.
Denton Journal - 13 November 1880 - Married -
On the 3d inst., at the M. E. Church at East New Market, by the Rev. R.
W. Todd, Miss Josephine Fleming of Dorchester county, was married to
Rev. Wilber F. Corkran of the Wilmington Conference
Cambridge Chronicle - 5 January 1881 - Marriage -
In the E. New Market M.E. Church, on 21 December 1880 by Rev. Alfred
Smith. Mr. William Woolen and Miss Lillie B. Corkran, both of this
Cambridge Chronicle - 2 February 1881 - Constable's Sale -
By virtue of 2 writs issued by Joseph K. Bramble. One at the suit
of Samuel Crosby, and one at the suit of William M. Ross and Company,
both against Robert O. Christian. And two other writs. One
at the suit of Walton, Whann, & Company, and one at the suit of John D.
Farquarson, both against Robert O. Christian. I have seized a Lot
or Parcel of Land bought by said Christian of William T. Hubbard,
situated near East New Market Railroad Depot, and adjoining lot of M.S.
Fletcher and containing one acre of land more or less. And one
horse, one hack & pole, one horse card & harness, one grain fan, one
corn sheller, one double barrelled gun, and a lot of farming implements
consisting of plows, harrows, etc. To be sold at the East
New Market Railroad Depot on 19 February 1881.
Cambridge Chronicle - 2 February 1881 - Married -
In the M.E. Church, E. New Market, Wednesday evening last by Rev. Alfred
Smith. Mr. T.V. LeCompte and Miss India Charles, both of that
Cambridge Chronicle - 9 February 1881 - Married -
On the 2nd inst. by Rev. Alfred Smith at M.E. Church, E. New Market.
Mr. James E. Nabb and Miss Elizabeth S. Willoughby, all of Dorchester.
Cambridge Chronicle - 23 February 1881 - Married -
In the E. New Market M.E. Church on the 16th inst. by Rev. Alfred Smith.
Mr. S.G. Hooper and Miss Annie Russell, both of this county.
Cambridge Chronicle - 9 March 1881 - Married -
In Seaford, Del, 3 January 1881, Winfield Scott of Seaford and Alverda
Murphey of E. New Market.
Cambridge Chronicle - 30 March 1881 - E. New Market Items -
Farming, after a long and tedious winter, has fairly commenced.
Wheat on fallow is looking generally well, while that on corn land is
very poor, and judging from appearances will not produce more than
one-half of usual yield. Our town merchants are generally supplied
with good awaiting customers.
The old saying "what goes ever the devil's back will soon come under
his belly," was truly verified with one of our republican clerks, who
was treated with the following epithet by one of his colored political
brethren: "A man who is too stingy to give me a match should be
drummed out of town." Whereupon the "repub" walked around the
counter and dealt him a blow with a poker, in a very slight way, which
afterwards was followed by the colored brother choking him across his
own counter, which was followed by epithets from other colored men.
They were resented by the caucasians, and a knock-down followed, the
colored men receiving bunged eyes, cut lips, etc.
At the writing of this article a trial is in progress of the
following nature: A colored man, Henry Johnson, owned a very fine
brood sow, weighing over 300 pounds, which it is alleged, was captured
by Mr. Ned McCallister, son of the deputy-sheriff, and traded away with
a Mr. Stack, who butchered and sold her. Henry Johnson, getting
wind of the same, instituted search and identified the hog's head by ear
mark, and immediately got out a warrant. Trial was to have taken
place yesterday, but owing to the absence of some witnesses was
postponed until now.
I am informed that the Lyceum that has been in progress during the
long winter evenings, closed its eventful career last Friday evening and
will not open again until next fall.
Dorchester Circuit of the M.E. Church has had a complete change in
pastors. Mr. Kidney, our senior goes to Pomona, Kent County,
Maryland, Mr. Smith, our junior, goes to Oxford, Talbot County, as
senior, while we receive as senior Mr. W.P. Davis, formerly a junior
here, and Mr. Dodd. We hope the change will be pleasant to all
concerned, and that much good may be the outgrowth of their labors.
It is said to be more than probable that the P.E. Church will be
removed from its old site to a place more within the corporate limits,
one of the former pastors leaving a legacy of $500 to put it in complete
order provided the removal takes place. This church was formerly
the old M.E. and was purchased by the P.E. and put through again.
It always appeared to me to occupy an insolated place. The hill
opposite the residence of Mr. E.H. Stevens would be a fine site. I
forgot to mention that the M.P.'s senior pastor will return to his
charge and Mr. Bower's come with him.
Mr. "Tony" from Vienna gets hold of things pretty generally correct,
but like all other human beings is liable to fall into errors. For
instance, Mr. George A.K. Stevens does not fill the position as
principal of the Academy, but of the Grammar school. Mr. T. Leckie
is the Principal of the Academy. -- Don
P.S. Mr. McCallister has been held in $200 bail for his appearance at
E.N.Market, March 26, 1881
Cambridge Chronicle - 6 April 1881 - Shipped Early -
On the 23rd of March, 11 fine large lambs were shipped to Baltimore by
Mr. R.S. Jump, of E. New Market, claimed to the the earliest shipped in
the this or any previous season from the Choptank River.
Cambridge Chronicle - 27 April 1881 - E. New Market Items -
Our East New Market correspondent tells us that the wheat has improved
amazingly in that section of the county. Trustees and others...
church parsonage...through a tho.. (torn page)
Denton Journal - 30 April 1881 -
Three years ago there was a great deal of talk on the Eastern Shore
about a new city. "Yates on-the-Choptank", which was to absorb the
trade of all the surrounding towns. A large, fine hotel was built
and Northern capitalists paid fancy prices for town lots. The
project was nipped in the bud by the deepening of Secretary creek and
the development of New Market, and now the elegant hotel has only one
boarder, a lady teacher.
Cambridge Chronicle - 4 May 1881 - Married -
In E. New Market, April 27, by Rev. Alfred Smith, Mr. Thomas H. Douglass
of Preston and Miss Eugenia Willoughby of E. New Market.
Cambridge Chronicle - 11 May 1881 - E. New Market Items -
Spring, tho' struggling a long time within the icy embrace of winter, is
about to tear herself away at last, and assert her supremacy, and bring
forth fruits and flowers due to her season. With the few days of
healthy and invigorating sunshine, the farmers have been dropping their
seed corn, and looking around for harvesters and mowers to cut their
somewhat prosperous wheat crops. The farmers, as a rule, are about
two weeks behind last spring, but they hope if the weather favors them
to catch up.
The steam dredge is busy at work deepening and widening the channel
of Secretary Creek, under the recent handsome appropriation secured
under the legislative wisdom of our late Congressman, the Hon. D.M.
Henry. When the work is completed the steamer Georgeanna, or any
other craft of like tonnage, can come to our wharf with perfect ease.
We presume the Georgeanna will make this one of her principal points of
landing, which she has heretofore been unable to do owing to the
scarcity of water. The "Wheeler Transportation Company" will soon
have their new boat, which will succeed the Ruggles at this point.
Capt. Wheeler, we are informed, will run passengers for 50 cents single
fare or $1 round trip, to and from Baltimore. If such be a fact,
combined with her low rates of freight, we predict for her all she can
do. She will leave here direct for Baltimore.
We have read Mr. Meekins' report and some things we cannot
understand. For instance, we cannot understand how it is that amid
so many fines laid by the justices of the peace of our county, that Mr.
J.H. Hooper is the only one who can hand over a dollar to the State or
county. This is a hard thing, that B or C has to pay fines to the
State, and the State never receives them. Among all the political
guardian angels of the State...(blot)... for once, is there not one who
will cast one glance in this direction. Will some one please
explain how these fines are kept back. Is it fraud, or not.
If not fraud, the magistrates' law is greatly in default. It looks
like the heathen missionary fund. I have heard it remarked that it
takes ninety-nine cents of every dollar to put the other cent in the
hands of the heathen. If this be a fact, then the magistrates'
working beats that far, for it takes all to put none there. "DIX."
Maryland Courier - 11 June 1881 - Died -
Mr. Charles T. Willis died at the age of 63 at his residence in East New
Market, Dorchester County, on 5 June 1881.
Cambridge Chronicle - 27 July 1881 - Escaped Jail -
A young white man named Christian, who was committed to jail some time
since stealing money from Mr. Joseph K. Bramble of E. New Market, made
his escape through the trap door last Sunday, and has left for other
parts unknown. The only wonder is that he remained in jail even a
Cambridge Chronicle - 3 August 1881 - Distressing Accident -
On Sunday last, at Hurlock's Station, Mr. Alexander Vane, of Linkwood,
jumped from a moving train, and was thrown under the last car. The
wheels passed over his arms and crushed them in such a manner that each
had to be amputated just above the elbow. Drs. T.B. Steele and
Geo. P. Jones rendered the surgical aid, and at last accounts Mr. Vane
was doing as well as could be expected, although his condition is very
critical, as he received several other injuries. The accident is a
very unfortunate one, and the more so because Mr. Vane has a wife and
four children dependant upon his labor for support.
Cambridge Chronicle - 31 August 1881 - E. New Market Items -
Our E. New Market correspondent says: The drought is still upon us
and is telling sadly upon all growing crops. We hear that our
junior preacher Dodd is very ill at his home near Wilmington. The
appointments made vacant by the death of Mr. Bender and absence of Mr.
Dodd, are being supplied by our worthy brother, R.W. Hazzard, who is
ever ready to dispense the word of God to our people, and they should
feel very kind towards him for undoubtedly he is "called to preach the
work", and is willing to serve them any time.
Cambridge Chronicle - 29 September 1881 - New Minister -
Rev. T.O. Ayers, who was sent to Leipsley, Del., last Spring has been
appointed to East New Market, this county, vice Rev. Jas. R. Bender,
Cambridge Chronicle - 26 October 1881 - Democratic Meetings -
Will be held at the following places and times: E. New Market -
Ryan's Hotel, Saturday night, Oct. 22nd
Cambridge Chronicle - 23 November 1881 - Attorney at Law -
Geo. A.K. Stevens, Attorney at Law, E. New Market, Dorchester County,
Cambridge Chronicle - 23 November 1881 - Phosphate Company -
An East New Market correspondent writes us as follows: There has
been on foot for a month or more the organization of a Phosphate Company
to be known as the Dorchester Fertilizing Company. The factory is
to be situated in East Cambridge, the lot having been selected
some three weeks ago. We have subscribed $7,500, and expect to run
it up to fifteen or twenty thousand.
Cambridge Chronicle - 14 December 1881 - Ad -
Geo. A.K. Stevens, Attorney at Law, E. New Market, Dorchester County,
Cambridge Chronicle - 21 December 1881 - Trustees Sale -
By virtue of a decree of the circuit court of Dorchester County, sitting
in equity, the undersigned trustee will sell in front of the court house
door in Cambridge, on Thursday, January 12, 1882 between the hours of 11
o'clock a.m. and 1 o'clock p.m. - all that lot of land owned by John H.
Kemper, situated in East New Market district in said county and
containining 3 1/2 acres more or less, and being the same land that was
sold by Henry Wright to John H. Kemper by course and distance in the
year 1880, but for which no deed has yet been given. Clement Sulivane,
Cambridge Chronicle - 21 December 1881 - East New Market Items -
Mr. John Webster had a tenant house destroyed by fire on Sunday night,
11th inst. It had just been rebuilt and was unoccupied. The fire is
thought to have been the work of an incendiary. He has begun to rebuild
on the same foundation.
The M.E. Sunday school is preparing for an exhibition to be given to the
public about Old Christmas night. 'Tis said it will surpass any former
exhibition of the kind.
Our holiday catch-penny establishments have put on their best attire,
their windows being attractive to the young and old.
Mr. Prouse in improving in health.
Cambridge Chronicle - 28 December 1881 - Choptank Lodge No. 138, A.F.
& A.M. -
of E. New Market, on Tuesday, the 20th inst., held its annual election
for officers, resulting as follows:
W.M. - E.S. Johnson
S.W. - Thos. Leckie
J. W. - Fred. Wright
Sec'y - Geo. A.K. Stevens
Treas. - I.H. Wright
S.D. - Jas. Thompson
J.D. - J.A. Saxton
Stewards - J.W. Andrews and P.S. Collins
The installation of the new officers was to take place last evening.
Cambridge Chronicle - 11 January 1882 - D & D Railroad -
Mr. Geo. J. Meekins, ex-treasurer of this corporation made a report last
week of its receipts and expenditures for the past year, published in
the Era of Saturday. The report as to the finances is embraced in a half
dozen lines, simply stating that the receipts were $1,993.88 and the
expenditures $1,992.57, leaving cash on hand $1.31. So it will be
perceived that our railroad exchequer is not in the most flourishing
condition at the begginning of 1882.
But a very lengthy report follows as to the manner in which be, the
Treasurer, was voted out of office, and which he denounces as a disgrace
and a fraud on part of Mr. E.S. Johnson, who succeeds him, and one of
the Directors (whom he does not name, but whom he declares to have been
more bother and annoyance to the business of the road than anyone from
Cambridge to Seaford, and who evidently from the context, lives in or
about Federalsburg). To sustain his charge that Mr. Johnson got a
majority of the votes by deception, he names Mr. Wilber F. Newton of E.
New Market as on thus deceived, and says "others" have told him the same
thing, and as one of them Dr. Ellegood of Delware....
Cambridge Chronicle - 18 January 1882 - East New Market -
January 12th, 1882, Messrs. Editors: I will begin by saying I am opposed
to newspaper controversies. I have not attacked Mr. Geo. J. Meekins; it
is he who is assailing me. What I say I am obliged to do in self-defence.
