East New Market

Tax Records

1865 Assessment List

Dorchester County Board of County Commissioners
Assessment List
Maryland State Archives C685-14
Election District 2

There were changes between the 1864 and the 1865 list, but they have not been noted at present.  The first number is the value of real estate and the second number is the value of the personal estate.  I will be highlighting changes and putting the data in table format.

East New Market Corporation - 19 June 1865

William Abdell 0/170
Job W. Beckwith 0/3050
Mrs. Mary Bramble 850/0
Jeremiah Bramble heirs 50/0
James A. Byus 800/0
Peter Dodson, Baltimore 200/0
John Dean (J.E. McNett, admin.) 1073/0
William VM Edmondson heirs 0/1129
Major S. Fletcher 1960/2987
Kilby B. Flether 2500/188
Dr. John E. Hooper 818/676
William Hooper 1000/108
Dr. Henry W. Houston 1500/1990
William E. Harrison 700/0
Thomas Helsby 625/239
Dr. James T. Jacobs, executor of Dr. W.V.M Edmondson 0/35918
Emma V. Jacobs 800/0
Dr. James T. Jacobs 900/5526
Louisa LeCompte, Algernon Piercy, admin. 400/375
John Q. Leckie 1000/1805
Levin S. LeCompte, Thos. J. Hicks, guardian 0/323
Floris H. Lecompte, Thos. J. Hicks, guardian 0/517
Theodore V. Lecompte, Thos. J. Hicks, guardian 0/462
Eugenia Manning 600/0
Dr. Anthony L. Manning 3050/365
Elizabeth Rawlings 200/35
Samuel Sewell's heirs 1000/0
Jeffery Stanley negro 500/128
James T. Smith 0/825
George L. Stevens 0/500
Charles T. Willis 600/39