East New Market

Property Reports

35 Main Street

William Hooper's Store

(Also known as Tucker & Smith, Hooper Shoe Store, Daniel Robinson Shoe Store)

Key date analysis:

In 1851, Mary Bramble began to sell pieces of the lot she owned at the southeast corner of Main Street and Railroad Avenue.  She sold a small parcel to Daniel & Henrietta Robinson in 1851.  Daniel Robinson began running a Shoe Shop from this location shortly thereafter.  In 1863, the Robinsons sold the shop to Wesley Tucker and Henry Smith, who traded under the name "Tucker & Smith".  A year later Tucker and Smith sold the store to William R. Hooper.  William R. Hooper was a shoe maker. 

Edward Hooper sold the lot to Susan J. Wales, owner of the Chesadale Hotel on the lot to the north.  Susan J. Wales leased the store to J. Millenson & Son.  J. Millenson & Son carried a stock of dry goods, clothing, dresses, suits, coats, boots, and shoes, and a large general line.  It burned to the ground in the 1914 fire.  By the late 1920s, a new structure was built and used for auto repair and later a gas station.  The structure was later converted to a restaurant and bar.  The property is now known as Johnny's Tavern.

Who built it:

Daniel Robinson likely built the original Store around 1952.  Edward Phillips built the current structure in the late 1920s.

Longest Residents:

The Hooper family owned this property for 58 years.  Julian Richardson owned it for 37 years.

More Research:

Hope to hear more from Neil Frampton's interviews with long time residents.

Historic Records:

173 PLC 115 - 9 March 1972 - Charles C. Powell to John S. Warner & Margaret A. Warner, his wife, for $5:  lot in the town of East New Market on the east side of Main Street, bounded on the north by the property of the Masonic Lodge, on the east by the property now or formerly owned by Dorsey & Mary Webster, and on the south by the property of the Choptank Distributing Company, Inc.  Beginning on the eastward side of Main Street distant 66 feet from the southeastward corner of said Main Street and Railroad Avenue, and from thence runs and binds S73/40E 158.6f with the northward side of an alley 12 foot in width to a stone, thence S15/10W 62.25f to a stone, thence S89W 165.3f to the eastward side of Main Street, thence running and binding with said Main Street N16/10E 105.25f to the place of beginning.  Saving and excepting land conveyed unto the Choptank Distributing Company, Inc. by deed dated 15 October 1964 in 140 PLC 112, subject to an easement granted unto J. Edward Powell on 31 January 1968 in 154 PLC 527.  Being part of the land conveyed unto the said Charles C. Powell by deed dated 6 November 1963 in 136 PLC 15.

136 PLC 15 - 6 November 1963 - Charles E. Edmondson, Assignee, to Charles C. Powell for $4600:  Whereas in a mortgage from George W. Weber Jr. & Ann B. Weber, his wife, unto Charles C. Powell dated 28 September 1962 in 127 PLC 1, which mortgage was assigned to Charles E. Edmondson for the purpose of foreclosure and collection in Court Case 9446 Chancery.  Lot in the town of East New Market on the eastward side of Main Street and bounded on the North by the property of the Masonic Lodge, on the East by the property of Darcy & Mary Webster, and on the South by the property of Iva Collins.  Beginning on the East side of Main Street, distant 66 feet from the southeastward corner of said Main Street and Railroad Avenue, and from thence runs S73/40E 158.6f with the northward side of an alley 12f in width to a stone, thence S15/10W 62.25f to a stone, thence S89W 165.3f to the eastward side of Main Street, thence running with said Main Street N16/10E 105.25f to the place of beginning.  Also includes one 18f service bar, 9 bar stools, 2-3 basin sinks, gas hot water heater, 10f soda fountain 8 hole- 6 dispenser, 5 digit National Cash Register, 5 foot candy case, 5f 2 door dairy case, and such other personal property located in the building.  Being the same land conveyed unto George W. Weber Jr. by deed from Minnie L. Mowbray, unmarried, and Marguerita E. Kelley, unmarried, dated 28 September 1962 in 129 PLC 534.

129 PLC 534 - 28 September 1962 - Minnie L. Mowbray and Marguerite E. Kelley, both single, to George W. Weber Jr. for $3000:  Also sold personal property for $1000.  [Described in 136 PLC 15].  Being the same property conveyed to Minnie L. Mowbray and Marguerite E. Kelley by Julian M. Richardson 7 Frieda Richardson, his wife, by deed dated 8 December 1959 in 117 PLC 217.