But I suppose he must find some way to give vent to his pent up
feelings. If it is a salve for his sole, let him continue to hurl his
anathemas right and left; they are perfectly harmless. The madder he
gets the better I like it. Those whom the gods wish to destroy, they
first make mad. He misrepresents everything, as for instance, in
reporting Director's meeting on December 21st 1881: "Resolutions highly
eulogistic of Mr Meekins and his able managerment." &c. &c. which was
wholly untrue. In his last article he says when Mr. Sadler offered him
his stock, he referred him to me in the proper person to receive it. Now
if this is the truth, he certainly lied to me on the day of the
election, as he told me emphatically on that day that Mr. Sadler told
him he had given his proxy away, but presumed it would be voted for him.
I accepted his version of he case and offered the proxy to him. .....
Repectfully, E.S. Johnson
Cambridge Chronicle - 18 January 1882 - Communicated -
Messrs. Editors: I have left off, thinking someone more capable than I
would report our Christmas week, but at this date none have come forth,
and as it is deserving of notice I will give it you in full. Some
twenty-eight years ago, one of out young townsmen left here for
Baltimore to seek his fortune, and there he became acquainted with one
of the city's most beautiful and noble yound ladies, and just
twenty-five years ago, the 25th of last December, while Old Kris Kringle
was making merry in the city, he took his fair bride on his arm and
wended his way back to his old home, where they have since lived in the
enjoyment of good health and plenty. He still enjoys the bloom of
manhood and she has blossomed into a full rose, and to see her, with the
slight tinge of gray, gathering her light blossoms withing her arms, she
has the appearance of beautiful womanhood, while he looks fown upon the
scene, with his usual smile and the little dance of the eye, as much as
to say how thankful I should be. They are an unbroken band, and are
tonight, December 26, 1881 celebrating their silver wedding. Many are
here, the supply of good things in bountiful, and the present while not
numerous, are splendid. The young and gay make merry, the clock strikes
one, which is notice for the gathering that have come to congratulate
W.R. Hooper and Eliza Williams upon their 25th anniversary, to wish them
pleasant dreams and continued blessings and to to their homes.
Tuesday night the Masonic fraternity gave a duck supper - the ducks
were a present from I.H. Wright. The table was well supplied, and the
ladies have gained a wide reputation for the splendid manner in which
they get up these suppers, especially oyster suppers; so says a big fat
mason, who enjoys oysteres with a keen appetite. Everything passed off
Wednesday night, again, we have another silver wedding. This time the
scene changes a little. Some 28 years ago there lived in this town a
lady who was admired by all observers, and many were they who sought,
but won not the belle of E. New Market, until a young merchant, who had
established himself in business, and who by his pluck and thorough
business push, which has characterized his after life - entered the race
and won the prize. We meet them as we never met them before. Here he
stands as one of the old land marks, and here is he by his side, the
support now as then. They entered life's race hand in hand. Here are
their only offspring Nettie and Major - the others are watching and
waiting from beyond the river, and these two, who are celebrating their
25th anniversary, are making rapid strides to join them. We congratulate
them and with them many more years. The house is full, the lunch table
is all that the appetite may wish for, and the sweetmeats and cream are
superb. The gifts are not profuse but elegant. The clock strikes two,
and we are taking our leave with many blessings upon Capt. M.S. Fletcher
and Willie K. Bramble.
Thursday night Ryan, at the E. New Market hotel, had a programme for
a ball, but owing to the inclement weather but few turned out.
Friday night - grand taffy pulling and pound party at "Friendship
Hall", the home of the "Hon." T.J. Hicks, who, with a wife of the good
old times, is making merry for the lads and lassies.
Thursday, the 5th inst., Grand-ma Bramble celebrated her 80th
birthday. The old lady seems to be as sprightly and gay as ever, and
knows as well how to do justice to the tired and hungry traveler as
ever, and Miss Jane, her next best friend, is ready at short notice to
lend a helping hand. So you see our cup has been full.
[We have read with interest of the happy re-unions of some of out New
Market friends, among the most esteemed citizens of their community. The
reference to the kind old lady termed "Grand-Ma Bramble" will be
appreciated by everyone who ever had occasion to stop at the "Temperance
House", of East New Market, in the days of yore. But query is made, (and
especially by Mr. F.J. Henry Jr. of this town), did our respected
friend, Mr. I.H. Wright, kill those ducks himself? If yes, then the
aforesaid F.J.H. Jr., holds that they were tame ducks.] EDS.
Cambridge Chronicle - 25 January 1882 - E. New Market -
January 24, 1882 - Messrs. Editors: To prove fraud and deception on the
part of Mr. E.S. Johnson in being elected Treasurer of the Dor. & Del.
R.R. Co., Mr. Geo. J. Meekins cites Mr. Wilber F. Newton as an instance.
In justice to Mr. E.S. Johnson I feel it my duty to say, that I being
one of the Judges gave my proxie to him on the day of election, and at
the same time attached Mr. Newton's four shares also, not doubting but
what he, Mr. Newton, would cheerfully consent, and will not believe the
contrary until Mr. Newton himself says so. I did not tell Mr. Johnson I
had not consulted with Mr. Newton, and he therefore voted Newton's stock
according to my direction. Respectfully, James A. Bramble.
Cambridge Chronicle - 25 January 1882 - Died -
In East New Market, at the residence of J.W. Fletcher, Esq., Miss Sallie
D. Hull, in the 82nd year of her age.
Baltimore Sun - 28 January 1882 - Fire at East New Market, Md. -
East New Market, Md., Jan 27 - Our citizens were startled by the cry of
fire this morning about half-past one o'clock. The dwelling owned
by Dr. Jas. R. Phillips and occupied by Mr. T.V. LeCompte was burned to
the ground. The dwelling was insured for $1,200. Mr.
Lecompte's loss is estimated to be $350. The family just escaped
with their lives. The origin of the fire is supposed to have been
Cambridge Chronicle - 1 February 1882 - Died -
Mr. Thomas Holland, a prominent citizen of E. New Market district, died
on Monday of last week.
Cambridge Chronicle - 1 February 1882 - House Burned -
E.N. Market, January 27, 1882, Eds. Chronicle: A serious and damaging
fire broke out in our town last night. About 2 o'clock in the morning
Mrs. Tilghman Andrews, near neighbor to the premises destroyed, was up
for some purpose when she discovered that Dr. Jas. R. Phillips' house,
the residence of T.V. LeCompte, was on fire, but before she could arouse
sufficient aid, the fire had gained such headway that the property was
entirely destroyed, together with much of Mr. LeCompte's household
goods. The general supposition is that the fire was a result of an
incendiary. The community heartily sympathize with Mr. LeCompte, and are
showing the same by voluntary contributions to reimburse him. We learn
that the dwelling was fully insured. Through the gigantic efforts of
many of our citizens other dwellings in close proximity was saved from a
similar fate. Mrs. Blockson, a guest of Mr. and Mrs. LeCompte, was sick
in bed, but was safely conveyed from the house by Messrs. Chilcutt and
LeCompte. It was a narrow escape of life with all the inmates of the
house. - Drexel.
Cambridge Chronicle - 1 February 1882 - E. New Market -
Jan 27, 1882 - We wish to extend to the people of E. New Market and
vicinity out sincere thanks for their earnest endeavors to save our
property from the fire of Thursday night. Had it not been for their
efforts everything must have been consumed.T.V. LeCompte, T. Andrews
Cambridge Chronicle - 1 February 1882 -
Misses Jennie and Linda Jacobs of E. New Market, have been visiting
friends in Denton.
Cambridge Chronicle - 1 February 1882 -
Miss Sallie E. Pritchard has returned to Baltimore from East New Market,
Md., where she has been visiting the family of Dr. Jacobs.
Cambridge Chronicle - 15 February 1882 - E. New Market -
February 13, 1882 - Representative Wm. H. Hooper, of Utah Territory, but
formerly of this county and district, arrived here last Saturday, and is
the guest of Hon. Wm. T. Vickers. He is accompanied by two of his
daughters. His meeting with old friends, and especially Mrs. Mary
Bramble, was said to have been very effecting. He says the first dollar
he ever made for himself was paid to him by Jeremiah Bramble, the
deceased husband of Mrs. Bramble, at whose house he performed the work.
His recollection of scenes and incidents of this town forty-eight years
ago, is very vivid and fresh upon his mind. By Mr. Hooper's consent I
will write more fully in your next issue. - Alta.
Cambridge Chronicle - 15 February 1882 -
Mr. John Bramble, of East New Market, has for the past ten years been
collecting reminiscences of Patsy Cannon. He thinks he has about all the
facts in the case of that wonderful woman, and a correspondent of the
Wilmington News says he has engaged with a firm in Philadelphia, who are
to get out the book. Mr. Bramble sayd that Patsy was a lady of culture
and refinement - the latter during her early life - she was a great
admirer of Shakespeare, and that Lady Macbeth was her model.
Cambridge Chronicle - 15 February 1882 - Married -
At East New Market, on the 2nd inst., by Rev. Mr. Bacchus, Mr. J.
Napoleon Wilson and Miss Celia Estalla Hackett, all of this county.
Cambridge Chronicle - 22 February 1882 - Died -
Mr. Henry D. Wright, aged 76 years, and a highly esteemed citizen of
East New Market district, died very suddenly of heart disease one day
last week, while going from his home to a river, near by. (on the 14th
Cambridge Chroncle - 22 Febuary 1882 - Married -
The Laurel correspondent of the Wilmington (Del.) News writes: On
Wednesday morning, the 8th inst., Captain Clarence Holland and Mis Addie
V. Fowler were united in marriage by the Rev. David Howard. They took
the first train and in the old fashioned way went directly to his
mother's house, near East New Market, Dorchester County, Md.
Cambridge Chronicle - 22 February 1882 -
Hon. Wm. H. Hooper, formerly of this county, but for over forty years a
prominent citizen of Salt Lake City, Utah, spent four or five days in
Cambridge last week, whither he had come from a short visit to E. New
Market, his birthplace. For twelve years Mr. H. represented Utah in
Congress, and is now East in connection with the troubles of that
Territory in Congress. despite the very general prejudice here against
certain practices of the Mormon Church that Mr. Hooper represents, his
broad, catholic, and liberal spirit, genial manners, and general
intelligence made him many friends while here, in addition to the old
friends of his youth, (now few in number) who cordially welcomed him. He
was accompanied by two daughters and a private secretary. While in E.
New Market, we learn from a citizen there, Mr. Hooper hunted up and
settled a pension on the colored nurse of his childhood, and gave
various benefactions to churches in Dorchester, both at the former place
and in Cambridge.
Cambridge Chronicle - 22 February 1882 - D&D Railroad -
The Directors of the D.&D. Railroad Co. met at Seaford on Monday and
elected Mr. Isaac H. Wright, of E. New Market, to fill the vacancy
caused by the resignation of Mr. James Gore, after passing a resolution
highly complimenting Mr. Gore upon his faithfulness and efficiency while
a Director for many years past.....
Denton Journal - 25 February 1882 - Married -
Richard Stevens of East New Market married Miss Flora Nichols, formerly
of Gilpins Point, at East New Market on Tuesday last by Rev Dr. Barber
of Cambridge.
Cambridge Chronicle - March 1882 - Married -
At Norfolk, Va. Feb 22nd 1882 by Rev. Mr. ___, Mr. Samuel Higgins of
Vienna, this county, and Miss S.C. Wright, of Norfolk. - At the P.E.
Church, E. New Market, on Feb. 21st, 1882 by Rev. T.P. Barber, Mr.
Richard Stevens and Miss Flora Nichols, all of this county - On the 21st
of Feb. 1882, Mr. Thos. J. Helsby of this county and Miss Bertie Jones,
of Wicomico.
Cambridge Chronicle - 1 March 1882 - East New Market Items -
Messrs. Editors: This has been wedding week with us. On last
Tuesday morning Mr. T.J. Helsby took to his protection and care one of
Quantico's fine daughters, Miss Bertie Jones, sister of Mrs. John W.
Andrews, of Cabin Creek. Miss Bertie is well known here, and has many
warm friends. We wish her much joy in her new sphere of domestic duties,
and a long life with the hours happily wiled away.
At. 7p.m., same day, at St. Stephen's P.E. Church, of this town, Rev.
Dr. Barber, of Cambridge, officiating, were joined in holy wedlock, Mr.
Richard Stevens and Miss Flora Nichols, daughter of the late John
Nichols of Gilpin Point, Caroline County, and grand-daughter of John
Webster, President of the D. & D. R.R. Co. The church was full to
overflowing - the floral offerings to Miss Flora were beautiful, and
lavish evergreens hung around the chancel rail and pulpits, with arching
centre, from which was suspended a flowery bell, indicating the marriage
"Belle". Miss Linda Jacobs presided at the organ, from which floated
away beautiful strains of melodious music, as the bride and groom
accompanied by relatives and friends, presented themselves at the
hymeneal altar. Mr. Barber's style was plain but impressive. Mr. E.S.
Johnson gave the bride away. We hope they will ever play the beautiful
Rache'ls Jacob, and that the dews of heavenly grace may shed its
fragrance along their pathway, that if there be a shadow on life's
journey it may be dispelled by the cheering rays of the sunshine. Flora,
though born in Caroline, was reared from early childhood under the
watchful and christian care of her grandma Webster, now deceased, and
consequently can be claimed as one of Dorchester's fair daughters. Those
that know her best love her most. She has many true and warm-hearted
friends, and may the congeniality never by broken.
