The 1896 Dorchester County District 2 tax record was not separated by East New Market Corporation. I transcribed every real estate and personal estate record that mentioned real estate in East New Market and the areas adjacent to East New Market such as the lots and farms SW, NW, and SE of town and the Depot Area.
Mrs. Rebecca Andrews
1 lot situated in the town of East New Market containing 1 acre land
buildings and improvements $1300
Mrs. Gertrude Andrew
Farm known as "Friendship Hall" situated on the East side of the county
road leading from East New Market to Vienna, adjoining the lands of
George Hicks & R.H. Stevens & others containing 200 acres $4000
Improvements $1000
15 acres of land at East New Market Depot $150
1 lot in East New Market on the west side of the street leading to
Cambridge opposite the M.E. Church adjoining the lands of Mrs. Maggie
Dean & Mrs. J.T. Smith cont. 3/4 acre $200
Improvements including tenant house $2000
Madora Andrew
1 lot on the south side of the street leading to Secretary, in the town
of East New Market 60x170 feet $100
Dwelling house and improvements $500
1 piano $40
household furniture $1100
Tilghman Andrew
1 lot in East New Market on the south side of the street leading to the
depot. Containing 1/4 acre $100
Dwelling house & Improvements $900
William H. Allen
1 lot situated on the East side of the road leading from Cabin Creek to
the Rail Road known as the Dobson Inn containing 4 1/2 acres $45
Buildings $100
1 lot situated on the above named road. Known as the Camper lot
containing 3 3/4 acres $30
Wm J. Abdell [ENM?]
1 organ $50
household furniture $87.50
Lida Austine
1 lot situated in the town of East New Market on the north side of the
street known as Railroad Avenue containing 1 acre $100.
Dwelling house $750
Stable & Carriage house $50, Meat house $40
Miss Ida Bramble
1 lot in East New Market on the north side of Railroad Avenue 120x300
Dwelling house $80
1 organ $25
Isaiah Baltimore
1 lot situated on the east side of the New Market Depot containing 1/4
acre $25
Improvements $75
John A. Baker
House & Lot situated in New Market, lot containing 4 acres $1500
Wm H. Briley
1/4 acre lot at the depot in East New Market with store house & dwelling
house $1000
1/4 acre lot with tenant house $100
1/2 acre lot $25
Stock in Trade $1000
Hogs $20, Household furniture $150
Bessie Baker
1 lot situated on the east side of Main Street in East New Market
containing 1/4 acre $75
Buildings and improvements $575
Mrs. Annie B. Charles
1 lot of land situated on the north side of Railroad Avenue in in the
town of East New Market containing 1/4 acre $300
1/2 acre lot at the East New Market R.R. Station $100
1 store house $50
Hester Camper
1 lot situated on the north side of the county road leading from East
New Market to Cambridge adjoining the lands of S.E. Collins & others
containing 1/2 acre $100
Dwelling & improvements $25
Thos. B. Chamberlain
1 lot situated on the east side of E. New Market depot containing 1/4
acre $50
Improvements $100
Samuel E. Collins
1 farm containing 39 acres $585
Buildings $200
2 houses and 1/4 acre lot in the town of East New Market, lot $290, 2
houses $1000
1 grass lot near the town of East New Market containing 2 1/2 acres $100
1 set of hay scales - transferred to R.W. Randall
1 mare $50, 1 cow & calf $20, 2 hogs $8, 2 carriages $55, 1 wheel barrow
$1.50, 1 organ $10, household furniture $139
Farming implements $300
Columbus Camper
1 lot situated on the east side of E. New Market Depot, known as part of
Friendship Hall tract containing 1/4 acre $50
Improvements $50
3 shoats $6
household furniture $7.25
Creamery, East New Market
Property of the East New Market Creamery Company
1 acre of land $100
Buildings and Machinery $1100
John E. Camper
1 lot situated on the east side of E. New Market Depot, known as part of
Friendship Hall tract containing 1/4 acre $50
Improvements $50
Celia R. Collins
1 lot situated on the north side of the road leading from East New
Market to Secretary in the town of East New Market. Lot contains
33 square rods & 1 3/4 square yards with improvements $800
Columbus Camper
1 lot situated on the west side of South St. & east side of the depot
adjoining the lot of Thos. J. Jackson and John H. Demby containing 1/4
acre $50
Dwelling house $75
John H. Demby
1 lot located on the east side of New Market Depot known as part of
Friendship Hall tract containing 1/4 acre $50
Improvements $75
James Dean
1 tract of land situated on the road leading from East New Market to
Cambridge adjoining the the lands of John W. Fletcher, S.E. Collins &
others, containing 90 acres.
