Key date analysis:
Around 1930, Arthur Laskowski interviewed E. L Hooper. According to Mr. Hooper, his great-grandparents Levin and Margaret Marshall owned and lived in this house and were buried near the grounds. Mr. Hooper also provided information from their gravestones. The earliest mention of a house at this location occurred in 1852, when Oliver P. Hooper was assessed for a house and lot. However, a house was likely here much earlier. The price paid for the property in 1832 is consistent with prices paid for improved properties during this time period. Also, if Levin and Margaret were buried here, they likely lived here. From various reports this house was completely reconstructed in the 1920s. Only the front door and a few other features are the same.
Only one house on this property is noted in records prior to 1876. However, the 1876 tax record mentions 2 dwellings. Tax records indicate this second house was built between 1867 and 1876. The 1870 Census gives the appearance that this house was built before 1870. This house appears on the 1877 map, but does not appear on the 1922 map. It is currently unclear what happened to this second structure.
Who built it:
The current dwelling was likely built by Levin Marshall between 1814 and 1822. The second dwelling that was formerly on this property was likely built by Major S. Fletcher around 1868.
Longest Residents:
The Hubbard family has owned this property for the past 86 years. Levin Marshall and his Hooper descendants owned the property at intervals equaling 64 years.
More Research:
Dendrochronology could establish the construction date of various sections of the house.
Historic Records:
303 PLC 130 - 30 July 1993 - William Oliver Hubbard and James Bryan Hubbard, personal representatives of the estate of Richard P. Hubbard to William Oliver Hubbard and James Bryan Hubbard: Whereas Richard P. Hubbard died on 12 February 1991 and by his Last Will and Testament dated 11 February 1991 appointed William Oliver Hubbard and James Bryan Hubbard as personal representatives. Whereas Richard P. Hubbard died owning an undivided 1/2 interest in fee simple as tenant in common.: Lots in the town of East New Market on the east side of Main Street near the Methodist Episcopal Church, adjoining and lying between the William R. Hooper lands and the Thomas J. Hicks farm, and fronting on the aforesaid street 210 feet and running back 389 feet between the aforesaid William R. Hooper lands, and the Thomas J. Hicks farm. Being part of the same property conveyed by Richard P. Hubbard and Oliver W. Hubbard, as attorneys-in-fact for Shirley D. Hubbard, to Richard P. Hubbard and Oliver W. Hubbard, as tenants in common and not as joint tenants by deed dated 20 May 1986 in 239 PLC 772.
239 PLC 772 - 20 May 1986 - Richard P. Hubbard and Oliver W. Hubbard, attorneys-in-fact for Shirley D. Hubbard of 520 Glenburn Avenue, Cambridge, Maryland under power of attorney dated 16 December 1980 in 219 PLC 31 to Richard P. Hubbard and Oliver W. Hubbard: [land described in 303 PLC 130]. Being the same property conveyed unto Shirley D. Hubbard by Richard P. Hubbard and Oliver W. Hubbard, personal representatives of William T. Hubbard, deceased, by deed dated 14 February 1980 in 219 PLC 117.
219 PLC 177 - 14 February 1980 - Richard P. Hubbard and Oliver W. Hubbard, personal representatives of William T. Hubbard, deceased, to Shirley D. Hubbard; Whereas by Item First of the Last Will and Testament dated 29 March 1962 of said decedent in 9 DKL 322, the land hereinafter described was devised unto Shirley D. Hubbard, and said representatives are empowered and obliged to execute and deliver this deed. [land described in 303 PLC 130]. Being the same land by deed dated 14 November 1921 in 11 WHM 24 was conveyed by Minnie R. Hooper and husband unto the said William T. Hubbard.
1930 Census
Dwelling #42, household of William T. Hubbard, manufacturer at a box
11 WHM 24 - 5 November 1921 - Minnie R. Hooper & Edward L. Hooper, her husband, to William T. Hubbard for $2700: [land described in 303 PLC 130]. Being the same land conveyed unto the said Minnie R. Hooper by Thomas D. Hooper & wife by deed dated 19 November 1918 in 5 WHM 317.
1920 Census
5 WHM 317 - 19 November 1918 - Thomas D. Hooper & Lula Norris Hooper, his wife, both of Baltimore County, Maryland to Minnie R. Hooper of Cambridge, Maryland for $2250: [land described in 303 PLC 130]. Being the same two lots which by deed dated 14 May 1888 and duly recorded were granted and conveyed by Major S. Fletcher and wife to Thomas D. Hooper.
1910 Census
1900 Census
1896-1910 Tax Record
Thomas D. Hooper
1896 - property in ENM, the Old Homestead of Wm R. Hooper $800
The M.S. Fletcher lot adjoining above $700
Carriage shop adjoining C.C. Rawlings $500
26 April 1907 - reduced by "Old Homestead" to J.M. Reid
reduced by carriage shop to Howard Willoughby
1896 Tax
Thos. D. Hooper
Property in East New Market, the old homestead of W.R. Hooper $800
The M.S. Fletcher lot adjoining the above $700
Carriage shop adjoining C.C. Rawlings $500
11 CL 196 - 14 May 1888 - Major S. Fletcher & Willie K. Fletcher, his wife, to Thomas D. Hooper, formerly of this county, now of New Bedford, Massachusetts, for $1200: All those two lots in the town of East New Market on the east side of the Main Street near the Methodist Episcopal Church lying between the lands of William R. Hooper and the Thomas J. Hicks farm and fronting the said street 210 feet and running back 389 feet between the aforesaid lands of William R. Hooper and the Thomas J. Hicks farm. Being the same lots which purchased by the said Major S. Fletcher from James Davis, deceased.
