East New Market

Property Reports

31 Main Street

John Mackey House

Key date analysis:

An 1829 deed mentions "houses", one of which was on this lot.  An 1822 mentions the lot having an improvement.  The price paid in an 1812 ($600) indicates a valuable structure stood on this property by 1812.  The footprint of the original house appears on the 1877 map.  By 1894, the property was described as a vacant lot in tax records.  There is a possibility the house was moved, rather than torn-down or destroyed by fire.  In 1909 the Charles Webster House was built on this lot and part of the lot to the north.

Who built it:

John Mackey built the house between 1796 and 1812.  The house was moved or destroyed before 1896.

Longest Residents:

Wilbur F. Newton family 42 years,

More Research:

The 1877 map shows a lot to the north being owned by Thomas B. Sherman and this lot being owned by Wilbur F. Newton.  Was the current house built from parts from either of the original two homes?  Dendrochronology could determine this.

Historic Records:

35 CL 199 - 24 June 1909 - Albert T Scotton & Virginia D Scotten, his wife, to Charles Webster Sr. for $375:  Lot in the town of East New Market bordered on the west by Main Street, the north by William E Harrison, the east by Thomas J Hicks, and on the south by Elizabeth Rawlings.  Containing 1/2 acre of land.  Same lot conveyed to Albert T. Scotton by Francis A. Newton, by power of attorney, by deed dated 31 May 1909 in 35 CL 96.

35 CL 96 - 31 May, 1909 - Francis A Newton, attorney (see 34 CL 591) to Albert T Scotten for $325:  lot in the town of East New Market.  Bounded on the west by the main street, on the north by the lot of William E. Harrison, on the east by the lands of Thomas J. Hicks, and on the south by the lot of Elizabeth Rawlings.  Containing 1/2 acre of land.  Being the same lot that was conveyed unto the said Wilbur F. Newton by Adeline Hicks and others by deed dated 10 September 1867 in 7 FJH 109. 

34 CL 591 - 1 February 1909 - Whereas Wilbur F. Newton, deceased, departed this life intestate in 1893 leaving a widow Mary F.H. Newton, and leaving the following children as his only heirs-at-law, to wit:  (1) Annie C. Newton (now intermarried with James E. Brinsfield), (2) Susan S. Newton (now intermarried with Charles G. Hurley), (3) Thomas N. Newton of Connecticut (now intermarried with Blanche Newton of Wilmington, DE), (4) Margaret E. Newton (now intermarried with Jefferson D. Henry), (5) George F. Newton (now intermarried with Marie L. Newton), (6) Ulla Newton (who departed this life intestate since the death of her father), 7) Mary Newton (who departed this life intestate since the death of her father) and (8) Grace Newton (who departed this life since the death of her father).  Whereas the said Ulla, Mary, and Grace Newton departed this life unmarried and without issue and whereas the said Wilbur F. Newton was seized and possessed at the time of his death of certain real estate:  (1) 23 acres on the Cambridge/Seaford Railroad near the property of John T. Blake, and (2) a vacant lot on Main Street in the town of East New Market.  Appoint Francis A. Newton of Baltimore to be their attorney to sell all real estate owned by Wilbur F. Newton at the time of his death.

1900 Census
Possibly dwelling #254, household of John W. Jefferson, sailor

1896-1910 Tax Record
Wilber F. Newton
1896 - 1 vacant lot in ENM adjoining E.W. Reed & W.R. Sherman
1910 - reduced to Chas. Webster

1896 Tax Record
Wilber F. Newton Heirs
1 vacant lot in the town of East New Market adjoining E.W. Reed & W.R. Sherman $100

1880 Census
possibly Dwellings #37, household of John M. Webster, and #38, household of Louisa Camper 

Christ Episcopal Church Cemetery, Cambridge, MD - 5 March 1796 / 14 December 1876 - William E. Harrison

1876 Tax Record
Wilbert F. Newton
Dwelling house & lot in ENM 1/2 acre - $500

1870 Census
possibly Dwellings #354, households of Charles Seymour, tailor and #355 Harriet Frazier

1867-1876 Tax Record
Wilbur F. Newton
1868 - House & Lot in town of East New Market (corrected 1873) $400
1873 - House & Lot from S. Sewels Heirs
Samuel Sewell's Heirs, T.J. Hicks, agent
1867 - House & Lot $700
1873 - House & Lot charged to Wm F. Newton $700

7 FJH 109 - 10 September 1867 - Harriet T. Sewell, George W. Carroll & Margaret E. Carroll, his wife, of Caroline County, Thomas J. Hicks & Adaline M. Hicks, his wife, James Gore & Susan E. Gore, his wife, Dewitt C. Handley & Ann C. Handley, his wife, to Wilber F. Newton for $500:  All that house and lot in the town of East New Market, bounded on the west by the main street, on the north by the lot of Wm E. Harrison, on the east by the lands of Thomas J. Hicks, and on the south by the lot of Elizabeth Rawlings.  Containing 1/2 acre of land.

1866 Tax Record
Samuel Sewell's Heirs
(Thos. J. Hicks, agent)
House & Lot $700

1860 Census
Dwelling #739, household of William Willoughby, farmer

1852-1864 Tax Record
Samuel Sewell
House & Lot, his residence

1 FJH 422 - 30 January 1852 - John E. Hooper & Maria K. Hooper, his wife, to Samuel Sewell for $1200:  all that lot or lots in the town of East New Market, formerly the property of John Robinson, the quantity of acres what it may be except a small piece sold by the said John E. Hooper to Silas Collins & wife on the west side of the street which by reference to Silas Collins & wife will more fully appear.