- Lenox. E.N. Market, Feb. 23, 1882
Salt Lake Daily Herald - 1 March 1882 - Capt. Hooper at His Old Home
Hon. Wm. H. Hooper, formerly of this county, but for over forty years a
prominent citizen of Salt Lake City, Utah, spent four or five days in
Cambridge last week, whither he had come from a short visit to East New
Market, his birth-place. For twelve years Mr. H. represented Utah
in Congres, and is now east in connection with the troubles of that
territory in Congress. Despite the very general prejudice here
against certain practices of the Morman Church that Mr. H. represents,
his broad, catholic, and liberal spirit, genial manners and general
intelligence made him many friends while here. In addition to the
old friends of his youth (now few in number), who cordially welcomed
him. He was soon accompanied by two daughters and a private
secretary. While in East New Market, we learn from a citizen
there, Mr. H. hunted up and settled a pension on the colored nurse of
his childhood, and gave various benefactions to churches in Dorchester,
both at the former place and in Cambridge (Md.) Chronicle.
Cambridge Chronicle - 15 March 1882 - Communicated E. New Market
March 1882 -
Messrs. Editors: We offered a prize in our school, where the pupils
range from ten to twelve years of age, for a square word of five
letters. Laura Fletcher, daughter of out worthy sheriff, has succeeded
in accomplishing this very difficult task, and we would like for some of
our twelve year olds to answer it, and also send you some new ones. We
think her's is admirable, as all the words are in common use. 1st. A
musical instrument; 2nd A country; 3rd. Cutting tools; 4th. A relative;
5th. Fertile spots. Geo. A.K. Stevens.
Cambridge Chronicle - 22 March 1882 - Religious Notice -
The Right Rev. the Bishop of the Diocese; will hold visitation in this
county D.V. as follows: On Friday, the 24th inst.., at 10:30 A.M., St.
Stephen's Church, East New Market.
Baltimore Sun - 23 March 1882 - Affairs at the State Capital -
...C.C. Rawlings appointed and confirmed notary public at East New
Market, Dorchester county, declines the place. Mr. Rawling's
letter tot he Governor is a curiosity in its way. He says:
"I write to inform you that you made a great mistake when you appointed
the notary. I am a democrat of your stamp and a Hamilton man, if
you will allow the assertion, but I am no office-seeker. I am not
beholden to any party politically. Whoever recommended me to you
knew at the time that I would not serve. I politely decline
serving, and would ask you to appoint the one that recommended me, for I
am sure he would accept it with the greatest of pleasure." As Mr.
Rawlings was recommended by a well-known Senator, the disinterested
return of the compliment is looked on as a good joke on that gentleman.
Cambridge Chronicle - 29 March 1882 - E. New Market Items -
The wheat crop is looking well in this section.
A handsome residence is being built for Mr. Jacob Andrews.
O. Osbourne and his son-in-law, Charles J. Dean, of Walla Walla,
Washington Territory, are visiting here. Mr. Dean, who is a native of
this village, give such glowing accounts of business prosperity in the
West that some of our young men are talking of going to that country to
seek their fortunes.
Mr. Dean is the inventor of a new rifle, which is capable of being fired
thirty-four times in sixty-three seconds. It carries seventeen
cartridges. The gun has been examined and endorsed by one Government
commission, and is now passing under inspection at New York. It is said
that Mr. Dean has been offered $30,000 for his patent.
Our M.E. Church, it is expected, will shortly be enlarged and otherwise
Mr. Geo. F. Sherman and Miss Ida A. Gambrill were married on the 23rd
inst. by Rev. T.O. Ayres.
Cambridge Chronicle - 26 April 1882 - E. New Market Items -
Mr. Jacob Andrews is building a handsome residence.
The Methodist Protestants are trying to sell their parsonage here, and
locate at Vienna.
Rev. Mr. Phillips, of Annapolis, preached at the P.E. church of this
place and Vienna on the 16th inst. He came to view the ground and see if
he will accept a call.
Dr. Houston has recovered from his recent sickness.
Rev. S.M. Morgan, junior pastor on Dorchester circuit, is meeting with
favor and success.
A meeting has been called for the purposes of devising a means for the
refitting of Washington M.E. church.
Mr. Helsby is building a new storehouse.
Cambridge Chronicle - 3 May 1882 - Court Proceedings -
Sarah Camper vs. Joseph I. Collins. Trial. C. Sulivane for plaintiff,
Jas. W. Waddell for defendant. Judgement for plaintiff.
Cambridge Chronicle - 3 May 1882 -
We feel bound to notice a perfectly unjustifiable charge made against
Mr. Joseph Webster, of E. New Market, in the columns of the Morning News
of Wilmington, viz: that as constable Mr. Webster arrested a perfectly
innocent man of Milford, Del., by the name of Stokes, while traveling in
our county, took from him his watch and $10 in money, kept him a
prisoner all night, and then turned him loose the next day but retained
his property. The fact are that Mr. Stokes appearance strongly resembled
the description of a Delaware criminal for whom Mr. Webster was on the
lookout. He gave suspicious accounts of himself and a wrong name. Mr. W.
telegraphed to Milford and could learn nothing of such a person, and
took him before a magistrate who discharged him for want of proof. His
proeprty was all returned to him, and he went on his way, and this is
the whole of it.
Baltimore Sun - 6 May 1882 - Wanted to Purchase -
One good secondhand Tubular Boiler and Engine, either stationary or
portable, from thirty to fifty horsepower. Give description, whom
make, how long been in use, and price on board steamboat or ?ars.
Address S.L. Webster, East New Market, Dorchester county, Md.
Cambridge Chronicle - 10 May 1882 -
The county commissioners closed their ten days' session last Thursday.
The following appointments were made: Collectors of Taxes for Levy of
1882... District No. 2 - Joseph A. Hicks... Constables for the ensuing
two years... District No. 2 - Jos. F. Webster, Wm. W. Reid.
Cambridge Chronicle - 10 May 1882 -
The annual meeting of the stockholders of the East New Market Navigation
and Wharf Company for the election of officers for the ensuing year was
held at New Market on Wednesday, and the following directors were
elected: John Webster, M.S. Fletcher, S.L. Webster, G.A. Thompson, John
W. Fletcher, T. Howard Dail, and E.S. Johnson. John Wevster Esq., was
unanimously chosen president and E.S. Johnson, sec'y and treas. The
enterprise has proved a complete success, and too much cannot be said in
commendation of those who worked it up with such good results for New
Market and vicinity.
Cambridge Chronicle - 31 May 1882 -
Capt. T.B. Price, of E. New Market, shipped a crate of strawberries over
the Dor. & Del. railroad last Friday, the first shipment from this
county this season.
Cambridge Chronicle - 14 June 1882 -
Mr. W.R. WIlloughby, of E. New Market, grows this year a splendid
variety of strawberry called "The Sharpless." Mr. W. always did grow
fine berries anyway.
Cambridge Chronicle - 21 July 1882 - E.N. Market July 1882 -
Peach growers regret that they had their crate paterns all cut out
during the winter and spring of the former size, and to learn that the
packers in Baltimore have changed the standard size. The growers would
not like to sacrifice their stock of crates, and yet would like to
retain Baltimore as their market. Now can not we make some satisfactory
adjustment of the difficulty and move on this season as smoothly as
heretofore, and change sizes next season? - B.
Cambridge Chronicle - 16 August 1882 - Personal -
Mr. Thomas B. Sherman Jr., son of Capt. Thomas B. Sherman, of the E. New
Market district, was here on a visit last week. Mr. S. lives in
Louisville, Ky., where he is doing a large and properous busines.
Cambridge Chronicle - 23 August 1882 - Died -
Abdell - On the 12th inst. in E. New Market, Maggie W., daughter of Wm
J. and C.C. Abdell, in her 18th year.
Denton Journal - 16 September 1882 -
A man named Hurst, at East New Market, picked up his son for the purpose
of punishing him, but the boy slipped from his father's grasp, and his
head struck the floor with such force as to produce concussion of the
brain, which he died soon afterwards.
Denton Journal - 10 March 1883 - A Pastor's Pie -
The Dorchester Era says the members and friends of the M.E. church at
East New Market called upon the pastor, Rev. T.O. Ayers, on Saturday
night and presented him a "Dorchester pie." It was a very peculiar
sort of pie. The bottom crust was a sack of corn; the top crust
was a purse of gold; the filling was made up of sausage, hams, coffee,
sugar, cake, lard, fruit, honey, crackers, eggs, jelly, butter, hominy,
potatoes, hosiery - a pie with a stocking in it - handkerchiefs,
chocolate, lard, catsup, bread, dried fruit, fresh pork, etc.
Columbus Daily Enquirer Sun - 21 March 1883 - A Pastor's Pie -
The members and friends of the M.E. church at
East New Market called upon the pastor, Rev. T.O. Ayers, on Saturday
night and presented him a "Dorchester pie." It was a very peculiar
sort of pie. The bottom crust was a sack of corn; the top crust
was a purse of gold; the filling was made up of sausage, hams, coffee,
sugar, cake, lard, fruit, honey, crackers, eggs, jelly, butter, hominy,
potatoes, hosiery - yes a pie with a stocking in it - handkerchiefs,
chocolate, lard, catsup, dried fruit, fresh pork, beef, etc. It
was a big pie - a whole wagon load of pie. Dorchester Era
Denton Journal - 1 October 1883 - Is he Sheriff? -
The question has arisen whether the sheriff-elect of Dorchester county,
Thomas A. Melvin, Republican, is eligible to the office or not.
The indications are that the matter will be tested. It appears
that Mr. Melvin, who is a native of Sussex county, Del., and who has for
some years followed the business of cattle buyer or drover, came to
Dorchester about six years ago in pursuance of his business, and has
traveled the county periodically since that time up to about four years
ago, when he brought his family from Delaware and located in East New
Market, (Dorchester), where he now resides. The registration book
of 1882 shows by Mr. Melvin's affidavit that he had resided or claimed a
residence in Dorchester county of three years at that date. If the
registration book is correct, then with the year 1883, it would make Mr.
Melvin's bona fide residence in the county of about four years.
Section 44, article 4, of the constitution says: "There shall be
elected in each county and in the city of Baltimore in every second
year, one person, resident in said county or city, above the age of
twenty-five, and at least five years preceding his election, a citizen
of the State, to the office of Sheriff."
[***Cambridge Chronicle microfilm 1-5-1881 to 12-25-1884 - completed through Aug 1882]
Denton Journal - 7 June 1884 - A Novel Advertisement -
The card of an East New Market hotel man has the merit of originality at
least. It runs: "The only second-class hotel in East New
Market, kept by the second meanest man in Maryland, who neither deals in
politics or religion, for his entire time is taken up in careing for the
wants of his guests, however he advises his patrons to say their prayers
before retireing at night and to wet their teeth for tough beefsteak in
the morning, quarters for commercial travelers and don't remember it,
terms cash to saint and sinner."
Denton Journal - 5 July 1884 -
About forty immigrants, just from the other side of the big pond, have
been brought to East New Market to work in the canning factories.
Baltimore Sun - 5 September 1884 - Too Much Enthusiasm -
Advices received in the city yesterday from Dorchester county state that
many persons in the vicinity of East New Market celebrated the opening
of the oyster season on the first instant by too liberal indulgence in
the bivalves. The result was that the local physicians were kept
busy during the night relieving cases of cholera-morbus.
Denton Journal - 20 September 1884 -
Dr. H.W. Houston and Prof. R.O. Christian of East New Market came to
Denton on the Pratt Tuesday and returned on the Ida Wednesday.
Denton Journal - 4 October 1884 - Advertisement -
East New Market, MD. - September 3d, 1884. We have sold Dr. Jones
"Electric" Pills several years and consider them a safe and reliable
Liver Medicine. H.W. Houston, M.D., Druggist
Baltimore Sun - 18 October 1884 - Registered Vote of Dorchester
county, 1884.
District East New Market, White 373, Col'd 204, Tot. 579
Denton Journal - 22 November 1884 -
The Rev. T.O. Ayers, of East New Market, has turned his attention to
collecting Methodist relics of historic value. He has two fine
large paintings, one of the Rev. Henry White and the other of the Rev.
John D. Onion. He also has a number of books among which is a
bound volume of the minutes of the Methodist Church from 1773 to 1819;
and he has copies of the Discipline bearing dates 1789, 1804, 1824,
1836, 1844 to 1884. he has a curiosity in a hymn book which is in
writing. The hymns are all in manuscript. It contains
several hundred hymns written by different persons, but the authors of
them are not given.
Baltimore Sun - 25 November 1884 - Democratic Jubilee in Dorchester -
Nov. 24 - The democratic jubilee at East New Market, Dorchester Co., on
Saturday, in honor of Cleveland's election proved a great success.
Every detail was well carried out, and the affair reflects much credit
upon the managers, among whom Dr. George P. Jones was the leading
spirit. At an early hour on Saturday the town was thronged with
visitors from all sections of the county, including a number from the
adjoining counties and also from Baltimore.
Denton Journal - 29 November 1884 -
On the same afternoon (Tuesday) the dwelling of Mr. Edward Hackett, near
New Market, Dorchester county, was destroyed by fire. When the
flames broke out there were no men on the farm except Mr. Hackett, who
has been for some weeks dangerously ill. With great difficulty the
ladies succeeded in removing him from the burning building, but were
able to save only a small part of the furniture.
Denton Journal - 7 March 1885 - Federalsburg and Vicinity -
Washington Dean was at East New Market on Saturday of last week, after
an absence of forty years, looking after the estate of Cecelia Bush, of
which he is doubtless the only legal representative. Mr. Dean will
take home, as souvenirs, Miss Cecelia's pocketbook, Testament, silver
spectacles, old letters from friends, etc.; also the fatal knife with
which that arch fiend, "Bug" Cephas, but the throat of that unprotected,
inoffending and estimable old lady.
Baltimore Sun - 17 March 1885 - Progress in Dorchester County -
A gentleman from Dorchester county yesterday stated that the
neighborhood of Secretary creek and East Newmarket is forging ahead with
gratifying improvements. New settlers from the West and other
sections of the country are buying land there and lending their capital
and personal efforts to the general progress of the community. The
latest accessions to the farming population are Messrs. Demott and
Hoskins, who have purchased E.L. Vickers' farm, "Preston Vale."
and C.P. Sxecton (Saxton?), who has bought the Peter Hogan farm.
