(Sewing Factory)
See the William Riley House for more information on this property
A storehouse is mentioned in a newspaper notice in 1846. The storehouse may have been on the property much earlier. The storehouse is mentioned in a deed in 1855 and tax records from 1852 through 1864. In 1866 John J. Purse is taxed for Blacksmith Shop. He is taxed for a carriage shop in 1868. These are presumably the the Wheelwright and Blacksmith Shop structures seen on the 1877 map.
After Samuel L. Webster acquired the property in 1890 he built a factory building at this location. This factory building is noted as a warehouse on the 1922 Sanborn Fire Map. James Cheesman (b. 1895) stated in 1990 that this building was a Sewing Factory. It appears from the 1922 map, that the blacksmith building may have been moved to south and rear of the Old Tavern property at 35 Main Street. This needs further investigation.