80 acres arable land $160, 10 acres timber $100
Mrs. Maggie Dean
1 tract of land situated on the north side of the county road from East
New Market to Cambridge, adjoining the lands of T.J. Helsby, S.E.
Collins, & othrs, containing 17 acres $425
Priscilla Demby
1 lot situated on the west side of South Street near the Depot adjoining
the lot of J.M. Demby, containing 1/8 acre $50.
Dwelling house & improvements $50
Mary A. Elliott
1 lot in the town of East New Market located on the south side of Main
Street adjoining the property of Dr. Jacobs & Frank Webster $200
Buildings and improvements $400
1 house on leased land located on Railroad Ave. $25
Household furniture $95
Wheelwright tools $25
John W. Fletcher
House Farm situated near East New Market known as "Carthagenia"
containing 210 acres.
120 acres $2400
90 acres wood & cut down land $450
Buildings and improvements $1000
Farm called part of East New Market containing 80 acres
70 acres $1050
10 acres branch $50
Buildings and improvements $500
Wm M. Fletcher
1 lot in East New Market with store & dwelling $3400
31 acres of land lying between East New Market & the Depot $930
Wm J. Gross
1 lot situated on the east side of New Market Depot containing 1/4 acre
Buildings $75
1 hog $2
household furniture $10
Mary A. Gambriel
1 lot in the town of East New Market on the west side of the street
leading to the depot containing 40x125 with improvements $500
1 note $45.25, household furniture $50
Mrs. B.F. Helsby
1 lot located in the town of East New Market 60x300 $200
Dwelling house $1000
Store house $200
Barn Stables & Out buildings $100
1 lot adjoining the town of East New Market on the north side of the
county road leading to Cambridge containing 3 1/2 acres $87.50.
Dwelling house $112.50
Helen Helsby
1 store house & lot in East New Market $1000
1 Dwelling house & lot adjoining the store house $600
2 small dwelling house & lots near the store house $500
2 building lots adjoining Miss Madora Andrews, near the E. New Market
Academy $200
George Hicks
Farm known as Friendship Hall located on the east side of the town of
East New Market on the south side of the county road leading from East
New Market to C&S R.R. Station containing 75 acres $1875
Dwelling & out buildings $1800
1 Dwelling house $100
3 horses $75, 3 cows $45, 1 sow 7 pigs 3 shoats $50, 1 carriage $50, 1
spindle wagon $5, 1 harness $2.50, household furniture $100, farming
implements $98.40
Katie Hurst
1 lot situated on the west side of Main Street in the town of E. New
Market 60x150 feet $100
Dwelling & improvements $300
1 lot situated on the north side of the county road from East New Market
to Secretary 32x42 feet $50
Butcher Shop $50
1 horse $30, household furniture $100
Benj. T. Hurst
1 lot situated on the road leading from East New Market to Depot
containing 1/4 acre $100
Dwelling & improvement $500
Tenant house $100
1 lot containing 1/8 acre $50
Dwelling & Improvements $250
1 cow $20, 2 hogs $20, bicycle $20, household furniture $150
W.A. Henry
1 lot situated in the town of East New Market on the east side of Main
Street adjoining Mrs. Sallie Leckie & parsonage containing 1 acre $300
Dwelling & improvements $1000
Lina Hughes
1 lot situated in the town of East New Market on the north side of the
county road leading from East New Market to Cambridge containing 1/8
acre $100
Dwelling & improvements $100