These lands lie near East Newmarket, and the purchaseres are farmers
from near Toledo, Ohio. The sales were effected through Messrs.
John H. Bramble & Co., real estate agents, East New Market. One of
the best improvements made in the neighborhood recently is a new county
road from the steamboat landing on Secretary creek through what is known
as Warwick Neck. In order to make this road useful a new bridge
has been built over the west branch of the creek, which gives the
farmers of the neck a much nearer approach both to East Newmarket and
the steamboat landing than they have heretofore enjoyed.
Denton Journal - 28 March 1885 - Died
Andrew - At East New Market, on the 11th inst., Mrs. Mary N. Andrew,
wife of Wm. H. Andrew, and daughter of Thomas J. Hicks, in the 30th year
of her age.
Baltimore Sun - 9 June 1885 - Baptist Association -
The following delegates left Baltimore last night to attend the annual
session of the Eastern District Association of the Baptist Church, which
opens at Cambridge tonight: Revs. A.J. Rowland, A.C. Barron, A.C.
Dixon, H.M. Wharton, Franklin Wilson, and Messrs. James Pollard, J.R.
Edwards, and J.B. English. Today they will attend the cornerstone
laying of a new church in East New Market, Dorchester county, and
will return to Cambridge in time for the opening session, at which Rev.
F.R. Underwood will preside.
Denton Journal - 20 June 1885 -
The corner-stone of the new Baptist church at East New Market was laid
with imposing ceremonies last Tuesday. The Baptist Church seems to
be growing wonderfully in Dorchester; in a few years it may possibly be
among the strongest in the county.
Denton Journal - 11 July 1885 -
Saulsbury Jones, a colored man living near East New Market, who suffered
for a long time with a cancer on the base of the tongue, has been almost
entirely cured. Six weeks ago, after he had despaired of getting
well, he put himself under the treatment of Dr. B.W. Goldsborough, of
Cambridge, who applied the thermo-cautery process. The cancer was
burnt out and immediately began to heal. The disease was similar
to that of Gen. Grant.
Baltimore Sun - 7 July 1885 - From Washington, Henderson's
Recommendations -
Mail messengers have been designated in Maryland today as follows:
Frederick Pegelow at East New Market, vice C.C.M. Seymour.
Baltimore Sun - 16 October 1885 - Dedication of a Church
Oct 15- The new Baptist Church at East New Market was dedicated today.
A number of preachers from Baltimore city were present and took part in
the ceremonies. Dr. Ellis, of Baltimore, preached the dedicatory
sermon. The church was built by Jerry Young, of Cambridge, and
cost about $2,000. It is planned like the Baptist Church in
Cambridge. Secen hundred dollars was obtained today by
subscription towards the payment of the debt upon the building.
Denton Journal - 21 November 1885 - Thompson -
In East New Market, on the 12th inst., Mrs. Celia Thompson, relict of
the late Mitchell Thompson, in the 85th year of her age.
Baltimore Sun - 4 February 1886 - Escaped Prisoners Recaptured -
Feb. 2 - The two colored prisoners, Edward Mack and Joseph Johnson, who
broke jail in Cambridge on Monday, were captured today by Constable
Bennett, near East New Market.
Baltimore Sun - 8 March 1886 - Answers to Correspondents -
G.W.G., East New Market, Md. writes: "In purchasing a farm last fall
there were some twenty or thirty cords of pine wood cut and ranked in
the woods. The real estate agent who had the farm for sale gave me
to understand that it was to go with the farm for this winter's wood.
After purchase money was paid the wood was sold and taken off before I
moved on the farm. Did the previous owner of the property have
right to sell? Respectfully G.W. Is.
[severed timber is not a part of the real estate, and, unless
there is some express contract as to it, would not be conveyed by a mere
deed of the land.]
Denton Journal - 17 April 1886 - Married -
The event of last week at East New
Market was the marriage of Mr. William W. Willis and Miss Suella Randall
on Wednesday at 8 o'clock in Trinity M.E. Church, at East New Market,
the Rev. P.H. Rawlins, minister. The bride was attired in mode
silk with hat to match, and the groom in the regulation suit of black.
The ceremony was an impressive one, made more so, perhaps, by the
exquisite rendering of the bridal march from Lohengrim by Miss May
Houston. The groom and bride stood in a niche of beauty under a
beautiful white floral arch, from which was suspended the "good luck"
horseshoe with just above it a cluster of variegated flowers, while on
either side of the arch in semi-circular form, were lillie, geraniums
and other plants resting upon a base of holly and ivy.
Denton Journal - 12 June 1886 - Peninsular -
Henry Jackson, of East New Market, struck a rusty nail in his foot and
died from lockjaw.
Denton Journal - 12 June 1886 - The Local Department -
Wedding Bells at half past nine o'clock on Wednesday morning at the
residence of Dr. Andrew Stafford, in Preston. There was a quiet
wedding. The contacting parties thereto being Wm. H. Willoughby,
formerly of East New Market now of Salisbury, and Miss Gertrude, oldest
daughter of the Doctor.
Baltimore Sun - 2 July 1886 -
If anyone desires storehouse at depot at East New Market half mile from
town, two-story xi? by 60 with cellar; also, two dwellings, one ten
rooms, suitable for summer boarding house, less than two miles from
Choptank river, with plenty of ? oysters, game, &c. For terms
apply to M.S. Fletcher, East New Market, Dorchester county, Md.
Denton Journal - 21 August 1886 - Patronage for the E.S.R.R.
The Baltimore Sun makes the following statement as to the amount spent
last year in Baltimore and Philadelphia, by merchants along the line of
the propose Baltimore and Eastern Shore railroad:... New Market -
$15,000 in Philadelphia and $25,000 in Baltimore.
Baltimore Sun - 9 September 1886 - Giving the Right of Way to the B.
& E.S. Railroad -
...The line will pass within 4 1/2 miles of East New Market. This
town has several stores and two hotels. From East New Market to
Hurlock's Station, where the B. & E.S. Railroad will cross the Cambridge
and Seaford Road, the distance is about six miles through one of the
best sections of East New Market district...
Baltimore Sun - 7 October 1886 - Dorchester County Matters -
The farm known as "Goodrich's Choice" or the Kendall M. Jacobs farm,
situated on the Choptank river, in East New Market district, and
containing 424 acres, was sold at mortgagee's sale and purchased by
Benjamin J. Linthicum, mortgagee, at $4,675.
Baltimore Sun - 29 November 1886 -
A young man of experience would like a position in a wholesale or retail
dry goods house. Address G.W.P. East New Market, Md.
Baltimore Sun - 22 December 1886 - Wedding at East New Market -
Dec 21 - A pretty and fashionable wedding took place at East New Market
this morning at 7 o'clock. The contracting parties were Mr. L.
Eugene Ross, of Cambridge, and Miss Carrie Wright, daughter of Isaac H.
Wright, of East New Market... Among those present were Miss Sharp,
of Delaware; Miss Julia McClure, of Baltimore; Mrs. Ephraim Gaither, of
Montgomery county; Mrs. Col. Clement Sulivane, Miss Myra Wallace, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles N. Creighton, Mr. T.C. Ross, Mr. and Mrs. M.J.T. Smith,
Col. George P. Jones, and many others.
Denton Journal - 25 December 1886 -
A pretty and fashionable wedding took place at East New Market on
Tuesday morning last, at seven o'clock. The contracting parties
were Mr. L. Eugene Ross, of Cambridge, and Miss Carrie Wright, daughter
of Isaac H. Wright, of East New Market. The marriage ceremony was
performed at St. Stephen's P.E. church, Rev. T.P. Barber, of Cambridge,
assisted by Rev. E.J. Roke officiating. F.J. Henry Jr., of
Cambridge, acted as best man, and Col. Percy McKnett, of Talbot, Henry
Dashiell, of Baltimore, Clarence H. Steele, and William H. Ross, of
Cambridge as ushers. The following ladies acted as bridesmaids:
Miss Annie Wright, sister of the bride; Miss Nannie Ross, sister of the
groom; Miss Rachel Carlisle, of Delaware, and Miss May Houston, of East
New Market. The bride wore a handsome gray cloth traveling suit,
and was given away by her brother Fred. Wright. A handsome
entertainment was given after the wedding at the residence of the
bride's father. The bridal couple took the morning train for a
tour north.
Baltimore Sun - 29 December 1886 - Items from Cambridge -
Dec. 28 - The stable attached to the residence of Dr. George P. Jones,
at East New Market, Dorchester county, was entirely destroyed by fire
about noon today. One of two very valuable horses standing in the
building at the time the fire was discovered was burned to death.
The fire, which burned rapidly, is supposed to have been accidental.
The contents of the stable, consisting besides the horse of provender
&c., were insured in the Agricultural Company of Watertown for $150.
Denton Journal - 29 January 1887 - The Local Department
Mr. Thomas L. Trice, who has been a resident of Preston for several
years, removed with his family on Tuesday to East New Market, where it
is understood he is soon to engage in mercantile pursuits. The
best wishes of our people go with him and his little household to their
new home.
Denton Journal - 5 February 1887 - Dashes Here and There
An Amateur Dramatic Company from East New Market played the "Lady of
Lyons" and "Rip Van Winkle", at Cambridge last week.
Denton Journal - 26 February 1887 - Dashes Here and There
The residence of Mr. Frank Sellers, near East New Market, was burned
last week.
Denton Journal - 30 April 1887 - The Local Department -
Mr. Isaac H. Wright, and his son, have in their peach orchards, near New
Market, 30,000 peach trees, half of which are in bearing.
Atlanta Constitution - 16 May 1887 - Skin Disease, A Terrible
Affliction -
The "Democrat and News" of Cambridge, Maryland says: "Mrs. Eliza
Ann Poole, wife of Leonard Poole, of Williamsburg, Dorchester Co., Md,
has been cured of a bad case of Eczema by using Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery. The disease appeared first in her feet,
extended to the knees, covering the whole of the lower limbs from feet
to knees, then attacked the elbows and became so severe as to prostrate
her. After being treated by several physicians for a year or two
she commenced the use of the medicine named above. She soon began
to mend and is now well and hearty. Mrs. Poole thinks the medicine
has saved her life and prolonged her days." Mr. T.A. Ayres, of
East New Market, Dorchester County, Md., vouches for the above facts.
The Washington Critic - 25 May 1887 - General News Notes
Dr. Henry W. Houston of East New Market, Dorchester County, Maryland is
dead at age 77.
The Washington Critic - 25 May 1887 - General News Notes
The barn and stables on the farm of Mrs. Harriett Saxton near East New
Market, Md. have been destroyed by fire.
Cambridge Chronicle - 26 May 1887 - East New Market -
Quite a bloody affray occurred on last Friday morning between Samuel
Johnson, Leroy Davis, and a man named Bowman. Johnson went over
into Davis' field where they were at work to collect, as he claims, a
dollar due him from Bowman, but while there he raised a disturbance, and
struck Bowman both with his fist and also a chunk. Then he started
to run, when Leroy Davis ran after him. Johnson ran to a fence
about 35 yards off, caught up a pine pole and turning he met Davis, who
stumbled and fell, and while in the act of getting up, Johnson dealt him
a blow with a long pole over the head and knocked him down again.
The blow was not severe, owing to the length of the pole. The pole
broke when the first blow was struck, leaving in Johnson's hands a piece
of it about four feet long and three inches in diameter. He then
advanced on Davis and dealt him a severe blow, which cut his head
severely and knocked all the senses out of him. His father ran to
his rescue, and Johnson seeing him coming jumped the fence and ran for
his home to secure his gun, saying he would kill all of them. Then
Davis came to town and swore out writs, as did also Bowman. Judges
Mowbray and Abdell tried Bowman's case as Johnson had writs for them.
The writ was reversed and a fine of five dollars and costs awarded,
which Johnson paid on the spot.
Cambridge Chronicle - 26 May 1887 - East New Market -
The barn, stable, and corn house of Mrs. Harriet H. Saxton, on her farm
near East New Market, were destroyed by a fire on Monday. The
buildings were valued at about $1100, and were insured for $675.
The contents of the buildings belonging to Mr. Ephriam Hassett were also
burned. Loss $200. No insurance.
Denton Journal - 28 May 1887 - The Local Department -
Mrs. C.C. Seymour has returned from a two weeks visit to East New
Denton Journal - 28 May 1887 - Dashes Here and There -
Dr. William H. Houston died at East New Market on Monday, aged 77 years.
Dr. Houston, who was a native of Delaware, began the practice of
medicine in East New Market in 1830, and was successful. He
married a widow LeCompte for his first wife. Two sons and two
daughters blessed this union. His sons Frank and Samuel are
engaged in business in New York, and his oldest daughter Sue is living
in Wilmington, Delaware, the wife of Mr. J.K. Dukes, and the youngest,
Phenie, is the wife of Dr. Phelps, of Dorchester. Dr. Houston's
first wife died over twenty years ago, and he afterwards marred the
widow of Dr. Wingate, the daughter of Jacob Charles, of Caroline county.
Five children survive the deceased, the youngest of whom is Miss May.
Baltimore Sun - 8 July 1887 - An Ex-Constable Drowned -
July 7 - A dispatch received at Cambridge tonight from Chester, Pa.,
states that Joseph F. Webster, formerly a constable in East New Market
district, Dorchester county, was drowned. No particulars are
Baltimore Sun - 5 September 1887 - County Commissioner Nominated -
Sep 4 - The delegates to the late democratic county convention for
Dorchester county from the districts representing the fist
commissioner's district of the county met at East New Market on Saturday
and nominated Wm. J. Payne, of East New Market district, for the county
commissioner, in place of John H. Noble, declined.
