East New Market

Property Reports

43 Main Street

Old Dorset Pharmacy (ca. 1870s - 1914)

Also known as Jefferson Drug Store, Hitch & Jones, Masonic Building, Masonic Temple

Probably in the mid-1870s, Mary Bramble or Isaac H. Wright built the drug store that once stood at this location.  A few of the people known to have run a drug store here were Isaac H. Wright, Dr. Edward L. Jones, Thomas O. Jefferson, and L.R. Dukes.  The drug store was destroyed in the 1914 East New Market fire.  In 1915 this lot and the Chesadel Hotel lot were sold to the East New Market Realty Company and the Realty Building was built shortly thereafter.

Cambridge Chronicle - 6 December 1914 - Big Conflagration at East New Market

...After getting a foothold in the Hotel Chesadel, the fire swept the huge frame structure, burning it from top to bottom, ...; also, at the same time, it seemed, the drug store owned by Mr. Thos. O. Jefferson, and managed for him by L.R. Dukes, caught fire, and was completely wiped out....  The drug store property and stock of goods were owned by Mr. T.O. Jefferson, and were said to have been valued at about $4,000, although he had been asking $4500 from them.  Mr. Jefferson carried insurance amounting to $2500...  The Masonic Temple was on the second floor of the Drug Store Building, but nearly all of the regalia, etc., were saved, so that there is little, if any, loss to them; likewise with the Grangers, who also used the same building.