Margaret L. H. Hasbrouck
1 lot on Railroad Avenue 100x300 ft $50
Dwelling & improvements $350
1 piano $25, household furniture $50
Everett Holland
1 carriage $8, household furniture $97
B.W. Holland
Barbershop fixtures $60, 1 bicycle $40, 1 baby carriage $6, hogs $11,
pistol $2, household furniture $55
O.W. Hubbard
Cider Press & Barrells $75, Livestock $433, 1 carriage $15, 1 Dearborn
$5, 1 spindle wagon $10, household furniture $75, farming implements $70
Thos. D. Hooper
Property in East New Market, the old homestead of W.R. Hooper $800
The M.S. Fletcher lot adjoining the above $700
Carriage shop adjoining C.C. Rawlings $500
Julia A. Hardcastle
1 lot situated on the north side of East Street adjoining the School
House lot near the Depot containing 1/2 acre $100
Dwelling & improvements $75
Mrs. Euphemia Houston
Notes $1150, household furniture $100
Geo. P. Jones
1 lot situated on the east side of Main Street in the town of East New
Market containing 2 acres $400
Dwelling house $800, office $100
Barn, stable, & other outbuildings $300
office furniture $500, surgical instruments $50, 1 horse $25, 1 horse
$75, 4 hogs $20, 1 carriage $50, 1 carriage pole & harness $15, 1 sleigh
$5, 1 bicycle $25, 1 piano $100, 1 library $50, household furniture $75
Martie & Hilda Johnson
House & lot on the north side of Railroad Avenue in East New Market
Thomas Jackson
1 lot located on the north of East New Market $25
Dwelling $75
2 hogs $6, 1 Dearborn $4, household furniture $16, farming implements $1
Thos. J. Jackson
1 lot located on the east side of East New Market Depot & west side of
South Street containing 1/4 acre $50.
Improvements $75.
1 hog $4, household furniture $8.75
Emma V.E. Jacobs
1 lot with dwelling house, stables, corn house &c situated in East New
Market $1800
1 lot neat the M.E. Church on the road leading from East New Market to
Vienna containing 3 acres $35
1 lot known as the "Clem Young" lot near East New Market Depot
containing 17 acres $170
House $25
Farm situated on the road leading from Hawkeye to Shiloh Road known as
Epping Forrest containing 240 acres $960
House $40, outbuildings $20
Wm M. Jenkins
1 lot located on the east side of East New Market Depot on the west side
of South Street containing 1/2 acre $75
Improvements $100
1 horse $25, 1 hog $2.50, household furniture $22.50, farming implements
Elizabeth Jackson
1 lot situated on the east side of East New Market Depot on the south
side of East Street containing 1/4 acre $50
Improvements $75
1 hot $4, household furniture $5.25
Elbridge S. Johnson
1 store house and dwelling in East New Market $1500
1 cottage $600, 1 cottage $600
House farm late John Webster containing 200 acres $5000
Dwelling & outbuildings $1800
"Trippes Industry" (Pea Hill) containing 254 acres $2178
Dwelling & outbuildings $400
Franklin Lee
1 lot of land situated at Dixon Street at East New Market Depot
containing 1/4 acre $50
Improvements $125
1 lot adjoining the above containing 1/4 acre $50
Dwelling & improvements $100
Household furniture $10
Caroline Lee Heirs
1 lot situated on the east side of the Rail Road on the east side of
Dixon Street containing 1/4 acre $50
Dwelling & improvements $75
Mrs. Sarah P. Leckie
1 house & lot in E. New Market $700
1 lot between the S.E. Collins & the Hooper property $100
C.W. Meyer
1 lot in East New Market adjoining the property of S.L. Webster & W.R.