Baltimore Sun - 5 September 1887 - A Woman Fatally Burned -
An old colored woman of East New Market district, Dorchester county,
named Strawberry, was fatally burned on Friday night by the explosion of
a coal-oil lamp which she was refilling while lighted.
Baltimore Sun - 26 November 1887 - A Post Office Robbed -
Nov 25.- The post office at East New Market, Dorchester county, which is
kept in the store of Jones & Henry, was entered by thieves last night
and robbed of about $350 in watches and jewelry belonging to the firm
and about $7 in stamps, cards, and small change. There is yet no
clue to the thieves.
Baltimore Sun - 9 December 1887 - Fire at East New Market -
East New Market, Dorchester Co., Md, Dec 8. - A fire originated this
morning about half-past four o'clock in the store of C.C. Hubbard, on
Main Street, and quickly spread to the adjacent building, owned by W.R.
Hooper and M.S. Fletcher, which were entirely destroyed. The alarm
was given by some parties who discovered the fire, and the citizens
quickly responded and rendered timely aid in saving adjoining property.
Had the wind been blowing at even a moderate rate the entire business
part of the town would have been consumed. The seeming danger of
the town was sufficient cause for serious apprehensions, as buckets were
the only means to be employed to extinguish the flames, as there is no
fire extinguishing apparatus belonging to the town. The buildings
owned by S.E. Collins and W.R. Sherman and the Bramble House narrowly
escaped, and the feat performed in extinguishing the fire with such
inadequate means was remarkable. The storehouse where the fire
originated was owned by Mrs. S.H. Leckie, and is valued at $900, insured
for $610. C.C. Hubbard places his loss on his stock of general
merchandise at $2,000, insurance $1,500. W.R. Hooper's loss will
reach about $700, insurance $600. M.S. Fletcher's loss is $800,
uninsured. It is generally conceded that the fire was of an
incendiary origin.
Denton Journal - 31 December 1887 - Dashes Here and There -
Frederick Wright and Miss May, a daughter of the late Dr. H.W. Houston,
East New Market, were married on Tuesday morning at the residence of the
bride's mother.
Denton Journal - 4 February 1888 - News from Other Places -
Easton has a colored minstrel troupe. On Wednesday night they made
their appearance in the town hall at East New Market and the
entertainment was pronounced a success.
Denton Journal - 17 March 1888 - Wilmington Conference -
The Twentieth Annual Session - Bishop Foss Presides. The twentieth
annual meeting of the Wilmington M.E. Conference was begun in Union
church, Wilmington, Del, at 9 o'clock Wednesday morning of last week...
The following changes in circuits were made: Salem was taken from
East New Market and put with Vienna. Cabin Creek church has been
taken from Hurlock's and put with East New Market... Before
adjournment of conference on Wednesday the following approintments were
read:... East New Market, L.W. Layfield...
Denton Journal - 31 March 1888 -
John Webster, on of the wealthiest citizens of Dorchester county, died
at his residence, near East New Market, Thursday morning, at the age of
88 years. The deceased leaves an estate valued at $175,000.
He was the owner of sixteen farms in Dorchester, Caroline, and Queen
Anne's counties. He leaves a son and four married daughters.
His youngest daughter is the wife of President E.S. Johnson, of the
Choptank Steamboat Company.
Baltimore Sun - 4 April 1888 - Will of the Late John Webster -
April 2 - The will of the late John Webster, of Dorchester county, was
admitted to probate today. Samuel L. Webster, of East New Market,
a son of the testator is named executor. The estate, which is
ascertained to be worth two hundred thousand dollars, is distributed by
the will among the children and grandchildren of the deceased. W.
Spry Sherman, of Vienna, has made an assignment for the benefit of
creditors. William S. Craft is named trustee.
Baltimore Sun - 10 April 1888 - Telegraphic Summary, Etc: -
A.M. Markell, a Baltimore salesman, was badly hurt by a train at East
New Market, Dorchester county.
Baltimore Sun - 1 June 1888 -
The barn on the farm of Mrs. A.M. Vickers, near East New Market,
Dorchester co., was destroyed by fire Wednesday night, together with a
large quantity of corn and feed. The loss is estimated at $500.
Insurance $300. The fire is supposed to have been of incendiary
Denton Journal - 16 June 1888 - Preston Letter -
The Preston baseball team defeated the East New Market nine at the
latter's ground on Saturday last. Score, 7 to 5. Battery for
Preston, Kelly and Hubbard; for East New Market, Bramble and Webster.
Umpire, J.E. Nichols. About 300 spectators were on the field.
Denton Journal - 28 July 1888 - Married -
Good-Blackburn - At the Ridgely M.E. Church, by Rev. Geo. W. Townsend,
William F. Good of East New Market, to Lavinia J. Blackburn, of Ridgely.
Denton Journal - 22 December 1888- Under the Mistletoe -
At an early hour Tuesday morning St. Stephen's P.E. Church, East New
Market, was crowded to witness the marriage of W.A. Andrew, traveling
salesman for Clark & Jones, of Baltimore, to Miss Gertrude Hicks,
daughter of the late T.J. Hicks, of that place, which was the chief
social event of the season.
Denton Journal - 26 January 1889 - Federalsburgh -
Edwin S. Heffron, of the firm of Heffron Bros., and Mr. Robert Gulick,
of East New Market, have bought the Federalsburg Courier.
The Democrat & News - February 1889 - New Hotel -
The New Market people are claiming that Hooper's new hotel in that town
surpasses any of our Cambridge houses. It will have twenty-four
rooms, is three stories high, has electric bells, bath rooms, and all
modern appliances. A large and fine livery will be attached, and
the people will exert themselves to boom their growing town to its full
merits. Some even go so far as to say that soon Secretary and East
New Market will be one and will be known by the appropriate name of East
and West New Market. Wait till the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal
joins the Choptank to Delaware Bay and still greater wonders will arise
along the banks of the upper Choptank.
Denton Journal - 29 June 1889 - Dashes Here and There -
There is talk of a bank at East New Market.
Denton Journal - 20 July 1889 - Dashes Here and There -
S.L. Webster & Son, of East New Market, have purchased the Linchester
mills, in this county. Five thousand dollars was the price paid.
Denton Journal - 10 August 1889 - Federalsburgh -
The baseball march between East New Market's second nine and a scrub
team of this place last Saturday resulted in a score of 17 to 15 in
favor of East New Market.
Democrat & News - 4 January 1890 - Wedding -
Miss Addie Dean, daughter of J.W.M. Dean, Esq., a prominent farmer and
Mr. H. H. Willoughby were married this morning at St. Stephens Church.
Denton Journal - 8 February 1890 - Dashes Here and There
Mr. Fred Wright, of New Market, has sold his pacers to a Mr. Waner, of
Philadelphia, for $600.
Denton Journal - 8 February 1890 - Federalsburgh -
A freight train loaded with oyster shells for the N.Y.P. & N. road was
thrown from the track near East New Market on Tuesday. Three cars
were wrecked and about one hundred yards of track torn up. The
accident was caused by the breaking of a runner over a culvert.
Denton Journal - 22 February 1890 - Additional Items -
We have the report of the Maryland School for Deaf and Dumb, at
Frederick, for the year ending October 1st, 1889; - a handsome pamphlet
printed at the school. 120 pupils are reported. ...five from
Dorchester... Mary F. Smith, East New Market...
Baltimore Sun - 26 February 1890 - Saved from Self-Destruction -
Ida Ross, aged 18 (12?), from near East New Market, Dorchester county,
has been living two weeks as a domestic in the family of John K.
Hubbard, Easton. Sunday, while the family was at church, she went
to her room, excluded the air and opened the gas jets. She was
found in an unconscious condition, but was resuscitated. She had
written a note to her mother saying she was going to kill herself.
No reason is known for the act.
Democrat & News - 22 March 1890 - Died -
Mr. E.T. King of East New Market died on Tuesday. He moved to E.N.
Market from Carey, Ohio a few years ago. His body left on Thursday
for interment in Carey.
Baltimore Sun - 28 March 1890 - Bequests to Masons and Odd-Fellows -
March 26 - A deed of trust from Erastus T. King, who died at East New
Market, Dorchester county, about two weeks ago, has been filed for
record in the office of the clerk of the Circuit Court at Cambridge.
The deed appoints Mr. A.J. Foble, a brother Mason, of Cambridge, trustee
to the estate, and in its features partakes more of the nature of a will
than a deed. The deceased came to Dorchester county from Casey,
Ohio in failing health about two years ago and purchased a farm near
East New Market, where he resided until his death. He was without
a family and settled in a community of strangers, but soon made friends,
especially with members of the Masonic and Odd-Fellows orders, to both
of which he belonged. In accordance with a clause in the deed, his
remains were taken to Casey, Ohio, his former home, by Mr. Foble, where
they were buried. The deceased left no debts, and under the terms
of the deed all his real estate and personal property will be sold by
the trustee and the proceeds together with several hundred dollars in
cash, will be equally divided between Cambridge Lodge No. 6? of Masons,
and Wyandotte Encampment No. 153, and Casey Lodge No. 407, of
Odd-Fellows of Casey, Ohio. Three lodges will each receive from
$500 to $800. So far as is known the deceased had no relations.
Demcrat and News - 5 April 1890 - Local Department
There will be a grand ball at East New Market on Monday night. The
orchestra from Milford, Del. will furnish the music.
Denton Journal - 12 April 1890 -
Mr. James A. Noble, late merchant at Linchester, has purchased the stock
of Mr. A.W. Sisk, and now holds forth at the old Fletcher stand.
Mr. Noble has sold his goods to Mr. Webster, lately of Dorchester
county. Mr. Webster is a son of Samuel Webster, Esq., of East New
Market, whose business relations in this county make him well known and
Baltimore Sun - 5 June 1890 - Telegraphic Summary, Etc. -
James M. Thompson died at East New Market, Dorchester county, aged 61
Denton Journal - 26 July 1890 - Federalsburg -
A game of baseball was played here Saturday with the East New Market
club and resulted in a score of 13 to 14 in favor of the home team.
Denton Journal - 2 August 1890 - The Proposed Ship Canal -
Mr. M.S. Fletcher, of East New Market, has written to the Baltimore Sun
concerning the proposal by private capital to construct a ship canal
between the Chesapeake and Delaware Bays by the Sassafras route.
Mr. Fletcher urges the superiority of the Choptank route, the advantages
of which, in its comparative freedom from ice and other particulars,
have frequently been pointed out in the Sun, and says he would suggest
to the promoters of the Sassafras project to look at the Choptank river
before beginning. It has, he says, some twenty-five miles of
navigable water and can be connected with the Nanticoke by ten miles
cutting. The Nanticoke is navigable to Seaford, Del., some twenty
miles, leaving a cut of some eighteen miles to Lewes and the Delaware
Breakwater. The route has been surveyed and all the necessary
information concerning it may be readily obtained. Mr. Fletcher
encloses a letter from Congressman Gibson, in which the latter says: "I
entirely concur in your views of the Choptank river route as the proper
one for the canal. Should the measure present itself before the
House at this session of Congress, or at any time during my term, it
will receive my earnest support in the direction indicated."
Baltimore Sun - 14 August 1890 - City News in Brief -
Rev. Mr. Keeble, late of Lexington, Mo. is in the city on the way to
East New Market, Md., where he will take charge of the Protestant
Episcopal Church of that place.
New York Sun - 5 October 1890 - The New Chesadel House, East New
Market, Md. -
Situated on the peninsula of the Chesapeake and Delaware bays, the
healthiest locality in the United States. See report of Government
survey at Washington. The house is entirely modern and strictly
first class. Desirable rates to monthly boarders. Excellent
E.L. Hooper, Proprietor.
Baltimore Sun - 8 November 1890 - Wanted to Exchange -
A desirable farm for good rental city property not in the hands of real
estate agents.
Address Gus. T. Bramble, East New Market, Dorchester co., Md.
Denton Journal - 27 December 1890 - Dashes Here and There
Dr. George R. Jones, of East New Market, is secretary of Dorchester's
board of health.
Denton Journal - 10 January 1891 - Dashes Here and There -
Capt. Reuben Corkran, of East New Market, and Mr. Wm. E. Towers have
removed to Choptank.
Denton Journal - 10 January 1891 - Notes from Dorchester -
V.P. Northtup, of Dickinson College, Misses Mary Wright and Kate Noble,
of Western Maryland College, and Miss Mary Turpin, East New Market
Academy, have returned to their studies.
Denton Journal - 7 February 1891 - From Neighboring Counties -
Mrs. Henrietta Henry, wife of Joseph Henry, living between Hurlock's and
Ennals, died last Tuesday morning, aged seventy years and one day.
Mrs. Henry was a sister of the late Dr. Edmondson, of East New Market.
She had been twice married, her first husband being a Mr. Goslin.
She was the mother of a large family, four of which only survive her,
namely Jefferson Davis Henry, Mrs. Hartlove, Mrs. Gertrude Harper, and
Mrs. Ethlinda Charles, all of whom live in this vicinity.
Baltimore Sun - 21 February 1891 - Telegraphic Summary Etc. -
William Kimmey is under arrest, charged with placing obstruction on a
railroad track near East New Market.
Denton Journal - 28 February 1891 - Dashes Here and There -
A boy named Kimmey, living at East New Market, has got himself in
trouble by putting timbers on the railroad track. Luckily no
accidents were occasioned. This youth's destination is a prison
Denton Journal - 28 February 1891 - Dashes Here and There -
While preparing to go to church on Monday evening last, Mrs. L.W.
Layfield, wife of Paston Layfield, of East New Market, gave her two sons
each a teaspoonful of aconite thinking she was administering cough
syrup. One of the little boys narrowly escaped death.
Denton Journal - 28 March 1891 - Church Items -
St. Stephen's Protestant Episcopal Church at East New Market, Rev. J.W.