10 CL 736 - 31 March 1888 - Mortgage - Major S. Fletcher owing to William M. Fletcher and John W. Fletcher: Whereas William M. Fletcher and John W. Fletcher have endorsed several promissory notes of the said Major S. Fletcher of various amounts aggregating a sum between $5000 and $10000 and where the said Major S. Fletcher wishes to secure the said William M. and John W. Fletcher against any loss that may occur: Tract on the right hand side of county road leading from the Rail Road Depot at East New Market to the village of East New Market. Being the same land which was conveyed unto the said Major S. Fletcher by William Christopher and wife by deed dated 1 January 1864 in 5 FJH 497. Also by deed from William Christopher dated 1 April 1867 in 7 FJH 32. Including the dwelling house and appurtenant buildings formerly occupied by the said Major S. Fletcher as a residence and also the new store house at or near the Rail Road Depot, and as well all other buildings. And also all that lot in the town of East New Market on the west side of the Main Street and on the south side of the street leading to the Episcopal Church, together with the dwelling house, store house, and all appurtenant buildings thereon. Being the same premises upon which the said Major S. Fletcher now resides. and the same lot of ground conveyed to the said Major S. Fletcher by Mary A. Bramble by deed dated 31 July 1862 in 5 FJH 220. Also those two lots of ground in the town of East New Market near the Methodist Church and adjoining the lot of William R. Hooper and the farm belonging to Thomas J. Hicks, deceased. Said lots being improved by two dwelling houses and other outbuildings and the same property formerly belonging to James Davis.
1880 Census - Property #17, 2 dwellings, the households of George Ashmead, commercial traveler and William S. Saxton, carpenter (2 families)
1876 Tax
Major S. Fletcher
2 dwellings in ENM near M.E. Church - $1300
[Around 1866 the heirs of James Davis deeded this land to Major S. Fletcher. The sale is referred to in 10 CL 736 and 11 CL 196 and mentioned in the 1866-1876 tax records. I have not been able to locate the deed.]
1870 Census
Possibly dwelling #338, household of Shaderic Carmine, carpenter
1867-1876 Tax Record
Major S. Fletcher
1867 - House & Lot from J. Davis heirs $1400
1866 Tax
Major S. Fletcher
House & lot from J. Davis heirs $1400,
[likely both parts] 5 FJH 484 - 24 July 1863 - Kilby B. Fletcher & Margaret Fletcher, his wife, to James Davis for $2000: lot with the building thereon situated in the town of East New Market and particularly described in a deed from Henry Hooper & wife to William Willoughby bearing date 17 January 1846 in 2 WJ 595.
1860 Census
Dwelling #747, the household of Kilby Fletcher
1852-1864 Tax Record
James Davis
1864 house & lot in New Market of K.B. Fletcher
Kelby B. Fletcher
1856 House & lot in town New Market $1300
1864 by house & lot in New Market to J. Davis $1300
Oliver P. Hooper
House & Lot 2 3/8 acres $600
1858 House & Lot in New Market sold to K.B. Fletcher $600
[likely both parts] 3 FJH 344 - 13 October 1855 - Brice J. Goldsborough and Daniel M. Henry, trustees, to Kelby B. Fletcher: By a decree of the circuit court 13 January 1855 and passed in a cause between William Willoughby, complainant and Sarah C. Hooper and Oliver J. Hooper, defendants, the above named Brice J. Goldsborough and Daniel M. Henry were appointed trustees to sell the real estate described in a deed from Henry Hooper and wife to William Willoughby, bearing a date of 17 January 1846 in 2 WJ 595.
Dorchester County Circuit Court Equity Record - 3
February 1853 - William Willoughby vs. Sarah C. Hooper and Oliver P.
Hooper - On or about 25 October 1851, your orator sold unto Sarah C.
Hooper, wife of Oliver P. Hooper, a house and lot in East New Market. A
portion of the purchase money was paid on the day of sale and your
orator accepted the bill obligatory of the said Sarah and her husband
Oliver P. Hooper as evidence of the balance then due and unpaid.
$314.88 to be paid on demand.
