Key date analysis:
A 1791 deed conveys a lot and house at this location. The structure continues to be listed in later deeds. The footprint of the original house appears on the 1877 map.
By 1894, the property was described as a vacant lot in tax records. There is a possibility the house was moved, rather than torn-down or destroyed by fire. In 1909 the Charles Webster House was built on part of this lot and on the lot to the south.
Who built it:
In 1790, Francis Elliott built the original house on this lot. Charles Webster either moved or destroyed this house between 1900 and 1910.
Longest Residents:
From 1801 to about 1909, the house was owned continuously by the same family (Jackson/Harrison/Sherman). Members of this family lived in the house, but not continuously.
More Research:
Historic Records:
[north acre] 24 CL 56 - 19 January 1900 - John R. Pattison, Trustee, to Charles Webster for $316: Whereas by order of the circuit court on 27 December 1897 in the case of William A. Sherman vs. his creditors, John R. Pattison was appointed trustee to sell his real estate to benefit his creditors. House and lot on the east side of Main Street in the town of East New Market which is described in a deed from John H. Bramble to Thomas B. Sherman dated 3 July 1846 in 3 WJ 194 and being the same property described in a deed from William R. Sherman to Minnie G. Howard dated 20 October 1896 in 20 CL 701.
1896-1910 Tax Record
William R. Sherman [north
1896 - House & lot on east side of Main St. in ENM $400
26 May 1900 - reduced by house & lot on east side of Main St in ENM to
Chas. Webster
[north acre] 20 CL 701 - 20 October 1896 - William R. Sherman to Minnie G. Howard, his daughter, for natural love & affection: house and lot on the east side of Main Street in the village of East New Market and described in a deed from John H. Bramble to Thomas B. Sherman dated 3 July 1846 in 3 WJ 194. Also being one of the houses and lots described in a deed from B. Walter Sherman & wife unto William R. Sherman dated 28 March 1885 in 7 CL 182. This grant is made by way of advancement clear of encumbrances.
1896 Tax
Wm R. Sherman [north acre]
House & Lot on the east side of Main St. in the town of East New Market
Descendants of William Richard Sherman state he
owned a small frame house on the east side of Main Street in East New
Market. He ran a candy store out of the front of the house and he lived
in the back.
[north acre] 7 CL 182 - 28 March 1885 - B. Walter Sherman & Maggie A. Sherman, his wife, of Louisville, KY to William Richard Sherman of Baltimore City: several properties including... two houses and lots situated in the village of East New Market; one of which is the first lot described in a deed Thomas B. Sherman from John H. Bramble, dated 3 July 1846, WJ 3/194; the other lot purchased of Major S. Fletcher on the west side of Main Street, whereon the old Sherman Institute building now stands adjoining the property of M.S. Fletcher and others.
1880 Census
possibly Dwellings #37, household of John M. Webster, and #38, household
of Louisa Camper
1876 Tax
Thomas B. Sherman [north acre]
Dwelling house & lot in ENM where Seymour lives 1/2 acre - $1200
Dwelling house & lot in ENM where Hamilton lives 1/2 acre - $300
1870 Census
possibly Dwellings #354, households of Charles Seymour, tailor and #355
Harriet Frazier
1867-1876 Tax Record
William E. Harrison [north acre]
1867 - House & Lot $500
1867 - unimproved Lot 1 acre $100
1872 - House & Lot charged to Thomas B. Sherman $500
1872 - unimproved Lot charged to Thomas B. Sherman $100
Thomas B. Sherman [north acre]
1872 - House & Lot from Wm. E. Harrison (N.M.) $500
1872 - one unimproved lot 1 acre, $100
1866 Tax
William E. Harrison [north acre]
House & lot $500, unimproved lot 1 acre $100
1860 Census
Possibly dwellings #739, household of William Willoughby, farmer, and
#740, household of Thomas Holliday, laborer
1852-1864 Tax Record
William E. Harrison [north acre]
house & lot, storehouse $600, unimproved lot $100
1850 Census
[north acre] 3 WJ 194 - 3 July 1846 - John H. Bramble to Thomas B. Sherman for $150: the 2 following lots in the village of East New Market, and being the same which were conveyed by and to the said John H. Bramble by Thomas B. Sherman & Elizabeth A. Sherman, his wife, (as reference to the aforesaid deed will make it appear). (1) that lot with its buildings on the east side of the main street of said village at present in the occupancy of Oliver P. Hooper and formerly belonging to Thomas Jackson, deceased. Bounded on the north by Abraham Ross' lot, on the east by the lands of Henry W. Hicks, and on the south by Dr. J.E. Hooper's lot and residence. (2) also the other lot on the east side of aforesaid street, at present in the tenancy of Dr. J.E. Hooper, and bounded on the north and east by the lands of Henry W. Hicks and on the south by the lot and residence of Doctor William V.M. Edmondson, which also formerly belonged to the aforesaid Thomas Jackson, deceased.