Keeble, rector, has been pronounced unsafe and will not be used again in
its present condition. The congregation is thus deprived of a
place of worship.
Denton Journal - 4 April 1891 - Dashes Here and There -
East New Market has a gun club.
Baltimore Sun - 2 May 1891 - Peninsula Fruit Crops -
Mr. Isaac H. Wright, a larger nurseryman and peach grower, believes in
the large proportions of the coming crops. He is at East New
Market, in the best peach section of Dorchester.
Denton Journal - 9 May 1891 - Dashes Here and There -
Court adjourned at Cambridge on Wednesday last. Kimmey, the young
man charged with placing obstructions on the railroad track near East
New Market, was sentenced to three years in the penitentiary.
Denton Journal - 6 June 1891 - Dashes Here and There -
William Willoughby, an old resident of East New Market, Dorchester
county, Md., died on Saturday night, aged seventy-eight years.
Denton Journal - 6 June 1891 - Church Intelligence -
A great revival has been in progress for several weeks at East New
Market M.E. church.
Baltimore Sun - 15 July 1891 - Maryland Items -
Rev. J.W. Keeble, of East New Market, Md., who has been critically ill
for a week with acute inflammation of the bowels is considered better.
Denton Journal - 18 July 1891 - Dashes Here and There -
Wm. J. Payne, of East New Market, by Henry Lloyd, attorney, has entered
suit against Matthew J.T. Smith, of the same district, for alleged
slander. The amount of damages claimed is $10,000.
Denton Journal - 22 August 1891 - Obituary -
Mrs. Sarah Fletcher, widow of the late John Fletcher, died at her
residence in East New Market on Saturday last, August 15th, at an
advanced age. The deceased lady was the step-mother of Mr. J.B.
Fletcher and Mrs. Mary Williamson, of Preston. The funeral
services were held in the M.E. Church at East New Market on Sunday last,
and a great many people - relatives and friends - were present.
Vermont Phoenix - 18 September 1891 - Maryland Peach and Grass Farm
For Sale
Beautifully located near two navigable rivers. Two lines of
railroad. Depot within one mile. Comfortable buildings, good
water, trees all bearing and young, and timber in abundance. To
those who wish to escape the severe winters of the North this is the
F.E. Loomis, East New Market, Dorchester County
Atlanta Constitution - 27 September 1891 - Other Matters (Maryland)
A horse, Betsy, with a noble strain of blood in her veins, is dead at
East New Market, at the age of thirty-nine years and four months.
Until a few months ago she held up her side of a plow with as much vigor
as her young next-door neighbor
Chicago Tribune - 1 January 1892 -Marine Disasters -
22 February 1891 Schooner East New Market, off Virginia Coast, 2 died
Denton Journal - 9 January 1892 - Preston -
Mr. Major S. Fletcher, a brother of Mr. J.B. Fletcher, of this place,
died at his residence in Baltimore on Wednesday of last week. He
recently removed to that city from East New Market. He was a
prominent member of the Masonic order, and the lodge at East New Market
attended the furneral. Interment was made at the latter place.
Denton Journal - 9 April 1892 - Dashes Here and There -
A very pretty wedding took place at the residence of the bride in East
New Market, at eight o'clock p.m., on March 29. The contracting
parties were Mr. Winfield M. Waddell, of Bethlehem, this county, and
Miss E. Jennie Helsby, of East New Market. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. Dr. D.F. Waddell, of Wilmington, Del. The groom
is a brother of the officiating clergyman.
Denton Journal - 9 April 1892 - Local Mail Routes -
Some mail route awards were made on Friday of last week. Among
them were the following:... Route 10,420 - From Cabin Creek to
East New Market, two miles and back, six times a week. Leave Cabin
Creek daily, except Sunday, at 11 a.m.; arrive at East New Market by
11:45 a.m.; leave East New Market daily, except Sunday, at 1:15 p.m.;
arrive at Cabin Creek by 2 p.m. Bond required with bid, $200.
J.H. Pearl, $64.41.
Denton Journal -23 July 1892 - Married -
Simpson-Willoughby- 6 July 1892, at the residence of the bride, by Rev.
A. Burke, William W. Simpson, of Middletown, Del., and Miss Nettie
Willoughby, of East New Market.
Denton Journal - 30 July 1892 - Dashes Here and There -
Charles Denkins, a colored youth of East New Market district, was
committed to Cambridge jail for 18 days by Squire Abdell for stealing
William Hurst's watermelons.
Denton Journal - 30 July 1892 - Maryland Political Matters -
The Cambridge Chronicle of Thursday last says Dorchester's delegates to
the Easton convention will favor the nomination of Dr. George P. Jones,
of East New Market, for Congress. Dr. Jones is a very active
Democrat and a hard worker.
Baltimore Sun - 3 September 1892 - Wanted -
By October 1, 1892, a position either in wholesale or retail drug store
by a retail druggist of two years experience. Correspondence
invited for one month. Address Drugs, Post Office Box 109, East
New Market, Md.
Denton Journal - 17 September 1892 - Dashes Here and There -
John Wright, a married man about fifty years of age, living at East New
Market, has been sent to the House of Correction for four months.
He was charged with assault and battery by Mrs. Elfrida Lawrence.
Denton Journal - 24 September 1892 -
Miss Nora Briley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Briley, and one of the
fairest and most amiable ladies of Dorchester, was married on Tuesday
afternoon to Mr. Otto Bibby, the popular salesman for the firm,
Stoneburner & Richards, of Baltimore. The ceremony was performed
in the M.E. Church in East New Market, in which town the bride's parents
reside, by the pastor Rev. A. Burke, in the presence of a very large
congregation, composed of the friends and admirers of the contracting
parties. The six ushers were Messrs. G. Richard Percy, of
Salem, Dr. John Mace and Daniel E. Dail, of Cambridge, Richard J.
Colston, of Preston, Charlie Webster, of New Market, and J.E. Graham, of
Denton Journal - 12 November 1892 - Dashes Here and There -
Tilghman Andrew, a widely-known citizen of East New Market, is dead.
Denton Journal - 7 January 1893 - Preston -
Misses Bessie Phillips and Emalene Carmine and Dr. L.D. Kelley attended
the New Market hop on Thursday evening of last week. The severity
of the weather rather disappointed some of our young folks last week in
preventing them from attending the hop at Denton.
Denton Journal - 7 January 1893 - Marriage -
The marriage of Miss May Wright, daughter of Isaac Henry Wright, Esq.,
to Dr. W. Lewis Morris, of Wicomico county, will take place at the
residence of the bride's father, near East New Market, at 1 o'clock p.m.
on Thursday January 12th.
Denton Journal - 25 February 1893 - Dashes Here and There -
H. Lee Vickers, East New Market, wants to be Indian agent.
Denton Journal - 1 April 1893 - Congressman Brattan Busy -
Salisbury, March 25 - Congressman Bratton was here today, and was
besieged by delegations. Dr. George Perry Jones, John S. Baker,
J.A. Saxton, and R.H. Stevens composed a delegation from East New Market
in the interest of Mr. Vickers, of that place, who wants to be Indian
agent. The fight for the post office at East New Market also
occupied a portion of their time. A son of Dr. Jones is an
aspirant for the place as is also Joseph E. Henry, druggist.
Denton Journal - 8 April 1893 - Dashes Here and There -
Lieutenant W.V.E. Jacobs, U.S.M.C., of East New Market, has been ordered
to the revenue cutter Bear, headquarters at San Francisco.
Denton Journal - 20 May 1893 - Concord -
Mr. Will Todd, whose carriage and harness was recently stolen, has
recovered his property. It was found in East New Market.
Denton Journal - 10 June 1893 - Personal Mention -
Dr. Jacobs, S.E. Collins, George Page, and John H. Bramble, of East New
Market, were in attendance upon the circuit court this week.
New York Sun - 11 June 1893 - Summer Retreats -
Maryland - Chesadel House, East New Market, MD. New House,
Entirely Modern, Baths. Pleasantly situated near salt water,
fishing and crabbing. Climates exceedingly healthful. Address
Denton Journal - 24 June 1893 - Personal -
Dr. John Mace, of Cambridge, and Miss Della Briley, of East New Market,
were married by Rev. Asbury Burke last Tuesday afternoon. Among
the eight ushers at this pretty wedding was Mr. R.J. Colston, of
Baltimore Sun - 28 June 1893 - Chesadel House -
East New Market, Md. Near salt waters; new house; baths and
running water; first class throughout. Address Proprietor.
Denton Journal - 1 July 1893 - Federalsburg -
For the past two weeks our dealers have been supplied with fine cabbages
grown in East New Market.
Denton Journal - 8 July 1893 - Local Postal Matters -
From the Sun, June 29. Mr. Brattan also secured the appointment of
the following fourth-class postmasters: Thomas J. Hackett at
Hurlock, Samuel Jones at East New Market, Sever Murray at Berlin.
Denton Journal - 12 August 1893 -
Dr. Albert C. Jones, president of the Cambridge & Chesapeake Railroad
Company, died at George's Hotel, Cambridge, on Friday of last week.
His widow is a daughter of Rev. Asbury Burke, of East New Market.
The interment of Dr. Jones took place at Federalsburg on Saturday.
Denton Journal - 23 September 1893 - Cambridge News -
Mrs. Dr. Jacobs and the Misses Jacobs, of East New Market, accompanied
by Miss Dorsey of Church Creek, left on Tuesday last for a ten day's
trip to the World's Fair.
Denton Journal - 16 December 1893 -
Revival services closed in the M.E. Church on Sunday night; Rev.
Asbury Burke, of East New Market, preached.
Denton Journal - 24 February 1894 - Federalsburg -
The Messrs. Webster were in town Tuesday contracting with farmers for
growing peas for their cannery in East New Market. They also made
arrangements with H.B. Messenger to furnish them cans for their tomato
Denton Journal - 5 May 1894 - Federalsburg -
Mrs. Prouse, of East New Market, who died Tuesday, was a sister of Mr.
W.J. Davis and Mrs. John Elliott, of this place.
The Democrat & News - 7 July 1894 - Died -
Ermor Louise, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. M. L. Goslin of East New Market
died on 23 June of Chlera infantum.
Denton Journal - 14 July 1894 - Personal Mentions -
Mr. W.E. Trego and Miss Linda Seymour will be married on Wednesday
evening, July 25th at 6 o'clock at the residence of the bride's parents,
East New Market.
Baltimore Sun - 15 August 1894 - Scholarships Awarded -
The school commissioners of Dorchester county today awarded the St.
John's College scholarship to Thomas Collison, of Linkwood, and the
scholarship to the Art Institute of Maryland to Miss Loard, of East New
Denton Journal - 27 October 1894 - Dashes Here and There -
East New Market is to have a new fire engine.
Baltimore Sun - 21 December 1894 - Sunday School Meetings in
Dorchester -
East New Market, Dec 20 - A Sunday school conference, under the auspices
of the Dorchester County Sunday School Association, was held in East New
Market Tuesday afternoon and night. Addresses were delivered by
Rev. W.E. Tomkinson on "What the Sunday School can do for the Home and
What the Home can do for the Sunday School"; by Rev. Frank Farley
on "The Perils of our Young People and the Sunday School as a Remedial
Agency"; by State Organizer George R. Nock on "The Work of the Maryland
Sunday School Union"; by Rev. J.W. Sewell, on "The Sunday School
Denton Journal - 22 December 1894 - Matrimonial and Social News -
Mrs. Isaac H. Wright, of East New Market, who several weeks ago
underwent a severe surgical operation in Baltimore, has so far recovered
that she will likely be able to come home this week, much to the delight
of a large circle of relations and friends. - Cambridge News.
Baltimore Sun - 28 December 1894 - Auction Sales at the Horse
Exchange -
At the Baltimore Horse Exchange yesterday thirty-six horses were sold at
prices ranging from $10 to $100. Among the out-of-town buyers were J.L.
Hobbs and George W. Alcorn, of Laurel, and Joseph Collins, of East New
Market, Md. The horses sold were consigned from a dealer in Ohio.
After the sale a dapple gray horse was sold for $25.
Baltimore Sun - 1 January 1895 - For Sale -Great Bargain -A Corner
Lot -
in fee in the town of East New Market, Dorchester county, Md., a town of
?00 inhabitants, 107(?) feet on the main street, 329 feet on the street
leading to steamboat wharf. Improved by 18(?) room Mansion; also,
store 40x25, now rented; also necessary outbuildings. Is
surrounded by the best farmland in the county; 1/2 mile to the steamboat
wharf; 1/4 mile to railroad station. Fine business stand; good
reasons for selling; Will sell cheap or will exchange for good
city property. Telephone Md7.
J.W. Woodland & Co. Room 630, Equitable Building
Baltimore Sun - 30 March 1895 - Saxton -
On Friday morning, March 18, 1895, at the residence of her
granddaughter, Mrs. Jonie(?) S. Stevens, East New Market, Md., Mrs.
Harriet Howard Saxton, age 80(?) years and 8 days.
Denton Journal - 22 June 1895 - Ask Yourself and Your Friends -
Mr. James Dunn, of Cambridge, and Miss Nettie G. Seymour, of East New
Market, were married on Wednesday last.
Democrat and News - 7 September 1895 - East New Market Items
Mr. Robert Thompson, wife and son James, and family, of Baltimore, and
Mr. John Sudler and wife of Somerset county, are registered at the
Chesadel House this week.
Mr. James Thompson and family have been spending the summer here, and
expect to remain sometime yet.
Miss Ida Hooper has returned to her home in Baltimore.
Mr. R.W. Randall is engaged in building his new house with a nice roomy
cellar under it, on the Helsby lot, adjoining that of Mrs. Eugenia
Thomas and Mrs. Kate Varnes. The dimensions are, front building
18x24, with octagon front, and when completed will be one of the best
arranged houses in town as well as one of the handsomest. May the
good work go on. There would be another building or two erected on
the Fletcher lot on Railroad avenue, if they would sell their land at a
reasonable price. The writer heard a gentleman of one town say he
would build if he could get a lot there at a fair price, but that he did
not intend to pay for it as much as a farm would cost.
