The 1887 newspaper article below tells of the building owned by M.S. Fletcher being destroyed by fire. Since we know where the buildings that were noted as surviving were located and 2 of the buildings that survived were located, the 3rd building that was destroyed was likely immediately next to the other two buildings that were destroyed. The 1877 map shows a small building to the immediate north of the Wm Hooper store. Since, this building is mentioned as owned by M.S. Fletcher, it is presumed to be a store run by M.S. Fletcher or a member of the Bramble family.
Baltimore Sun - 9 December 1887
- Fire at East New Market -
East New Market, Dorchester Co., Md, Dec 8. - A fire originated this
morning about half-past four o'clock in the store of C.C. Hubbard, on
Main Street, and quickly spread to the adjacent
buildings, owned by W.R. Hooper and M.S. Fletcher, which were
entirely destroyed. The alarm was given by some parties who discovered
the fire, and the citizens quickly responded and rendered timely aid in
saving adjoining property. Had the wind been blowing at even a moderate
rate the entire business part of the town would have been consumed. The
seeming danger of the town was sufficient cause for serious
apprehensions, as buckets were the only means to be employed to
extinguish the flames, as there is no fire extinguishing apparatus
belonging to the town. The buildings owned by S.E. Collins and W.R.
Sherman and the Bramble House narrowly escaped, and the feat performed
in extinguishing the fire with such inadequate means was remarkable.
The storehouse where the fire originated was owned by Mrs. S.H. Leckie,
and is valued at $900, insured for $610. C.C. Hubbard places his loss
on his stock of general merchandise at $2,000, insurance $1,500. W.R.
Hooper's loss will reach about $700, insurance $600.
M.S. Fletcher's
loss is $800, uninsured. It is generally conceded that the fire was of
an incendiary origin.
1879 Tax Assessment
Bramble, Alonzo & Co
$0 in real estate, $ 1500 in personal property.
1876 Tax
Major S. Fletcher
Office or Taylor's Shop in ENM - $150