East New Market

Property Reports

Interactive Maps

Property and Historic Record Reports

For each interactive map, click on the property of interest for photos and records.

Interactive 2007 Map

...for current properties.  The commercial and non-profit properties such as the market, the taverns, the churches, and the parsonages are listed by name.  All other properties are listed by address. 

Interactive 1877 Map

...for properties that stood in 1877.  The commercial and non-profit properties such as the schools, the churches, and the parsonages are listed by description.  All other properties were listed by the owner as of some point in 1876.  Most 1877 properties still stand today.  However there are a few exceptions such as the Brick Store House, Dorchester House, the Female Seminary, the Fletcher Annex, Fletchers Folly, Fletcher & Bramble Store, Helsby's Corner Store, the Helsby Dwelling, the Hubbard Annex, J.Q. Leckie Store, the New Market Academy, the New Market Grammar School, the old Sherman Institute schoolhouse building, Union Chapel (P.E. Church), and the William Hooper Store.

Interactive 1922 Map

...for properties that stood in 1922.  The properties on the 1922 map are identified by shape and position only.  The 1922 Sanborn Fire maps did not provide addresses or descriptions.  There are a few properties that can only be found on the 1922 map.  These structures were built after 1877, but are no longer standing today.  The structures include the East New Market Bank, the Willis Hardware Store, the Belle Kimmey House, and the Christina Andrew House,

Other properties don't exist today and were not on the 1877 or the 1922 East New Market maps.  These properties include the 1777 New Market Race Track, the 1791 New Market Episcopal Chapel, and the 1889 Chesadel Hotel.

Property List

...for properties listed by current address.