Key date analysis:
The price paid for the property in 1842 is consistent with the price of a vacant lot. In 1852 William Hooper was taxed for a house and lot at this location. He also appears to have been living here during the 1850 Census. On the 1877 map, two adjoining structures appear on this lot. In 1903 the property sold for $800. In 1919 it sold for $2700. And in 1923 it sold for $4100. The substantial price increase from 1903 to 1923 would indicate that the house was substantially rebuilt during this time period. The new construction may have incorporated part of one or both structures appearing on the 1877 map. The house as it appears on the 1922 map does not match the configuration on the 1877 map, but does match its current formation.
Who built it:
William Hooper likely built the original house shortly after he purchased the property in 1842. J. Mitchell Reid probably reconstructed the original house around 1909. He may have incorporated parts of the original house. Around 1920, Paul Willis likely further expanded the house and added the final touches.
Longest Residents:
Sue E. Creighton likely lived here 49 years. The Hooper(Marshall) family owned the property for about 89 years.
More Research:
Dendrochronology could establish the construction date of various sections of the house.
Historic Records:
459 MLB 620 - 24 August 2001 - Michael T. Shiflet & Joyce Lee Shiflet to James P. Shelkett & Karen M. Shelkett for $80,000: Lot on the east side of Main Street in East New Market being bounded on the north by the property now or formerly belonging to Josephine H. Stephens, on the east by property now or formerly belonging to George Hicks, on the south by property now or formerly belonging to Minnie R. Hooper, and on the west by Main Street. Containing 1 acre of land as described in a deed from Mr. & Mrs. James L. Reid to Paul L. Willis dated 13 September 1919 in 7 WHM 656. Being the same property conveyed unto grantors by deed from George W. Creighton and Jefferson P. Creighton dated 19 December 1975 in 192 PLC 620.
192 PLC 620 - 19 December 1975 - George W. Creighton and Jefferson P. Creighton to Michael T. Shiflet & Joyce Lee Shiflet, his wife, for $5: lot which was conveyed unto Sue E. Creighton by Paul L. Willis & Ada Hicks Willis, his wife, by deed dated 31 December 1923 in 14 JFD 57. Lot on the east side of Main Street in the town of East New Market, bounded as follows: On the north by the home property of Josephine H. Stephens (formerly the Sarah Leckie property), on the east by the George Hicks property, on the south by the property of Minnie R. Hooper, and on the west by Main Street. Containing 1 acre of land as described in a deed from Mr. & Mrs. James L. Reid to Paul L. Willis dated 13 September 1919 in 7 WHM 656. Being the same property conveyed unto the said George W. Creighton and Jefferson P. Creighton by deed dated 5 October 1973 in 181 PLC 730.
181 PLC 730 - 5 October 1973 - Whereas Sue E. Creighton died on 8 October 1972, leaving a Last Will and Testament now admitted to probate recorded in 7 MCL 272; and whereas George W. Creighton and Jefferson P. Creighton, as personal representatives were granted the administration of the estate; and George W. Creighton and Jefferson P. Creighton are the sole beneficiaries, these presents are executed for $5: [as described in 192 PLC 620].
1930 Census
Dwelling #50, household of Sue Creighton, public school teacher
14 JFD 57 - 31 December 1923 - Paul L. Willis & Ada Hicks Willis, his wife, to Sue E. Creighton for $4100: [as described in 192 PLC 620]. Being the same lot which was conveyed unto the said Paul L. Willis by James L. Reid and wife by deed dated 13 September 1919 in 7 WHM 656.
1920 Census
possibly dwelling #61, household of Paul L. Willis, hardware merchant
7 WHM 656 - 13 September 1919 - James L. Reid & Lois B. Reid, his wife, to Paul L. Willis for $2700: [as described in 192 PLC 620]. The land was devised to the said James L. Reid by his father J. Mitchell Reid in the Will records 2 RPS 85 and was conveyed to the said J. Mitchell Reid by Thomas D. Hooper and wife by deed dated 30 June 1903 in 28 CL 309.
2 RPS 85 - 10 December 1916 / 16 December 1916 - Will of J. Mitchell
...Item: I give devise and bequeath unto my wife Kate B. Reid the
property where I now reside, and all of the furniture in said dwelling
situated in East New Market, Maryland, her life time, and then to go to
my son, James Lewis Reid,...
1910 Census
28 CL 309 - 30 June 1903 - Thomas D. Hooper & Lula Norris Hooper, his wife, both of New York City, to J. Mitchell Reed for $800: All that lot with the buildings and improvements thereon in the town of East New Market. Bounded on the north by Mrs. Sarah Leckie's property, and on the east by George Hicks' property, and on the south by Thomas D. Hooper's lot, and on the west by the Main Street. Containing 1 acre. Being the same property conveyed by William Hooper, deceased, by his last Will and Testament unto William R. Hooper.