Sherman $150
Dwelling & improvements $800
Stock in trade $1200, 1 horse $50, 2 cows $35, 2 pigs $10, 1 carriage
$50, 1 buggy $10, sleigh $10, household furniture $250
Wilber F. Newton Heirs
1 tract of land situated on the north side of the county road leading
from Hawkeye to Red Hill on the east side of the C&S R.R. 21 acres $210
Buildings $50
1 vacant lot in the town of East New Market adjoining E.W. Reed & W.R.
Sherman $100
Josiah B. Pinkett
1 lot of land situated on the east side of New Market Depot containing
3/4 acre $150
Improvements $200
2 hogs $5, household furniture $5.95
Fred Pegelow
1 lot of land situated on the south side of the county road from East
New Market to the Depot containing 1 acre $100
Dwelling & improvements $300
Stock of goods $400
2 horses $55, 1 cow $35, 2 hogs $20, 1 carriage $10, household furniture
Emma Prettyman
1 lot situated on the north side of the road leading from East New
Market to Secretary in the town of East New Market 40x40 feet $150
Dwelling & improvements $75
1 organ $75, household furniture $75
Thornton Robison
Lot situated on the east side of New Market Depot & on south side of
Main St. containing 7/12 acre $58.33
improvements $450
Robert W. Randall
1 lot situated on the south side of the county road leading from East
New Market to Secretary in the town of East New Market $225
Dwelling & improvements $1275
1 steam engine, thrasher, & corn sheller $500, saw mill & fixtures $800,
stock of coal & shingles $500, a set hay scales $20, 1 horse & 1 mule
$80, 2 mares $50, 3 timber carts $30, 2 wagons $30, 1 carriage $15,
household furniture $50
Edward W. Reed
1 lot situated on the east side of Main St. in the town of East New
Market containing 1/4 acre $150
Dwelling $1000
Barn & outbuildings $150
Blacksmith shop situated on the north side of the street leading from
East New Market to Secretary $300
1 old house in rear of shop $5
1 horse $70, 1 horse $50, 1 horse $40, 1 Rheaton $40, 1 carriage $30, 1
carriage $25, 1 carriage $20, 1 carriage $15, 1 pole $3, 4 sets harness
$19, household furniture $125, blacksmith shop $50
Wm H.H. Ross
1 lot of land situated on the east side of Dixon St near the railroad
station containing 1/4 acre $50
Dwelling & Improvement $80
Dwelling No. 2 $70
Household furniture $15
Annie M Ross [ENM?]
1 house $80, 2 outhouses $1, household furniture $20
C.C. Rawlings
Note of hand $50, Stock of goods $150, household furniture $75
Chas. W. Reed
1 lot in the town of East New Market 60x150 feet $150
Dwelling & Improvements $650
1 horse $35, 1 carriage $32.50, 1 set harnesses $7.50, 1 hog $5,
household furniture $97.50
Mary J. Smith
1 lot situated on the west side of Main St. in the town of East New
Market containing 1 1/2 acres $450
Dwelling & Improvements $900
Wm R. Sherman
House & Lot on the east side of Main St. in the town of East New Market
House & Lot on the west side of Main St. in the town of East New Market
Indian Lot No. 6 south side of the county road leading from East New
Market to Cambridge containing 94 1/4 acres $754
Improvements $100
Indian Lot No. 4 on the north side of the county road leading from East
New Market to Cambridge containing 99 acres $1188
Improvements $700
1 horse $50, 1 cow & heifer $35, 1 carriage $5, 1 Dearborn $5, household
furniture $125, farming implements $15
James M. Smith
1 tract of land situated on the county road from East New Market to
Cambridge known as the "Smith Farm" containing 200 acres $4000
Dwelling & improvements $1000
1 tract of land adjoining the above tract, known as "Tarkill" containing
178 acres $1780
Dwelling & improvements $600
1 lot situated in the town of East New Market on the south side of the
Street from East New Market to the Station containing 1/4 acre $100
Dwelling & improvements $1000
5 horses & 1 pair mules $395, 6 cows $120, 11 hogs $50, 1 Dayton $25, 1
road cart $2, household furniture $100
B.W. Sherman
Farm known as Waterloo situated on the Choptank River containing 136 1/2
acres $2438
Improvements $1200
7 horses & mules $280, 9 cattle $125, 37 sheep & lambs $70, carriage &
Dearborn $50, household furniture $250
Joseph Stewart
1 lot situated on the west side of South Street near the Depot $50
J. Arthur Saxton
Farm called "Carthagenia" situated on the county road from East New
Market to Cambridge adjoining the lands of Jas. M. Smith, John W.
