This land is owned by the family of L.B. Adshead. Hopefully it will not be developed. If development is its destiny, perhaps an historical structure from the area can be moved to the lot. Not only would this save the historical integrity of this part of East New Market, but it could save a significant historic structure. The east side of North Main Street has two historic properties moved from elsewhere. A third dating from the 19th century or before would seem acceptable.
3 FJH 439 - 28 October 1854 - James T. Smith to John Dean for $173.75: parcel of land in town of East New Market and formerly belonging to Thomas K. Smith being part of that land which was conveyed to the said Thomas K. Smith by his father Levin Smith, late of this county. Beginning the northwest corner of the said John Dean's granary, thence running N17E 28p to the lands of John Webster, thence with the said lands S67E 22p to a cedar tree, thence with K.M. Jacobs land S17W 20p to the N.E. course of the said K.M. Jacob's garden, thence with the said garden fence and the lands of the said John Dean to the beginning. Containing 3 acres.
18 ER 94 - 1 August 1840 - Levin Smith to Thomas K. Smith for $274.50: part of the tract now owned by him called "New Market" near the village of East New Market. Beginning at the first boundary of the whole tract as resurveyed in the year 1825 and from thence runs N 1 1/2 W 28 perches to the county road, thence with the same N 19 E 4 perches, thence S 68 E 34 perches to a marked cedar tree, thence S 15 W 6 perches, thence S 73 3/4 W 9 perches to a stone at the end thereof, thence with the 34th course of the whole tract N 78 W 40 1/2 perches until a line drawn W will strike the first beginning. Containing 9 acres, & 24 square perches. (except the dower of Mary Baine)