1900 Census
1896-1910 Tax Record
Thomas D. Hooper
1896 - property in ENM, the Old Homestead of Wm R. Hooper $800
The M.S. Fletcher lot adjoining above $700
Carriage shop adjoining C.C. Rawlings $500
26 April 1907 - reduced by "Old Homestead" to J.M. Reid
reduced by carriage shop to Howard Willoughby
J.M. Reid
26 April 1907 - Property in ENM, the Old Homestead of Wm R. Hooper from
Thos. D. Hooper.
1896 Tax
Thos. D. Hooper
Property in East New Market, the old homestead of W.R. Hooper $800
The M.S. Fletcher lot adjoining the above $700
Carriage shop adjoining C.C. Rawlings $500
19 CL 761 - 27 January 1896 - William R. Hooper & Elizabeth D. Hooper, his wife, of Baltimore, to Thomas D. Hooper of New York City for $1000: Lot with improvements in the town of East New Market. Beginning at the main street and bounded on the north block by Mrs. Sarah Leckie property, and on the east by George Hicks property, and south by Thomas D. Hooper lot and west by the main street of the town of East New Market to the beginning. Containing 1 acre. Same being the property willed by William Hooper Sr. to William R. Hooper.
East New Market Cemetery - 10 April 1881 - William Hooper, age 74.
1880 Census - Dwelling #28, the household of William R. Hooper
1876 Tax Record1870 Census - Dwelling #340, the household of William R. Hooper
1867-1876 Tax Record
William Hooper
1867 - House & Lot $1200
1867 - Shop & Lot $300
1866 Tax
William Hooper
House & lot $1200, shop & lot $300, private securities bonds $400, 1
bureau $10, Total $1910
1860 Census - Dwelling #746, the household of William Hooper
1852-1864 Tax Record
William Hooper
house & lot $600
1850 Census - Dwelling #1234, the household of William Hooper
18 ER 609 - 29 March 1842 - Robert Walker & Elizabeth Ann Walker, his wife, to William Hooper Junior for $145.37: lot in the village of East New Market. Being a part of the lot which the said Elizabeth Ann Walker inherited from the estate of Levin Marshall, her father, and being part of a tract called "New Market". Beginning at a stone on the East side of the county road and commonly called Bunnell's boundary, and from thence runs S 75 E 3/8? perches to a post or stone, thence S 1? W 5 1/2 perches, thence N 73 W 27 4/5 perches to the county road, thence with said road N 3 perches to a stone, thence by a straight line to the place of beginning. Containing 54 square perches of land.
[see 2 Linkwood Road for information about the other 2 lots owned by Levin Marshall.]
[3 lots] 7 ER 314 - 9 April 1832 - Thomas Hooper & Ann, his wife respectfully request a Commission for the land of Levin Marshall: Levin Marshall died in 1822, possessed of real estate and left the following children as heirs: (1) Sarah M. Marshall who intermarried with John H. Barrow, but who is since dead and leaves a daughter named Sarah Elizabeth, and (2) your petitioner who intermarried with your other petitioner. Therefore prays for a commission to value the land. The court appoints John H. Barrow guardian to Sarah Elizabeth Barrow, who is under the age of 21. Land that is part of "Grove", "Marshalls Chance" and a lot in New Market are valued. I have laid down a lot in the village of New Market purchased by the said Marshall from Daniel Sulivane and find it to contain three acres. Beginning at at stone on the east side of the road leading from the village to John Stephen's near a house belonging to William McKeene and from thence runs according to certificate S75E 23p to another stone, thence S16W 21 1/2p to a ditch bank, thence N87.5W 16p to another stone by the edge of the road then with first stone for No 1. Valued at $690 with the improvements thereon. The lot in New Market is allotted to Ann Hooper.
[3 lots] 3 ER 20 - 23 March 1814 - Thomas Ennalls Esq, Sheriff of Dorchester County to Levin Marshall Esq for $216.24 at public auction: On 12 October 1807, a decree that the Sheriff of Dorchester County to sell the estate of James Sulivane, late of Dorchester County, Yeoman. Regarding a certain debt of 1570 pounds and 17 shillings which Sarah Hooper, executrix of Samuel Hooper lately in the court of Dorchester County recovered against James Sulivane as also the quantity of 630 pounds of tobacco. The sheriff took in execution of debt and damages, that tract of land of the said James Sulivane called "New Market" and to sell it a public sale to the highest bidder on 20 October 1807. With no bidders, the said Thomas Ennalls Esq, has taken the lands and tenements called "New Market" in his custody. On 15 November 1813 the property was sold at auction. Beginning at a marked post standing on the SW corner of Jonathan Bunnells Shop and thence running with the said Bunnells lot S 75 E 27 1/2 perches to the E end thereof, thence S 17 W 18 1/2 perches to a post thence N 74 W 23 perches to John Stevens new road thence with the same N 2 E 17 1/4 perches to a post and thence by a straight line to the place of beginning. Containing 3 acres.