East New Market

Commercial Directories

Dorchester County Commercial Directory

1878 East New Market

“14 miles from Cambridge and is pleasantly situated within one-half mile of the
Dorchester & Delaware RR. The location is in the midst of a rich farming section.
Good water; healthy climate; near to churches and schools. Land is three-fourths
cleared; sells at from $5 to $100 per acre, according to location and improvement.
Yields large crops of wheat, corn, oats, hay, and potatoes. Population 200.

F. Heberton, Postmaster.” 
Business Persons: 
Clerk:                   Millers:              ENM Farmers:
Merrick, M.W.            Fletcher, K.B.        Dean, James
                         Smith, Thomas K.      Hicks, Thomas
Constables:                                    Johnson, E.S.
Collins, S.E.            Packers:              McAllister, James A.
Sherman, B. F.           Millard & Co.         Webster, John Sr.
                                               Webster, Samuel
General Merchandise:     Physicians:           Wright, J.H.
Andrew, J.W.             Jacobs, J. T.         Vickers, W.
Andrew, T. & Son         Jones, George P. 
Birely, W.H.
Dean & Helsby            (note: the town’s first post office was opened on
Fletcher, M.S.            11/18/1803 as “New Market”, with Robert Traverse
Johnson, W. E.            as postmaster. By 5/10/1827, the town changed
                          to East New Market to avoid conflicts with 
Justices of the Peace:    Western Shore towns of that same earlier title. 
Abdell, W. J.             The postmaster in 1827 was William Parrott.)
Bramble, J. K.
Mowbray, T. P.