1850 Census

19 ER 105 - 15 March 1842 - John Robinson & Elizabeth Robinson, his wife, to John E. Hooper for $920: (1) lot in the village of East New Market on the east side of the road leading from Cambridge, and on which the dwelling house now stands. The same being one half of a lot divided by a line running parallel to the first line bounded by the following courses. Beginning at a post marked VI standing at the NW corner of the yard on the east side of said street, and from thence runs S75 E 30 1/2 perches, then S 1 1/2 E 5 1/4 perches, then N 75 W 30 3/4 perches to the said street, and thence binding therewith to the place of beginning. Containing and originally laid down for 1 acre, one half of which the said John Robinson purchased of Thomas H. Handy, containing 80 square perches (1/2 acre)  (2) Also lot and part of a lot in the village of New Market on the west side of said street. Beginning at a stone on the west side of said street, the same being the last mentioned boundary of Sarah Gootee's lot, and the first boundary of a deed from Denwood Barrow and wife to Thomas Light, and from thence binding with said street, S 17 1/2 W 11 perches to a post or stone, then N 21 W 20 1/4 perches to a post or stone standing on a ditchbank, then with said back N 1 1/2 E 11 perches to said Sarah Gootee's lot, thence binding therewith to the place of beginning.  Containing in said lot is 1 acre, 1 rod, & 32 square perches.

15 ER 333 - 8 March 1836 - Thomas Henry Handy & Sarah Handy, his wife, to John Roberson for $1800: (1) lot in the town of East New Market formerly the property of James Thompson and purchased by the said Thomas H. Handy.  As reference to the said James Thompson and John Willis deed will more fully appear be the quantity of acres, what it may be.  (2) also that lot in the town aforesaid on the west side of the street, and running with the street from the lot aforesaid to intersect the late Stephen LeCompte lot, and binding therewith until it intersects the late Henry Dickinson's land, and binding therewith until it intersects the lot purchased aforesaid and thence to the beginning.  As reference to deed of Nathaniel E. Green of Henry Nicols, deceased will more fully appear.  Containing 3 acres.   

11 ER 531 - 5 January 1830 - James Thompson and John Willis to Thomas H. Handy for $600: lot or lots in the village of New Market, formerly the property of Thomas Light, deceased, and sold by Solomon Kirwan, Sheriff, and purchased by the said James Thompson. Elizabeth Thompson, wife of James Thompson.

11 ER 451 - 13 October 1829 - Ann Light to John Willis for $50:  All my right to 2 houses and lots in New Market, formerly the property of Thomas Light, and now owned by James Thompson at present occupied by Thomas H. Handy.  [These lots were already conveyed in a Sheriff's sale from Thomas Light to James Thompson in 8 ER 476.  Her right to property previously sold is at issue.  In 11 ER 531, John Willis and James Thompson sell the properties with clear title to Thomas H. Handy.]

9 ER 283 - 31 January 1824 - John Mackey to Cassidy Rawlings for $500: (1) lot in New Market where the said Rawlings now lives and adjoining the lot said Mackey sold to Thomas Light, bring part of a lot purchased by said Mackey of Capt. James Sulivane in 1795. Containing 1/2 acre.

8 ER 476 - 30 October 1822 - Soloman Kirwan Esq, Sheriff of Dorchester County to James Thompson for $450 at public auction: On 5 September 1822, the Dorchester County Court of the behalf of John Mackey for the use of Elizabeth Birckhead against Thomas Light, Cassidy Rawlings, and Jeremiah Bramble, late of Dorchester, Yeoman, directed the Sheriff of Dorchester County to sell the lots of Thomas Light. (1) Lot in New Market with the improvement and appurtenance conveyed to the said Thomas Light by John Mackey on 27 June 1812 containing 70 square perches. [almost 1/2 acre]  (2) Also that lot conveyed to Thomas Light by Denwood H. Barrow and Eliza, his wife on 7 January 1817 containing 60 square perches.  [3/8 acre on west side of street.]

2 ER 117 - 27 June 1812 - John Mackey to Thomas Light for $600:  78 square perches of that lot that James Sulivane conveyed to the said John Mackey as per deed bearing date 28 July 1796.  Beginning at the corner of a lot conveyed by James Sulivane to a certain Francis Elliott at a cedar post marked VI and from thence running and binding with the line of said lot sold said Elliott S75E 30.5p to another cedar post marked V and from thence running S1/30E 2 5/8p to cedar post marked with TL standing in the center of said lot, thence runs N75W to another post marked TL thence along the north of said Mackey's House to a post standing by the side of the street in New Market marked TL and from thence running and binding with said street to the place of beginning.  Containing 78 square perches.  [78 square perches = 1/2 acre]

Republican Star - Easton - 23 July 1805 - Sale of two horses by John Mackey, in New Market

[The 1 acre lot below also includes Mackey-Rawlings-Reid House to the south.  This property, the John Mackey House, is north 1/2 acre of the original 1 acre lot.]

9 HD 414 - 28 July 1796 - James Sulivane to John Mackey for 30 pounds: 1 acre part of a tract called "New Market" in the village of New Market. Beginning at a bounded cedar post standing at the southwest corner of a lot formerly conveyed by the aforesaid Sulivane to a certain Francis Elliott about 7 or 8 years past, the said post being marked VI, and from thence running and binding with the line of the said lot sold Elliott, S 75 E 30 1/2 perches to another bounded cedar post marked V, and from thence running S 1 E 5 1/4 perches to another bounded cedar post marked VII, and from thence running N 75 W 31 3/4 perches to another bounded cedar post marked VIII, and from thence with a straight line to the place of beginning. Containing 1 acre.  Mary Sulivane, wife of James Sulivane.