Mr. J.R. Stevens, while crossing the street at the corner of Main and
Railroad avenue, was accidentally run into by Dr. J.T. Jacobs, knocking
him to the ground, which made him so sore he has not been able to turn
over in bed since without assistance. Mr. Robert Page, living
about the same house, was run over by an ox team he was driving the next
day, and he is also laid up for repairs.
Many of our townsmen have attended Easton Fair this week.
Our farmers are busy now in their fodder and fruit.
Protracted meetings began in the M.E. Church on Friday last. There
have been several able sermons and exhortations given, but there has
been but little good been accomplished, judging from outward
appearances. We are looking and praying for better results,
Denton Journal - 23 November 1895 - Obituary -
Ex-Police Lieut. W.O. Wright, of Baltimore, died at his residence in
East New Market a few days ago, aged 81 years. He was retired in
Denton Journal - 22 February 1896 - Dashes Here and There -
Mrs. Elizabeth Varnes died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. J.B.
Fletcher, at Preston, on February 2, 1896, after a number of years of
suffering, aged 70 years. Interment took place at the M.E. Church
cemetery at East New Market.
Denton Journal - 7 March 1896 - Dashes Here and There -
Dr. James Thomas Jacobs died at his home, "Liberty Hall," East New
Market, on Wednesday of last week, aged 63 years. He was the son
of Kendal Madison and Janet Hardcastle Jacobs, and had relatives in this
place. His death was sudden and unexpected.
Denton Journal - 14 March 1896 - Dashes Here and There -
The Preston Dramatic Association will render "Nevada" at Willis' Hall,
East New Market this evening.
Denton Journal - 25 April 1896 - National and Personal News -
Miss S. Alberta Wright, daughter of Mr. Joseph Wright, near East New
Market, was married on April 14th to Mr. Thomas N. Rawlins, of
Baltimore Sun - 30 May 1896 - Effects of Lightening in Dorchester -
May 29 -Additional reports have been received of the damage done by
yesterday's storm. At Madison the residence of Jos. W. Brooks was
struck by lightening and destroyed, with all his furniture. The
loss is over $2000, upon which there was no insurance. George
Rolph's dwelling near East New Market, was also struck and considerably
damaged. W.E. Rossell's dwelling, near Cambridge, was also injured
by a bolt and his dog was killed under the house. There was a
heavy rainfall in all parts of Dorchester county.
Baltimore Sun - 21 July 1896 - Personal -
Rev. John M. Hackett, who is a native of East New Market, Dorchester
county, Md., was in Baltimore yesterday en route to his old home after
an absence of eighteen years at Albuquerque, N.M. Mr. Hackett is a
school teacher in New Mexico. His cousin, Mr. Frank Hackett, is a
real estate agent there.
Democrat & News -26 January 1897? - Death of R.H. Stevens.
Mr. Richard H. Stevens, a prominent farmer of East New Market, died at
his home there on Monday morning after a lingering illness, aged 45
years. Mr. Stevens was one of the most robust men in the county until
attacked by a liver trouble about a year ago. The disease baffled the
best physicians of the State and gradually brought the strong man down,
down to the grave. He was laid to rest in East New Market cemetery on
Wednesday in the presence of a large concourse who gathered to pay their
last respects.
Deceased was a man of great force and industry, and as a farmer was most
successful. He was kind and generous to an unusual degree, and his
charity knew no bounds. Mr. Stevens was a most useful man to his
section, and was the leader in all movements looking to improvement and
progress of the community. It was mainly through his efforts that the
East New Market Creamery was established, and he was also a leading
character in organizing the Choptank Steamboat Company and improving
Warwick river. He was in every respect "A man to all the country dear,"
and his loss will be keenly felt. He leaves a widow, who is a
grand-daughter of the late John Webster, and four bright and promising
children, the oldest of whom is about twelve years of age. Mr.
Stevens was a member of the Heptasophs, Home Forum, and Workmen in which
he had policies amounting to $7,000.
Democrat & News - 26 January 1897 - School Board Proceedings
A delegation from E.N. Market, consisting of Messrs. Langford, Camper,
Johnson, Henry, Willis, and others applied to the Board for a temporary
assistant to the Academy, in consequence of the large attendance of
pupils. The Board agreed to such an arrangement for one term.
Denton Journal -30 January 1897 - Richard H. Stevens Dead -
Mr. Richard H. Stevens, who has been in declining health for more than a
year, died at his home, near East New Market, Tuesday morning. For
a long time his disease baffled the investigations of his physicians,
and it was only a few weeks ago that it was ascertained to be cancer of
the liver. A wife, who was formerly Miss Nichols, daughter of the
late John Nichols of this county and one son and two daughters survive
him. The deceased, was was forty-six years of age, was one of the
most prominent and popular citizens of Dorchester county. His farm
was a model of intelligent and progressive methods, and he was very
Democrat & News - 6 February 1897 – East New Market News
Jacob Sampson lost his youngest child on Tuesday last of whooping cough.
J.A. Saxton & Co. have opened a carriage and machinery house in the shop formerly occupied by H.H. Willoughby as an undertaker's shop.
We have had the coldest spell of weather in the past 2 weeks of the season. Mercury went down to 8 degrees, which enabled our citizens to fill their ice houses to running over with ice ranging from two to five inches thick. There was more snow than we've had since '94, but only two or three day's sleighing, and it wasn't very good at that.
Died – Mr. Eddie Hurst, an old and respected citizen, at 7 o'clock p.m., on Wednesday at the residence of his son, Jos. F. Hurst, near this place, aged 80 years, 6 months, and 22 days. He has been a long sufferer, being confined to his bed about 12 months off an on. Mr. Hurst has a large circle of friends and relatives. He has been a consistent member of the M.E. Church for over fifty years, and a triumphant death was his. He sang the old familiar hymn a half hour before he died and called all present to his bedside and bid them good bye a few minutes before he expired, being perfectly conscious up to the last. His funeral took place at the house on Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. His remains were interred in the cemetery.
Died – Sadie, youngest daughter of M.L. and Maggie Goslin, of diphtheria, in Philadelphia on Saturday at 8 p.m., 7 years and 4 months old. There families have the sympathy of the entire community.
Democrat & News - 20 February 1897 - Saxton & Co., East New Market,
- J.A. Saxton, J.M. Smith
McCormick Binders & Mowers, Bickford & Huffman Drill, Tiger Disc
Harrows, Tiger Hay Rakes, &c., Wireless Corn Planters, Carriages,
Buggies and Farm Wagons, Bicycles: "Tiger" and "Tigress", all kinds farm
machinery and implements, hay, grain, feed, and fertilizers. A full
line of these goods kept constantly on hand at our warehouse and
salesroom in East New Market.
Democrat & News -20 March 1897 – Saml. E. Collins, E.N. Market, MD.,
General Collector of Claims.
Collections promptly made and settled for. Reference: Chas. Lake,
Clerk of Court Cambridge; W.F. Drain, Cashier National Bank of
Cambridge; Jas. C. Johnson, teller; Jas. M. Robertson, County Treasurer;
John G. Mills, Editor Democrat and News; Edgar C. Ross & Co., Seaford,
Del.; Ulman & Co. Salisbury; Shannahan & Wrightson, Easton, Md.; Thomas
J. Dail & Co., Baltimore, Md.
Democrat & News - 3 April 1897 – Palace Stables
Opposite Braly's Brick Hotel, W.E. Hooper, Proprietor. Having
removed to these new brick stables, I am prepared to accommodate the
public with First-Class Single and Double Teams, New Buggies, Phaetons
and Double Teams. Wedding and picnic parties will receive prompt
attention. Will meet all boats and trains on short notice. Horses
boarded, fed and cared for. Travelers conveyed to all parts of the
county. Reasonable rates. Courteous and prompt attention to customers.
My stables are open at all hours, day and night.
Democrat & News - 3 April 1897 – Local Department
Mr. Scott, the railroad agent at East New Market, has bought large
quantities of corn in the upper districts during the last few months for
Wm. Lea Sons & Co., of Wilmington, Del. It is estimated that he has
handled at lease 20,000 bushels for which he has paid the highest
market price.
Mr. E.E. Braly, we understand, has rented the Cambridge Hotel, now occupied by Mace & Mills, and will shortly take charge of it and run it in connection with Braly's Brick Hotel.
Democrat & News - 24 April 1897 – Wedding Bells – Miller / Briley
The marriage of Miss Minnie Briley, daughter of Wm. H. Briley, Esq., of
East New Market, and Mr. Merritt T. Miller, traveling salesman for
Hempstone, Rouse, & Co., of Baltimore, was solemnized to the M.E. Church
at East New Market on Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Mr. Bowman, the pastor,
officiating. The ushers were Dr. John Mace, Otto Bibby, and Jos. O.
Wright, of Cambridge, brothers-in-law of the bride, and Albert Kenly, of
Baltimore, brother-in-law of the groom. The church was decorated with
flowers and evergreens for the occasion, and the
marriage ceremony was pretty and impressive throughout. The ushers were
preceded to the alter by Misses Helen and Lillian Kenly, little nieces
of the groom, and miss Ida Bramble presided at the organ. The bride was
becomingly attired in a tailor made suit of navy blue cloth, and carried
Marechal Nell roses. The groom wore morning drew. The ceremony over
Mr. and Mrs. Miller received the congratulations and best wishes of a
host of friends and were driven to the depot where they took the train
for New York City and places of interest at the
Previous to the wedding the bridal party partook of a sumptuous repast
at the Chesadel House where much good cheer prevailed. Besides the
Dorchester friends in attendance there were also present Mrs. Helen
Taylor Miller and Mrs. Albert Clark Kenly, of Baltimore, mother and
sister of the groom, respectively, and Miss Violet Beck, of Chestertown.
The bride was the recipient of many handsome and costly presents of
solid silver, cut glass and bric a brac which evidence the esteem in
which she is held by a wide circle of friends. The happy couple
will reside at East New Market.
Denton Journal - 24 April 1897 - Personal and Social Miscellany -
Cards are out announcing the wedding of Miss Mary Blanche Davis, of
Federalsburg, to Mr. Rowland Webster, of East New Market, at the M.E.
Church, in Federalsburg, on April 27.
Denton Journal - 1 May 1897 - On the Diamond -
The Preston baseball club has been enjoying a series of successes which
the members hope will continue throughout the season. On April 16
they defeated the East New Market team by a score of 19 to 16. The
winning battery was C. Lednum, F. Wallace, and F. Noble. On the
17th Choptank was the victim, the score being 15 to 14. W.
Collins, Wallace and Noble officiated for the victors in this game,
while C. Lednum and A. Blades constituted the battery of the vanquished.
The third victory was over a picked nine from East New Market and
Secretary, the winning battery being the same as in the first game.
The score was 17 to 13. The East New Market game will be returned
this afternoon.
Baltimore Sun - 10 August 1897 - A Pistol Tragedy -
Killing of John Collins by Postmaster John T. Layton in Dorchester.
Shot Though the Heart. Surrender to a Deputy Sheriff and Plea of
Self Defense. - Coroner' Inquest and Verdict. Prisoner Committed
to Jail. His Story of the Shooting. - Hi Young Son a Witness of
the Affair. - Habeus Corpus for Release from Prison and Admission to
Aug 9 - John Collins was shot and killed by Postmaster John
T. Layton at Rhodesdale, Dorchester county, a little after 7 o'clock
Sunday evening. After the shooting Layton went to Ennalls
camp-meeting, which is not far away, and surrendered himself to Deputy
Sheriff McAllister. Justice Noble was notified, and a jury of
inquest was immediately summoned. After viewing the body, which
was examined by Dr. S.S. Ewell, the jury rendered a verdict "that John
Collins came to his death from the effects of a pistol ball fired from
the hand of John T. Layton." Layton was immediately committed to
jail, and Deputy McAllister brought him to prison in Cambridge this
morning. The only witnesses of the tragedy are Mr. Layton and his
son, a lad of twelve or fifteen years, and they, in the main, tell the
same story. The shooting is also said to have been witnessed by a
colored lad, who is too young and simple to give any connected account
of it.
According to Mr. Layton's version, told to your correspondent
today, Collins spent Sunday afternoon at the house of Shadrach Murphy,
not far from Rhodesdale, which is a station on the Baltimore and Eastern
Shore Railroad, two or three miles below Hurlock. Mr. Layton is
the postmaster at the station, and was approached by Collins and
requested to examine the mail matter in the office to see if there was
anything for him. The postmaster replied that he knew there was
nothing for him, but to gratify him complied with the request and went
into his store to look. Collins followed and leaned or got upon
the counter.
There being no mail for him, he asked Layton to sell him some
cartridges. Mr. Layton looked up his stock and found that he only
had four, which he told Collins he would not sell him, however, and the
remaining two he put in his own pistol, which had previously been
examined by Collins. This pistol Mr. Layton bought in Baltimore
some eight months ago, and laid it on a shelf in his store, never having
occasion or desire to even thought of using it. It is a hammerless
shooter, of good make, and was replaced on the shelf after being loaded
with the two cartidges.
After the parley about the cartridges, Mr. Layton noticed
that Collins was spitting tobacco on his counter and upon the goods
piled thereon. Collins than asked for something to eat, but was
refused, being informed that the postmaster's family were at the
camp-meeting, where they had a tent and lived for the time being, and
where he desired to go and join them.
Collins, though requested several times to do so, refused to
go out of the store. And when Layton called his attention to the
mess he was making on the counter and goods, he called him, in a violent
outburst of temper, a ___ and in a menacing manner thrust his hand
behind him, as if to draw a pistol.