[north acre] 3 WJ 192 - 3 July 1846 - Thomas B. Sherman & Elizabeth A. Sherman, his wife, to John H. Bramble for $150: lots in the village of East New Market. (1) lot with its buildings situated on the east side of the main street of said village at present in the occupancy of O.P. Hooper and formerly belonging to Thomas Jackson, deceased. Bounded on the north by Abraham Ross' lot, on the east by the lands of Henry W. Hicks, and on the south of Doctor J.E. Hooper's lot and residence. (2) also the other lot on the east side of the aforesaid street at present in the occupancy of Dr. J.E. Hooper and bounded on the north and east by the lands of Henry W. Hicks, on the south by the lot and residence of Dr. W.V.M. Edmondson, and which also formerly belonged to the aforesaid Thomas Jackson, deceased.
Marriage - 15 May 1844 - William E. Harrison to Louiza Goldsborough
Marriage - 31 October 1843 - Thomas B. Sherman to Elizabeth Ann Harrison
Marriage - 10 December 1836 - William Harrison to Nancy Frazier
[Mary Jackson is the daughter and possibly the sole heir of Thomas Jackson. William Harrison and Mary Jackson had a son, William E. Harrison and a daughter, Elizabeth Ann Harrison. Elizabeth Ann Harrison married Thomas B. Sherman.]
Marriage - 18 October 1819 - William Harrison to Mary Jackson
Republican Star - Easton - 24 April 1810 - Henry Haskins, administrator of Thomas Jackson, deceased
Republican Star - Easton - 23 July 1805 - Sale of two horses by John Mackey, in New Market
[north acre] 17 HD 640 - 24 June 1801 - Thomas Stevens of Talbot County, farmer, to Thomas Jackson, hatter for 220 pounds: all that lot and houses at a village known by the name of New Market. On the left side of the main road that leads from Cabin Creek Mill to Cambridge begin part of a tract called "New Market". Beginning at a marked post being the 4th boundary of a lot purchased by the late Doctor Daniel Sulivane of Sherwood & LeCompte, from thence runs S 75 E 28 3/4 perches to a marked post being the third boundary of the aforesaid Sulivane's lot, then S 1 E 5 1/2 perches to a marked post then N 75 W 30 1/2 to a marked post, then with a straight line to the first beginning. Containing 1 acres. Sally Stevens, wife of Thomas Stevens.
Marriage - 25 May 1799 - Thomas Jackson to Elizabeth Smoot
[north acre] 3 HD 133 - 15 March 1791 - Francis Elliott of Caroline County, blacksmith, to Thomas Stevens, cabinet maker, (son of Peter Stevens) of Talbot County for 120 pounds: lot and house at a place known by the name of New Market on the left side of the main road that leads from Cabin Creek to Cambridge, being part of a tract called "New Market". Beginning at a marked post, being the 4th boundary of Sherwood's & LeCompte's lot, from thence running S 75 E 28 3/4 perches to a marked post, being the 3rd boundary of Sherwood's & LeCompte's lot, then S 1 E 5 1/2 perches to a marked post, then N 75 W 30 1/2 perches to another marked post, then with a straight line to the first beginning. Containing 1 acre. Elizabeth Elliott, wife of Francis Elliott.
[north acre] 2 HD 454 - 8 June 1789 - James Sulivane to Francis Elliott for 30 pounds: part of a tract called "New Market". Beginning at a marked cedar post being the 4th boundary or corner post of a lot laid off for a certain William Riley, then runs S 75 E 28 3/4 perches to a marked cedar post, being the 3rd corner post of the aforesaid lot of William Riley, then S 1 E 5 1/2 perches, to a marked cedar post , then N 75 W 30 1/2 perches to another marked cedar post, then with a straight line to the place of beginning. Containing 1 acre.