117 PLC 217 - 8 December 1959 - Julian M. Richardson & Frieda Richardson, his wife, to Minnie L. Mowbray and Marguerite E. Kelley for $5:  [Described in 136 PLC 15].  Same property conveyed to Julian M. Richardson by Edward S. Phillips & wife by deed dated 2 January 1922 in 11 JFD 170.

11 JFD 170 - 2 January 1922 - Edward S. Phillips & Mary V. Phillips, his wife, and the Eastern Shore Trust Company to Julian M. Richardson for $5:  Whereas Edward S. Phillips & Mary V. Phillips, his wife, executed a mortgage to the Eastern Shore Trust Company dated 27 August 1921 in 11 WHM 154.  Lot in East New Market.  Beginning on the eastward side of Main Street distant 66 feet from the southeastward corner of said Main Street and Railroad Avenue, from thence runs and binds S73/40E 158f with the northward of a alley 12 feet in width to a stone, thence S15/10W 62.25f to a stone, S89W 165.3f to the eastward side of Main Street, thence running with Main Street N16/10E 105.25 to the place of beginning.  Being the same land which is designated as "Lot number 1" in a deed to the said Edward S. Phillips from Minnie R. Hooper & husband, dated 14 June 1921 in 10 WHM 373.

11 WHM 154 - 27 August 1921 - Mortgage - Edward S. Phillips & Mary V. Phillips, his wife, owing to the Eastern Shore Trust Company for $6000, which has been paid unto Frederick H. Fletcher and J. Richard Jones, assignees of Mortgage:  A lot in Cambridge and a lot in East New Market.  Beginning on the eastward side of Main Street distant 66 feet from the southeastward corner of said Main Street and Railroad Avenue, from thence runs and binds S73/40E 158f with the northward of a alley 12 feet in width to a stone, thence S15/10W 62.25f to a stone, S89W 165.3f to the eastward side of Main Street, thence running with Main Street N16/10E 105.25 to the place of beginning.

10 WHM 373 - 14 June 1921 - Minnie R. Hooper & Edward L. Hooper, her husband, to Edward S. Phillips for $5:  Lot Number 1.  Beginning on the eastward side of Main Street distant 66 feet from the southeastward corner of said Main Street and Railroad Avenue, from thence runs and binds S73/40E 158f with the northward of a alley 12 feet in width to a stone, thence S15/10W 62.25f to a stone, S89W 165.3f to the eastward side of Main Street, thence running with Main Street N16/10E 105.25 to the place of beginning.  The above described lot is composed, in part, of the three following pieces of land conveyed by Susan J. Wales by the following deed from the grantors therein named as follows (a) from Edward L. Hooper & Minnie R. Hooper, his wife, dated 10 May 1889 in 12 CL 594; (b) from the said Edward L. Hooper & Minnie R. Hooper, his wife, dated 9 May 1893 in 17 CL 403, and (c) from John Gould Francis Leckie & Blanche H. Leckie, his wife, dated 8 December 1902 in 27 CL 337.  Said lots were devised unto the said Minnie R. Hooper, wife of the said Edward L. Hooper, by the last will and testament of her mother, Susan J. Wales in 2 RPS 89, reserving however to the East New Market Realty Company, the easement over an alley described in a deed dated 25 May 1915 in 9 WLR 39.

1896-1910 Tax Record
Mrs. Susan J. Wales
Store House & lot $1000

1896 Tax Record
Mrs. Susan J. Wales
Store house & lot $1000

17 CL 403 - 8 May 1893 - Edward L. Hooper & Minnie Hooper to Susan J. Wales for $1:  Lot in the town of East New Market on the Main Street and adjoining the lands of the heirs of J.Q. Leckie on the south, and Susan J. Wales on the north and east and facing said Main Street on the west.  Containing 784 square feet.  Being the same land conveyed to Edward L. Hooper by Wm R. Hooper & wife on 2 January 1891.

17 CL 403 - 2 January 1891 - William R. Hooper & Elizabeth Hooper, his wife, to Edward L. Hooper, his son, for $75:  Lot in the town of East New Market on Main Street adjoining the lands of J.Q. Leckie on the south and Susan J. Wales on the north and east and facing said Main Street on the west.  Containing 784 square feet.  Being the same land conveyed to William Hooper by Wesley A. Tucker & wife in 5 FJH 288.