13 January 1855 - after the Hoopers did not respond to several summons
ordered property to be sold at auction. Property attempted to be
sold on 14 January 1855 at the front of the premises in East New Market,
but owing to the inclemency of the weather, they adjourned to the Hotel
of John Dean in said town. Offered for sale the late dwelling house of
Oliver and Sarah Hooper situated at the southern extremity of said town
and immediately opposite the Methodist Church with the lot of land on
which said dwelling is erected, containing about two acres with
improvements, Sold the same to Kilby B. Fletcher with Josiah Carroll
and Charles W. Carroll as his sureties. Total price was $1310 with $50
[Although Willoughby acquired both parts of the lot by 1845, it is unclear whether both parts were sold to Kilby Fletcher in 1855 as part of the circuit court action since only one earlier deed was cited. I have checked all the Willoughy, Fletcher, and Davis transactions and can not find the north part of this lot mentioned. Thus it was likely included as part of the 1855 sale. Oliver Hooper also retained part of the title to this property until 1858.]
1850 Census
possibly Dwelling #1231, the household of William Willoughby
[south part] 2 WJ 595 - 7 January 1845 - Henry Hooper & Kitturah Hooper, his wife, to William Willoughby for $75: lot which was left by Levin Marshall to Elizabeth Ann Walker (formerly Elizabeth Ann Marshall). Said lot was originally laid off from a tract of land called "New Market" in the town of New Market. Beginning at a bounded stone standing by the side of the swamp road and adjoining said tract of land called "New Market" and from thence runs S 74 E 23 1/2 perches, then N 16 E 5 perches to a stone, then N 74 W 25 perches to the said swamp road, then binding therewith to the place of beginning. Containing 3/4 of an acre. Kitturah Hooper also referred to as Catherine Hooper.
[north part] 1 EPL 92 - 26 April 1842 - Robert Walker & Elizabeth Ann Walker, his wife, to William Willoughby for $700: lot in village of East New Market. Beginning at a stone standing at the end of the third course of a deed from the said Robert Walker and Elizabeth Ann Walker, his wife, to William Hooper Junior, dated 29 March 1842, thence running with said third course toward S 73 E 27 4/5 perches, thence S 16 W 8 perches to the end of the second course of a deed from said Walker & wife to Henry Hooper, thence with the third course of said deed N 74 W 25 perches to the county road, thence with the road to the place of beginning. Containing 1 3/8 acre. Also 11 acres called "Marshall's Chance" just north of ENM.
[south part] 1 EPL 43 - 26 April 1842 - Robert Walker & Elizabeth Ann Walker, his wife, to Henry Hooper for $100: lot which was left by Levin Marshall, deceased, to the said Elizabeth Ann Walker (formerly Ann Marshall). Said lot was originally laid off from a tract of land called "New Market" in the town of East New Market. The part thereof now to be conveyed - beginning at a bounded stone standing by the side of the swamp road and adjoining said tract of land called "New Market" and from thence runs S 74 E 23 1/2 perches, then N 16 E 5 perches to a stone, then N 74 W 25 perches to the said swamp road, then binding therewith to the place of beginning. Containing 3/4 of an acre.
[both parts + 3rd lot to north] 7 ER 314 - 9 April 1832 - Thomas Hooper & Ann, his wife respectfully request a Commission for the land of Levin Marshall: Levin Marshall died in 1822, possessed of real estate and left the following children as heirs: (1) Sarah M. Marshall who intermarried with John H. Barrow, but who is since dead and leaves a daughter named Sarah Elizabeth, and (2) your petitioner who intermarried with your other petitioner. Therefore prays for a commission to value the land. The court appoints John H. Barrow guardian to Sarah Elizabeth Barrow, who is under the age of 21. Land that is part of "Grove", "Marshalls Chance" and a lot in New Market are valued. I have laid down a lot in the village of New Market purchased by the said Marshall from Daniel Sulivane and find it to contain three acres. Beginning at at stone on the east side of the road leading from the village to John Stephen's near a house belonging to William McKeene and from thence runs according to certificate S75E 23p to another stone, thence S16W 21 1/2p to a ditch bank, thence N87.5W 16p to another stone by the edge of the road then with first stone for No 1. Valued at $690 with the improvements thereon. The lot in New Market is allotted to Ann Hooper.
[both parts + 3rd lot to north] 3 ER 20 - 23 March 1814 - Thomas Ennalls Esq, Sheriff of Dorchester County to Levin Marshall Esq for $216.24 at public auction: On 12 October 1807, a decree that the Sheriff of Dorchester County to sell the estate of James Sulivane, late of Dorchester County, Yeoman. Regarding a certain debt of 1570 pounds and 17 shillings which Sarah Hooper, executrix of Samuel Hooper lately in the court of Dorchester County recovered against James Sulivane as also the quantity of 630 pounds of tobacco. The sheriff took in execution of debt and damages, that tract of land of the said James Sulivane called "New Market" and to sell it a public sale to the highest bidder on 20 October 1807. With no bidders, the said Thomas Ennalls Esq, has taken the lands and tenements called "New Market" in his custody. On 15 November 1813 the property was sold at auction. Beginning at a marked post standing on the SW corner of Jonathan Bunnell's Shop and thence running with the said Bunnell's lot S 75 E 27 1/2 perches to the E end thereof, thence S 17 W 18 1/2 perches to a post thence N 74 W 23 perches to John Stevens new road thence with the same N 2 E 17 1/4 perches to a post and thence by a straight line to the place of beginning. Containing 3 acres.