George Wenzel

The Mainz Petition


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The Mainz Petition

Since we have established that George Wenzel was born in Mainz and likely part of the 1848 German Revolution, the Mainz Petition is of great interest.  Drafted June 11-14, 1848, the document was signed by the mayor, local officials, and undersigned citizens of the town of Mainz.  The entire document is available (in English) somewhere, just not on the web at present.  Although the story is that George Wenzel was a Bürgermeister, and we know he was described as being born in Mainz, he was not likely the Bürgermeister of Mainz.  Viewing the signers of the Mainz Petition may provide information helpful to Wenzel research. The demands stated in the document are listed below:

The mayor, local officials and undersigned citizens of the town of Mainz, hereby declare, in the following address to parliament, signed by a large number of the citizens of Mainz, their attachment to the following imperative demands:

1. Unconditionally free press.
2. Retention of our existing Rhenish legislation.
3. Withdrawal of the penal code which has already been published.
4. The greatest possible reduction in the standing army.
5. The immediate swearing of an oath of loyalty by the military to the constitution.
6. General arming of the people with free election of officers.
7. Full equality of all religious confessions.
8. An appropriate revision of the constitution and the local government ordinance.
9. A free system of local administration without the patronizing constraints imposed by government officials.
10. Free discussion of public interests in general meetings and an unqualified right to bring forward popular wishes by means of petitions to their representatives.
11. A general German parliament.