Mr. Layton fearing for his life, turned quickly, grabbed his
revolver and sent a ball crashing through Collins' heart before he had
time or opportunity to make a further display of hostile feeling.
Collins fell to the floor a dead man, and Mr. Layton, locking the door
with the corpse on the inside, went in search of the deputy sheriff as
above stated.
The body was removed by friends to his home at Secretary,
where it arrived before dawn this morning. His wife was prostrated
with grief at learning the news, and his three little children were
objects of pity as they called for their father.
Collins was a nephew of Deputy Sheriff Samuel E. Collins, a
prominent citizen of East New Market, and his wife is a daughter of the
late William Hurley, who kept store at Secretary for some years.
Two or three years ago he had a position on the Upper Choptank police
sloop which he filled to the satisfaction of all, so far as can be
learned. He was about thirty years of age.
Mr. Layton is emphatic in declaring that he had not the
slightest ill-will toward Collins and had not thought of doing him the
least injury. Layton is about fifty years of age. Neither
man would weigh over one hundred and fifty pounds. No pistol was
found on Collins' body, though rumor has it that he owned one, but left
it at Shadrach Murphy's before going out to Layton's place.
Mr. Layton has retained Alonzo L. Miles as his counsel who,
believing that the case is one of self-defense and justifiable homicide,
today filed a petition for a writ of habeas corpus with a view of having
his client discharged from custody or admitted to bail. Judge
Lloyd granted the writ and fixed Wednesday, August 11, as the time for
the hearing. It being impossible to name an earlier date because
of the absence of State's Attorney Goldsborough. Mr. Layton is as
cool and self-possessed over the matter as if he were attending to his
usual business affairs. He evidently believes he acted for his own
self-preservation, and that he ought not to be blamed for so doing.
Denton Journal - 25 September 1897 -
Mrs. E.S. Johnson, of Washington, D.C., and Mrs. Flora Stevens and
daughters, Margaret and Louise, of East New Market, were guests of Mrs.
Z.P. Steele this week.
Baltimore Sun - 19 January 1898 - Sales of Real Estate in Dorchester
Jan 18-The Sherman Institute farm, of 92(?) acres, near East New Market,
Dorchester county, was sold today at mortgagee's sale to W. Lake
Robinson for $1,000.... The property in the town of East New
Market formerly owned by Mr. Wm. W. Sherman, was sold at mortgagee's
sale today. It was bought in by Dr. Dixon, of Cambridge.
Baltimore Sun - 19 January 1898 -
The marriage of Miss Daisy B. Corkran, only daughter of Mr. T. E.
Corkran, of Brookview, and Mr. Herman Merrick, son of Mr. John H.
Merrick, of East New Market district, will take place January ??.
Denton Journal - 22 January 1898 - Matrimonial and Personal Items -
The marriage of Mr. Herman Merrick, of East New Market, and Miss Daisy
Corkran, of Brookview, will take place next Tuesday.
Denton Journal - 22 January 1898 -
It is stated that the Cambridge Telephone Company will soon take steps
to extend its lines down the county as far as Taylor's Island, and up
the county to East New Market, Hurlock, and Federalsburg. It is
regarded as one of the greatest conveniences ever put in reach of the
business men and residents of Cambridge. - Cambridge News.
Baltimore Sun - 24 February 1898 - Wedding Anniversary -
Feb 23- Mr. and Mrs. F.H. Camper, of East New Market, entertained a very
large number of their friends at their home last evening, the occasion
being the celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of their marriage.
They were the recipients of many handsome presents, among them being a
beautiful silver service, presented by friends in town.
Denton Journal - 5 March 1898 - Preston -
Miss Mary Saxton, of East New Market, visited the family of Dr. J.R.
Phillips last week.
Denton Journal - 12 March 1898 -
Mr. L.W. Nichols, East New Market, Md., states: "We could not say
too much in favor of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. About three years
ago one of our children had an attack of croup and we were afraid that
we would lose him. Seeing Chamberlain's Cough Remedy advertised,
we decided to give it a trial. It gave almost instant relief and
we believe it saved the child's life. Since then we have not been
without a bottle of this remedy in the house and we recommend it to
everyone as being and honest Cough Remedy." For sale by Hugh
Duffey, Hillsboro; R.J. Colston, Ridgely; W.E. Brown, Denton.
Denton Journal - 28 May 1898 - Roller Mills for Sale -
I want to sell my Roller Mills at Linchester. it is thirty-barrel
capacity, with three sets or stands of rollers. Improved machinery
throughout, including gyrator remodeled less than a year ago.
There are buhrs for corn, buckwheat, and feed, and hominy mil.
This mill does good work, has good custom, and is convenient to
railroad. There is also commodious dwelling, with stables,
carriage-house, and other out-houses, in good order. Terms made
easy to purchaser. For further particulars address, S.L. Webster,
East New Market, Md.
Baltimore Sun - 28 March 1898 - Heptasophs Dine -
A Pleasant Affair at East New Market - Mar 27 - The Circle Conclave of
Improved Order of Heptasophs of East New Market, Dorchester county, gave
their annual dinner at that place Friday evening at the Chesadel House.
After a sumptuous dinner the guests repaired to the parlors, where there
were speeches, music, and recitations. Messrs. Charles Webster,
W.J. Woolen, visiting members from Woodland, Md., were among the
speakers. Mrs. Fred. Wright rendered some excellent music and Mrs.
Everitt Holland recited "Asleep at the Switch." Mr. Jasper
Thompson rendered two humorous selections. A vote of thanks was
tendered the ladies for the very important part they took in the
Baltimore Sun - 30 June 1898 - Matrimony Notices -
Marshall G. Smith, 1637(?) West Lexington street to Madora C. Andrew,
East New Market, Md.
Baltimore Sun - 30 June 1898 - June Weddings -
Closing Days of the Month of Roses Marked by Many Pretty Marriages -
Miss Madora Christiana Andrews, daughter of the late Tilghman Andrews,
of East New Market, Dorchester county, Md., was married yesterday to Dr.
Marshall Grundy Smith at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Annie P.
Courtney, 2309 Greenmount avenue. Rev. John P. Outten, pastor of
Rock Hall Methodist Episcopal Church, Rock Hall, Md., officiated.
The bride entered the drawing room accompanied by her brother, Mr. J.
Tilghman Andrews, by whom she was given away....
Denton Journal - 2 July 1898 - Matter Matrimonial and Social -
The marriage of Miss Madora Christiana Andrew, of East New Market, to
Marshall Gundy Smith, M.D., of Baltimore, took place at the residence of
her sister, Mrs. Anna P. Courtney, 2309 Greenmount Avenue, Baltimore,
Wednesday, June 29th, 1898.
Baltimore Sun - 12 August 1898 - Matrimony Notice -
Frank C. Wright, Altoona, Pa. to Mary E. Isenberg, East New Market, Md.
Baltimore Sun - 12 September 1898 - Sudden Death of Thomas Helsby -
Thomas Helsby, a highly respected citizen of East New Market, died very suddenly
this morning of heart failure. He had been a druggist in East New
Market for a number of years. A widow survives him.
Denton Journal - 17 September 1898 - Obituary Notes -
Thomas Helsby, a well-known East New Market druggist, died very suddenly
Sunday morning, of heart failure.
Democrat and News - 29 October 1898 - Election Notice -
To the Judges and Clerks of Election and the voters of Dorchester
Tuesday, November 8, 1898 in the different and several election
precincts and election districts of said county at the respective
polling places as follows, viz:
For Election District 2 or East New Market, in vacant dwelling house of
S.E. Collins at East New Market.
Democrat and News - 29 October 1898 - Ad
Saml E. Collins, E.N. Market, Md., General Collector of Claims.
Collections promptly made and settled for
Baltimore Sun - 9 December 1898 - Thompson / Hearn
Dec 8 - The marriage of Mr. Jasper Lee Thompson, of East New Market, and
Miss Mary F., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Robert Hearn, of Stony Ridge,
took place at 2 o'clock today at the Baptist Church, Cambridge.
The pastor, the Rev. W.H. Hubbard officiated....
Baltimore Sun - 18 January 1899 - Death of Mrs. Priscilla Webster in
Dorchester -
Jan 17 -
Mrs. Priscilla Webster, wife of S.L. Webster, died near East New Market,
Dorchester county, Tuesday. Her husband is the head of the firm of
S.L. Webster and Sons, owners of the large fertilizer works located in
Cambridge. Mrs. Webster leaves several sons, who are well-known
business men. They are Noah Webster, Sheppard Webster, Roland
Webster, Frank Webster, and Charles Webster.
Denton Journal - 21 January 1899 - Bethlehem -
Messrs, C.L. Saxton and James Smith, of East New Market, were in town
Denton Journal - 4 February 1899 - These Young Folks are Happy Now -
Hynson church was the scene of a pretty wedding on Tuesday last, when
Miss Mamie Lord, of Hynson, became the bride of Mr. Frank Hastings, of
East New Market. The church was prettily decorated. The
bride was attired in a light changeable silk, trimmed with white
chiffon, and carried pink carnations. Mr. Thomas Woolen and Mr.
Vaughn Bower were the ushers.
Denton Journal - 25 February 1899 - Married -
Merrick-Short - At St. Stephens' Church rectory, East New Market, on the
evening of the 8th inst., by the Rev. P.D. Thompson, rector, Mr. William
Merrick and Miss Bertha Short, both of Secretary.
The Times (Washington, DC) - 1 April 1899 - Captured While Asleep -
Cambridge, Md., March 31, Wesley Johnson, colored, was brought to
Cambridge Wednesday evening from Cabin Creek, near East New Market, and
lodged in jail by Constable Medford. Johnson's home is in
Williamsburg, but he was visiting relatives at Cabin Creek. He is
charged with entering the store of Joseph Merrick, at Cabin Creek, and
taking five shirts, a pair of trousers, and $3 in money. He did
not disturb the stamps or anything connected with the post office, which
is in the store. After leaving the store he fell asleep. He
was traced and captured with the booty in his possession.
The Evening Times (Washington, DC) - 29 April 1899 - Four
Jailbreakers Captured
Cambridge Md., April 29 - The four prisoners who broke out of the
Cambridge jail Thursday night were caught and brought back yesterday.
About 2 a.m. they were halted at Fletcher's Crossing near East New
Market by Joseph Hurst, who took them to his house and guarded them in a
barn until morning, when they were brought to town in a wagon by Deputy
Sheriff George Rolph.
Baltimore Sun - 18 July 1899 - Matrimony Notice -
J. Lecompte Smith, East New Market, Md. to S. Christine Courtney
Denton Journal - 29 July 1899 - Dashes Here and There -
Prof. Williamson, of Preston, has been appointed to the position of
principal of East New Market Academy, in place of Prof. Beckwith,
resigned. The salary is $600.
Baltimore Sun - 16 November 1899 - Matrimony Notice -
Robert Kemp Payne to Mary Collins. Applicant, C.E. Collins, East
New Market, Maryland.
Daily Press (Newport News, VA) - 9 December 1899 - Shot His Creditors
Then Albert Bradley Fled. Probably a Double
Murder. (By Telegraph)
Seaford. Del., Dec. 8 - Seven chambers of Albert D. Bradley's
revolver were emptied in quick succession into Ollie Hubbard and William
Watkins, at Eldorado, Md. today. It was only a short time ago that
the Rash-Travers shooting affray stirred up the people of Eldorado and
today's affair, coupled with the easy escape of the guilty man, has
caused no end of excitement. Watkins and Hubbard, who live in East
New Market, Md., had a claim against Bradley for which they had issued
an attachment that was being served by the Deputy Sheriff George H.
Rolph, of Cambridge. He was removing Bradley's goods from the
premises when Watkins and Hubbard came up, and, finding Bradley, they
tried to make an agreement for the payment of the debt without further
legal proceedings. Bradley would agree to nothing, whereupon
Hubbard and Watkins started for their carriage.
All Afraid of Bradley. They had taken
but a few steps when Bradley drew his revolver and fired. Four of
the seven bullets took effect in Watkins back between his shoulders and
two in the back of Hubbard. Although there were a number of people
standing near, not one of the spectators ventured to lay hands on
Bradley, who has a reputation of being handy with a gun. Seeing
the result of his work, he walked to the front door of his house, out
through the rear and entered the swamp an eighth of a mile back of his
residence, and has not been seen since. When Bradley left home he
wore a suit of mixed goods, light overcoat, red tie and a black Derby
hat. He is a man about 35 years old, ruddy complexioned, sandy
mustache, and hair. Deputy Sheriff Rolph has sent a telegraphic
description of Bradley in all directions and notified the State's
Attorney at Cambridge.
Wanted People to Remember. Hubbard and
Watkins, his victims, are prominent men socially and politically in
Dorchester county. Bradley about a year ago went to Eldorado.
He married the daughter of Widow Taylor, quite a large land owner, and
considered very wealthy. She had died but a short time before his
last return to his old home, and coming back, he immediately began
cutting an enormous lot of valuable timber from land inherited by his
wife, often remarking: "No use of a man living in a place and
making no change in it. I want people to know I'm alive.
anyway. They'll know I've been here." The latest account
comes by a farmer living in Eldorado, who has come here to summon
medical aid for the two men. Watkins death is expected at any
minute, and Hubbard's condition is very uncertain, the doctors saying
they have very little hopes of recovery.
Sources - Newspaper entries were verified by and/or transcribed by the web designer from original sources. The following sources were consulted: Abstracts from the Democrat & News, Dorchester County, Maryland 1872 & 1873, compiled by Debra S. Moxey; The Dorchester County Genealogical Magazine, various contributors; Issues of the Denton Journal from 1870-1925 online at Ancestry and at NewspaperArchive. Newspapers on microfilm at the Enoch Pratt Free Library and the Maryland State Archives.