Baltimore Sun - 9 December 1887 - Fire at East New Market -
East New Market, Dorchester Co., Md, Dec 8. - A fire originated this morning about half-past four o'clock in the store of C.C. Hubbard, on Main Street, and quickly spread to the adjacent building, owned by W.R. Hooper and M.S. Fletcher, which were entirely destroyed.  The alarm was given by some parties who discovered the fire, and the citizens quickly responded and rendered timely aid in saving adjoining property.  Had the wind been blowing at even a moderate rate the entire business part of the town would have been consumed.  The seeming danger of the town was sufficient cause for serious apprehensions, as buckets were the only means to be employed to extinguish the flames, as there is no fire extinguishing apparatus belonging to the town.  The buildings owned by S.E. Collins and W.R. Sherman and the Bramble House narrowly escaped, and the feat performed in extinguishing the fire with such inadequate means was remarkable.  The storehouse where the fire originated was owned by Mrs. S.H. Leckie, and is valued at $900, insured for $610.  C.C. Hubbard places his loss on his stock of general merchandise at $2,000, insurance $1,500.  W.R. Hooper's loss will reach about $700, insurance $600.  M.S. Fletcher's loss is $800, uninsured.  It is generally conceded that the fire was of an incendiary origin.

1880 Census
Possibly dwelling #

1876 Tax Record
William Hooper Sr.
1 store house or shoe store ENM - $250

1870 Census

1867-1876 Tax Record
William Hooper
1867 - Shop & Lot $300

1866 Tax Record
William Hooper
shop & lot $300

5 FJH 288 - 8 January 1863 - Wesley A. Tucker & Rebecca J. Tucker, his wife, and Henry C. Smith & Pattie Smith, his wife, all of Baltimore City, to William Hooper for $300:  Lot in the town of East New Market on the Main Steet.  Containing 784 square feet.  Being the same lot which was conveyed to Daniel Robinson by Mary Bramble by deed bearing date 14 October 1856 in 3 FJH 592 and which was conveyed by Daniel Robinson & Henrietta E. Robinson, his wife, to the said Wesley A. Tucker and Henry C. Smith by deed bearing date 18 June 1862 in 5 FJH 209.

5 FJH 209 - 18 June 1862 - Daniel Robinson & Henrietta E. Robinson, his wife, of Caroline County, to Wesley A. Tucker and Henry C. Smith, trading under the name Tucker & Smith, for $400:  Lot in the town of East New Market on the Main Street containing  784 square feet.  Being the same parcel which was conveyed to the said Daniel Robinson by Mary Bramble by deed dated 14 October 1856 in 3 FJH 592

1860 Census

1852-1864 Tax Record
William Hooper
1863 land from Tucker & Smith $400
Tucker & Smith
of Baltimore
1863 House & Lot in New Market from D. Robinson $400
1863 by land sold to W. Hooper
Daniel Robinson
1857 Store House & Lot in New Market $400
1863 by house & lot to Tucker & Smith $400

3 FJH 592 - 14 October 1851 - Mary Bramble to Daniel Robinson for $56: lot in the town of East New Market adjoining the premises of John L. Willis (occupied as a store house) and the main street of said town. Beginning at the northwesterly corner of said John L. Willis lot and thence running with said main street 28 feet, and thence running back from said main street 28 feet, thence running parallel 28 feet to the intersection of the said John L. Willis lot in the same to the beginning. Containing 784 square feet of land, together with all and singular the buildings, improvements, & appurtenances thereon belonging.

Cambridge Chronicle - 13 September 1845 - To Rent -
For the ensuing year the well known Tavern Stand in East New Market as present in the occupancy of Mr. D. Robertson. For terms apply to W.C. Huffington, Big Mills, Dorchester County, Md.