Fletcher & others containing 247 acres $3180
Buildings & improvements $1000
Notes of hand $62.50
4 horses $125, 3 cows $45, 3 hogs $10, 1 buggy $30, 1 Dayton $20, 1
spindle wagon $15, household furniture $200, farming implements $173
Mary L. Smith
1 lot of land situated in the village of East New Market on the east
side of the street leading to Cambridge containing 1/4 acre $100
Dwelling & improvements $500
1 lot adjoining the above containing 1/4 acre $100
Dwelling & improvements $500
Mrs. Jas. H. Thomas
House & Lot in East New Market opposite the Baptist Church $800
Brick Hotel & lot $2650
Dwelling & lot adjoining the hotel $900
Brick Store House (Loss on Building by fire $300) $400 $100
Store House adjoining the above $200
Mrs. George E. Varnes
1 lot situated on the south side of the street leading to Secretary in
East New Market $100
Dwelling & improvements $800
household furniture $600
Mrs. Wm J. Varnes
1 lot situated in the town of East New Market on the west side of the
road leading to Cabin Creek containing 1/4 acre $100
Dwelling & improvements $500
household furniture $80
Mrs. Susan J. Wales
Hotel & Lot $2500
Improvements $200
Store house & lot $1000
1 horse $30, 1 horse $15, 1 horse $25, 1 horse $20, 1 horse $15, 1
Dayton $10, 1 Dayton $15, 1 Surry $40, 2 carriages $40, 1 spindle buggy
$12, harness blankets &c $17, household furniture $400
Thos. Webb
1/4 acre lot situated at East New Market Depot $75
Buildings $75
2 hogs $6, household furniture $10
Miss Alice Webster
1 lot situated on the west side of Main St in the town of East New
Market 60x150 feet $100
Dwelling & improvements $600
Private securities $75, 1 organ $35, household furniture $20
Chas Webster
1/2 acre lot situated at East New Market Depot $100
Canning Factory $1400
Boiler & Engine + 20 sewing machines $500, 1 horse $40, 1 horse $30, 1
carriage $25, harness $5, 1 bicycle $40, household furniture $130
Frank Webster
1 lot situated in the town of East New Market adjoining Dr. Geo. P.
Jones & others containing 1/4 acre $100
Dwelling House $900
Improvements $200
1 horse $65, 1 cow $10, 1 hog $6, 1 buggy & harness $40, 1 buggy $10, 1
wagon & harness $12, household furniture $169
Samuel L. Webster
1 tract of land situated on the north side of the county road leading
from East New Market to Secretary known as Rose Hill containing 272
acres. 200 acres arable land $5000, 72 acres wood, marsh, & branch
land $720
Buildings & improvements $1500
1 tract of land on the south side of the county road leading from East
New Market to Secretary adjoining the above tract containing 126 acres.
