East New Market

Commercial Directories

Dorchester County Commercial Directory

Drawbridge 1908-1909

"In Dorchester County, on Chicacomico River, 18 miles southeast of Cambridge, 
the banking town, 100 miles from Baltimore, and 8 miles from Vienna, a 
shipping station on the Balto, Chesapeake, & Atlantic RR. 
Population 76. Mail RFD, Vienna.”

Henry, M.L., general store       (note: A Drawbridge P.O. opened on 1/16/1857,
Huber, Edward, canning factory    with Wm. D.W. Raleigh as P/M. After opening
Hughes, John, wagon maker         & closing several different times, it met 
Hurley, E. & Bro., genl store     its demise for good on 3/15/1906)
Hurley, Joel, carpenter
Murphy, James H., saw mill
Pinder, Lewis, saw mill
Reed, J. Millard, wagon maker
Thompson, G.A., saw mill
Walson & Ellis, saw mill
Willey & Willey, fruit packers

Local Farmers:
(mail RFD Vienna, No.3)      farmers, cont’d:
Eberspeaker, William         Willey, D.J.
Fisher, Peter                Willey, Jonathan
Horseman, D.                 Willey, S.
Hurley, Columbus             Wilson, Eben
Hurley, E.                   Wilson, H.
Hurley, H.                   Wongus, Frank
Hurley, Joseph               Young, Peter
Hurley, Levin
Jolley, Edward
Kibbler, Charles
Lewis, L.F.
Lewis, Manning
Lord, William
Murphy, J.H.
Percy, M.G.
Pinder, David
Pinder, James