1850 Census
Dwelling #

Marriage - 18 March 1817 - Jeremiah Bramble to Mary King

3 ER 355 - 23 March 1814 - Mary King, orphan, by her guardian James Twilly, humbly sheweth that Mary King, deceased, died intestate since the 1st of January 1788, seized of certain tracts of land leaving the following hiers to wit, Sarah King, Amelia King, Elizabeth King, and Harriet King, daughters and heirs of Henry King, and Mary King, the petitioner, daughter & the heir of Edward King.  The petitioner prays for your honor to appoint a commission to divide the land.  The court have appointed James Twilley guardian to Mary King, and Amelia King guardian to Sarah King, Elizabeth King, Amelia King, and Harriet King, being infants under the age of twenty-one years.  The commission to divide the land appointed - Levin Marshall, Henry Haskins, Joseph Whitely, Thomas Ennalls, and Henry Hicks (of D.).  They took oath.  They divided part of a tract called "Anderton's Desire" that was laid off for Mary King, sister of Henry King in a commission granted Henry King in 1803 for 71 acres and in order to divided the same into 2 divisions equal in quantity and quality.  
Secondly, Laid off for Mary King, daughter and heir of Edward King the following lots, value of $1971.50.
Lot No. 2 - The yellow house lot in New Market. Beginning at an oak post marked TM at letter G on the plat and on the first line of the land sold Anderton by Rix and close to the East side of the main street and runs E 14 1/2 perches to the end of said first line, then N1W 7 1/2 perches to the main road that leads from Crothers Ferry to New Market then with said road N 75 W 11 perches & 6 feet to the main road from Cabin Creek to Cambridge and then with said road to the place of beginning. Containing 3/4 of an acre.

[When Mary King, sister of Henry King died, the land was given to their niece, Mary King.  She was the daughter of Henry King's brother Edward.]

20 HD 398 - 25 October 1802 - Commission Certificate to Joseph Ennalls, John Stevens, Joseph Whiteley, Edward Whiteley and William Ennalls, gentlemen. Henry King petitions the court that a certain John Anderton Mitchell died intestate and seized of lands in Dorchester County.  Your petitioner and a certain Mary King, sister of your petitioner, of full age, and a certain Mary King the only child and daughter of a certain Edward King, who was a brother of your petitioner and is now dead, are entitled to the said lands by inheritance as heirs at law and representatives of the said John Anderton Mitchell, deceased.   The Mary King, last aforesaid, is a minor. Your petitioner therefore prayed that the said court will appoint a commission to divide the lands. Notice was given to Betsy King who the court appointed as guardian of the said Mary King, who is a minor under the age of 21 years.  The Commission estimated the value of the land at 3618 pounds and divided it.
---For Mary King, sister of Henry King, land valued at 1206 pounds:  (2) Beginning at an old oak post marked TM at T on the plot and on the first line of the land that John Rix sold to John Anderton and close on the east side of the main street and there runs E 14 perches to a cedar post at the end of said first line of the land from Rix to Anderton as No. 1 at N on the plot, then N 1 W 7 1/2 perches to the main road that leads from Crotcher's Ferry to New Market, then bounded by said road N 75 W 11 perches and 6 feet to the main road that leads from Cabin Creek to Cambridge and then with said road to the place of beginning. Containing 3/4 acres & 3 square perches.

[Mary King, sister of Henry King was given the south east 3/4 acre of her brother's 50 acre lot]

25 Old 9 - 13 June 1771 - Francis Anderton, planter, to John Anderton, merchant, for 10 pounds and a tract called "Sandwich" in the forks of Cabin Creek's branches:  (3) Also part of a tract called "Buckland" and part of a tract called "Debate Enlarged", being the land granted by a certain John Rix to the aforesaid John Anderton, deceased. Beginning at the end of 6p in an E course drawn from a marked live oak standing in the edge of a swamp in the fork of Secretary's Creek, being the beginning tree of said John Anderton, deceased, his part of a tract called "Bath", then runs still E 32p, then N 172 1/2p, then E 3p, then N to the branch, then binding with the branch until it intersects a N course from the beginning. Containing 50 acres. John Anderton, deceased, is the father of said Francis Anderton.

11 Old 200 - 29 June 1743 - John Rix to John Anderton in consideration of 50 acres of land lying in the fork of Secretary's Creek being a part of a tract of land called "Westward" as by deed bearing equal date with there presents may more fully appear:  land being a part of "Buckland" and part of "Debate Enlarged". Beginning at the end of 6p in an east course drawn from a marked live oak standing in in the leg of a swamp in the fork of Secretarys Creek, being the beginning of said Andertons part of a tract Bath, then runs still East 32p, then N 172 1/2p, then E 3p, then N to the branch, then binding with the branch until it intersects a north course from the beginning. Containing 50 acres.