East New Market

Commercial Directories

Dorchester County Commercial Directory

1891-1892 East New Market

“ an incorporated town of 570 inhabitants, situated on the Cambridge & Seaford
Branch of the Phila., Wilm, & Balto. RR…11 ½ miles east of Cambridge…and
89 from Baltimore, and 2 from Choptank River…B.W.Wright, postmaster..”
(note: the post office opened here in 1803 as “New Market”, and was changed to
East New Market in 1827…per postal records.)

Business Persons:                      Business cont’d:
Abdell, Wm., justice of peace          Reese, J.A., justice of the peace
Andrew, T. & Son, general store        Reid, E.W., blacksmith
Beckwith, Wm.P., teacher               Saxton, J.A., grain
Boston, James E., blacksmith           Scott, C.M., express, telegraph, and
Briley, W.H., general store                         railroad agent 
Burke, Rev. A.                         Seymour, C.K.M., tailor
Carmin, S., carpenter                  Toy, Rev. D.S.
Conkle & Reese, oyster packers         Webster, S.L., general store
Crippen Bros., general store           Webster, S.L.& Co., fruit packers
Dukes, A.F., carpenter                 Willis, C.H., hardware
Eccles, G.F., barber                   Willis, W.W., meat market
Elliott, George W., wagonmaker         Willoughby, William, undertaker
Goslin, M.L., hotel and livery stable  Wright, Isaac H.& Son, nurserymen
Helsby, Mrs. B.F., milliner
Helsby, T.J., general store & druggist
Henry, J.E., druggist
Henry, W.A., general store
Hooper, E.T., Hotel Chesadel
Hubbard, C.C., confectioner
Hurst, J.W., meat market
Jacobs, James T., physician
Johnson, W.E., express agent
Jones, George P., physician
Millard & Co, oyster packers
Myers, C.W., hardware, livery stable and general store
Pegelow, Frederick, shoemaker
Randall, R.W., saw mill
Rawlins, C.C., shoemaker
ENM Farmers, 1891-1892 
Carpenter, W.             Spence, John S.
Corkran, J.H.             Smith, M.J.T.
Crane, C.M.               Stiner, C.A.
Crane, J.                 Stiner, F.D.
Crane, Levi               Thayer, C.
Crispin, D.S.             Thomas, James A.
DeMott, C.W.              Thompson, G.A.
Fletcher, M.S.            Tucker, T.T.
Haskett, A.J.             Vickers, Lee
Hubbard, O.W.             Wood, A.
Hubbard, W.T.             Wooden, W.J.
Isenberg, George W.
Johnson, W.E.
Loomis, F.E.
Lord, E.E.
Maxwell, J.J.
Millard, J.J.
Mowbray, B.
Payne, Wm.J.
Prouse, H.