66 acres arable land $1650, 60 acres wood land $600
1 tract of land situated near Secretary adjoining the lands of William
Tilghman & others containing 1 acre $20
Tenant houses $280
1 tract of land situated on the county road leading from East New Market
to Shiloh Church known as the Rachael Webster Farm containing 170 acres
Dwelling & improvements $500
1 lot situated in the town of East New Market 36x60 feet $100
Factory building $600
1 lot situated in the town of East New Market on the north side of the
road leading to Secretary containing 1/8 acre $50
Dwelling & improvements $150
1 lot of land situated at the Depot containing 14 acre $50
house $50
Private Securities $365.43, 1 Engine & Seperator $250, 1 mare $100, 1
horse $30, 2 horses $150, 2 mares $100, 2 mules $100, 2 colts $50, 2
yolk oxen $120, 2 cows $50, 2 cows $30, 6 yearlings $50, 4 hogs $40, 2
carriages $100, 1 Dearborn $15, 1 road cart $8, household furniture
$200, farming implements $284
Chas. H. Willis
1 farm being part of the Meredith tract situated about 2 miles from East
New Market containing 85 acres $595
Improvements $205
1/2 acre lot in the town of East New Market $200
Dwelling, Store House, & Shop $2300
Stock of goods $2000, 1 horse $40, 1 horse $25, 2 cows $30, 1 hog $10, 2
shoats $8, 1 wagon $20, 2 carriages & 1 Dearborn $50, household
furniture $200, farming implements $8
Chas. T. Willis (C.H. Willis, agent)
2 houses & lot $600
H.H. Willoughby
1 lot situated in the town of East New Market on the west side of the
road leading from East New Market to Cabin Creek $100
Improvements $800
Stock of Goods $200, 1 black hearse $50, 1 white hearse $50, 1 horse
$50, 1 carriage $25, 1 wagon $18, 1 pig $2, 2 set of harnesses $11, 1
bicycle $10, 1 gun $8, household furniture $75
Mary Willoughby
1 lot situated in the town of East New Market adjoining the lots of Miss
Alice Webster & Mrs. Rebecca Andrews $150
Dwelling $400, Barn & Stables $50
1 Shop $300, 1 Shop $50
Notes $225, 20 hives bees $10, household furniture $15
Fred K. Wright
Farm known as Indian Lot No. 7 situated on the county road leading from
East New Market to Cambridge containing 264 acres $2508
Dwelling $800, outbuildings $500
1 lot in the town of East New Market on Main Street 62x250 feet $100
Dwelling & improvements $800
5 horses & mares $200, 1 mule $30, 4 cows $100, 1 heifer $20, 2 calves
$12, 1 ox $25, 2 sows $12, 1 hog $15, 12 pigs $25, carriage & buggies
$50, 1 piano $100, 1 organ $50, household furniture $143
Isaac H. Wright
Warwick Manor 223 acres $446
Buildings & improvements $2000
Warwick Manor 150 acres $3000
Warwick Manor 346 acres $2777
Buildings & improvements $800
Land from Chas. O. Page 103 acres $1030
Improvements $300
Masonic Building & Lot in East New Market $1500
15 acres of land near the Hicks tract $90
6 mules & 6 horses $480, 5 cows $75, 1 yoke oxen $50, 1 calf $6, 2
yearlings $20, 2 sows $16, 15 pigs $30, 7 hogs $70, carriage & harness
$75, 1 piano $75, 1 organ $25, household furniture $280, farming
implements $205
Jas. O. Wright
1 lot in East New Market on the north side of the road leading from East
New Market to Secretary 90x150 feet $200
Dwelling & improvements $700
Clement Young
1 lot situated on the east side of New Market Depot on the south side of
Front Street containing 3/8 acre $50
Improvements $50
Household furniture $15.25
Lewis Young
1 lot situated near the East New Market Depot adjoining the lot of
Harriett Pinket containing 1/4 acre $50
Improvements $100
Interest in Blacksmith Shop $10
1 horse $20, 2 hogs $8, carriage & harness $5, household furniture $10,
farming implements $30, carpenter tools $10