The 1856 Assessment list reflects only a few minor changes and the replacement of Hodson & Rawlings with Fletcher & Bramble. The updates are noted in yellow. The first number is the value of real estate and the second number is the value of the personal estate. I will be putting this data in table format in the future.
East New Market Corporation - 10 June 1857
Jeremiah Bramble 50/0
Mary Bramble 1200/1777
Elizabeth Collins, widow 0/360
Mary E. Collins 600/35
Leah Collison 0/295
John Deane 900/1027
Peter Dodson negro 200/0
William VM Edmondson 1633/5435
Fletcher & Bramble
[bought out Hodson &
Major S. Fletcher 700/418
John C. Fraley 0/68
William E. Harrison 700/0
Thomas Helsby 925/639
Thomas J. Hicks 200/0
(not on 1858 list)
Dr. John E. Hooper 800/1480
Oliver P. Hooper 600/103
(not on 1858 list)
William Hooper 600/108
William Hopkins minor, William VM Edmondson guardian 0/343
Dr. Henry W. Houston 1500/1940
William C. Huffington 400/0
Kendle M. Jacobs 2100/1535
John B. Leckie 500/105
John B. Leckie & son 400/1700
Louisa Lecompte 300/0
Sarah E. Mackey 0/320
Anna R. Manning 0/430
Anna Manning, deceased, Ann R. Manning admin 0/275
Anthony L. Manning 1500/0
Eugenia Manning 600/0
George W. Manning , Anna R. Manning guardian 0/800
(not on 1858 list)
Rosaline Manning, Anna R. Manning guardian 0/300
Elizabeth Rawlings 200/35
James Rawlings 0/500
Daniel Robinson 400/0
Samuel Sewell 1000/2823
James T. Smith 0/1450
Thomas K. Smith 0/205
Jeffery Stanley 500/128
Rachael Webster 400/0
Sarah Wilbern 200/0
Charles T. Willis 600/99
John L. Willis & Co. 0/1000
John L. Willis 1400/941